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The Cold!

15 replies

Soon be winter, the leaves are already starting to come from the trees near me ready for the autumn...

I love this time of the year....

Cold morning, cold evenings..... rain!

I only like spring at it’s start as than nature shows her beautiful autumncolours everywhere.

yea soon be winter, today was 25 degress and tomorrow is going to be 27 here

I do like the fall...Love the dark nights and the occasional rain. I’ve had hard times with the Finnish 27-34 Celsius degrees this summer...

I too like autumn (the fall),my favourite season to go out & reminise (call me soppy but thats me)

Mark I am the same, I love long walk through the leaves....

i did a car boot sunday morning and was up 4 in morning and they was frost on car to take off !!! made 100 ound though lol .

29+... here today. Where’s winter?! hmmm

Same here. Summer is back..

Nice day to get the washing dry..... still I wish it was raining, there would be less screaming outside!

yes is lovely in the sun, but when that sun goes in it starts to get ready chilly.

Oh Winter is finally here... rain for days... the leaves are now coming down from the trees... time to get my leaf blower out!

Can really feel the cold this past 24 hours.... the heating is on!

It’s been between 45 and 65F (7 - 18C) here with rain off and on the last few days.

It’s really cold this morning and windy... I just nearly blew away outside!

Did anyone else in the UK have that really bad storm this morning, jeez I’ve never seen thunder and lighting like that in my life.... it lasted ages as well!


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