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So what political side are you leaning towards?

17 replies

I was thinking if people around here are involved in politics or not, I don’t mean actively, but if some of you take sides as far as politics goes.

I could consider myself a rather lefty person, so I’m lucky, because in my country, Spain, the Socialist Party is in rule (although I’m also very critical with somethings they do)

What about you??

Neither. Both the Republicans and the Democrats in the US are so corrupt, it’s not even funny.

Very left. I hate republicans, especially George Bush. I’d like to stick him in a room with Bin Laden and watch them beat each other to a pulp!

It’s just I’m so sick of this war in Iraq and even more sick of the Bush administration politicizing my sexual orientation! It’s so offensive that what gay and lesbian people do in their bedroom is more important than the War in Iraq, poverty, health care, and immigration.

I could go on and on, but you get the picture. I more than “lean left.” I AM far left as you can go and still live in the USA without being stalked and killed.

I’ve got no special political opinion.

When there are electings I vote for a very small party though, which wants Bavaria as a state of its own, not as a part of Germany any longer. In the end they can’t be worse than the big parties who rule now.

i havent voted all my life i probably never will

i always wondered, if u can vote why not vote ? ? ??

i don´t like any political side specially although if i have to choose, i feel more nearby left ones

I don’t like politics at all, here in spain they are all a big dissaster. We went from bad to something even worse, you can’t belive in them, in anything they say.
I guess you have to be the perfect liar to become the president of spain.The more lies you tell the more chances you have.

This is something that I’m not really interested, be it locally, UK, or worldwide. Don’t know why. I just never really listen or read to any of it

I wouldnt really classify myself as left or right wing, as it varies depending on the matter in hand. I would rather vote for a party that is fiscally conservative but socially liberal, but that doesnt really exist here.

I am interested in reading about politics (law changes mostly) but I haven’t voted for ages, nothing will change for little me/us anyway.

On one hand, I never find a party I’d like to vote, and honestly, to pick up the “least bad” of all the candidates, I prefer not to vote at all. Besides that, I cannot vote in Austria, and I won’t bother to vote in Spanish / Catalan elections via the Embassy...

Austria elects a new prime minister (Kanzler) Oct 1st, which is a big joke - and I thought nothing could be worse than Spanish politicians! ;)


Here in Argentina is the same.

Next year we have to elect a new president, and I have no idea about what candidate I will give my vote. I have to vote because here voting is abligatory from 18 years old.

Politicians are rubbish, every single of them. The only thing they want is power and money. Here, now, they want to modify the Constitution again to stay more time in power.

I am a tory supporter, always have been!

if you can votew why not vote...simple, i dont want to summarily endorse one person over another when i know neither is going to engage in any actions that I feel benefit me or my country. Yeah the argument comes in that well you didn’t vote so the worse of the 2 ended up in office. SO be it in the end very few politicians ever truly do whats right for the people

I hate to say it, but whats to stop leaders turning round and saying ’you didn’t vote, therefore you don’t deserve one, therefore you won’t have one’?

I actually think that it should be compulsory to vote like it is in Australia (and Argentina, as Debora said, although I didnt know it was there). Otherwise elections will never give an outcome that is a true representation of the peoples opinions. In some elections the turnout is ridiculous, and I do agree that people have little right to complain about the government if they dont even bother voting!

libertarian... with a lower-case L (not affiliated with the official party). You leave ME the hell alone, and I will leave YOU the hell alone. Capice?



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