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Coldplay's "Talk", does it sound like Per's music?

10 replies

when i first heard “talk” by Coldplay, i thought, “Roxette has airplay? with a b-side?” does it sound like “entering your heart” to anyone else? or is it another roxette song? it’s driving me crazy!

coldp[lays stuff sounds liek when you’re flushing a toilet pers doesn’t

Doesn’t sound like Per at all!

NO, it doesn’t sound like per’s music, but i like it.
@Pam: did you now that “talk” is based on a song by Kraftwerk?

Nopes.. doesn’t sound like Per’s music at all!!!!

i don’t like coldplay
and the sound is totally not per gessle sound

No, it doesn’t.
But I do like Coldplay :)

Just wanted to mention that I do love Coldplay as well!! And talk is a great song!!

It doesn’t remind me of Per’s music - but I am fond of them (Coldplay).

@ Superbullie
Whick Kraftwerk song is it based on?

I dont see the similarity but Talk is a fantastic song. Coldplay are good but i havent loved their recent albums as much as Parachutes

ermm no


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