The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
The Daily Roxette discussions forum has been closed. The forum is only available as a read-only archive. .:. my new website

5 replies

Dear Roxers,

please check out my almost finished website on

Please tell me, what you like about it and what I should improve. I have to admit: I’m not a website-crack, I just had this idea of virtual holiday in the web... i hope you like it and join.

Thanx heaps,

Nie idea!! Well done. Keep it updated!!!

Well then.... i’ll do that for sure *lol* thank you!

If someone of you has pictures in a gallery online, please leave me the link here and i’ll link it; Halmstad, Stockholm or other Rox-related would be perfect; but any other, too.

Very good!

coool... that really makes my day! it was a lot of work and finally you like it, so it pays off for me.

Hej friends,

I updated my website a lot with many new functions & pictures... I would love if you have a look on it and even more, if you registered ;-))

I’m still looking for your Halmstad/Sweden-Pictures!!!
Leave me a message here if you have some for me, then I give you an email adress with lots of space for your megabytes.

Greez, Peter


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