Dance Passion
whateveriam said on July 13, 2006 19:01:
Anyone know where I could download the remixes on Dance Passion? I point blank refuse to pay £50 for any vinyl, Roxette or not. So, can anyone help? I don’t mind if they’re on a paysite, but I can’t find them anywhere.
It’ll be sods law, I’ll bet you, someone will tell me, I’ll download them and they’ll be on the RoxBox!
sandyam said on July 13, 2006 20:57:
The Dance Passion LP appears on tradera quite often, just for a few euros. So you absolutely don’t have to pay any ridiculous amounts to get hold of this item.
Claire said on July 14, 2006 08:07:
you can also pick it up on cd, iv had it for about 9 years on cd and i didnt pay that much for it i dont think.
sandyam said on July 14, 2006 11:28:
You should indeed also be able to find the cd for a small price.
whateveriam said on July 14, 2006 20:43:
CD, where? I thought it was only vinyl... but I am clearly wrong. I’ve probably just not looked hard enough, but any sites I can get it off (the CD)?
LLBB said on July 13, 2006 19:58:
You can download it here:
This is a russian site.