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i want to my Mazarin

9 replies

i want to bay Mazarin album! i am from Romania should carry that and they probably also ship to Romania.

no, they not! has it for about 17 Euros plus:

PostageFee: €9 / $10
anywhere in the world!

So all in all it’ll be 26 Euros... which is very dear but I don’t know any other shops that ship to Romania. If not try eBay.

Edit: NOTICE! International shipping Outside European Community
Deduct -20% Swedish vat/tax of the price.

So if you buy it before 2007 it’s about 14 Euros plus shipping.

no thanks... i will buy from Canada, till ther Mazarin will be in my P.C., but not original.


So if you where buying from Canada, why start a topic?

Just try or
They all ship to Romania, trust me. 90% of my collection is bought from ebay and I live in Romania.

hai sa fim serios Mihnea....
o sa incerc.. dar am gasit un tip care mi-l da pentru 10 Euro.
mersi oricum

Cum adica sa fim seriosi? Eu chiar vorbeam serios.

please keep it english, even if you are from the same country.


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