For the mac users
RJ1976 said on September 20, 2006 10:16:
Anyone who can help me ? I have noticed that
when I delete songs in iTunes, with alt and backspace,
it says “remove to trash” ... I do that...
But then sometimes I still can find the tracks on my Apple :S
What am I doing wrong ? Wanna find all my mp3 ... And delete those I dont need :)
Please HELP!!
RJ1976 said on September 20, 2006 15:30:
Yea... but if iTunes move something to “trash” my
litterbox contains no files... Has itunes its own litterbox ?
pwbbounce (moderator) said on September 21, 2006 08:41:
It gives you two options - keep files or delete files. You need to select the delete files to get rid of them. It works on mine
RJ1976 said on September 21, 2006 16:13:
Anyway.. I love my iMac :) *L*
I’ve just noticed... it works now :) THX Guys !
roxtexanet said on September 24, 2006 03:33:
Don’t forget that if you drop the mp3 file somewhere on your computer (say, on your desktop) and then drag it into your open iTunes library (like I always do - does all the organizing for me!), iTunes copies the file to your “Music” directory without deleting the original. To get around this, I download the songs I want to my desktop, drag them into iTunes, wait for them to copy, then drag the original files from the desktop to the trash.
Anyway... it looks like you figured it out on your own (-:
rox-kuryliw said on September 20, 2006 11:34:
to get rid of them forever u have to mnake sure u empty trash with them in.