Analyze my dreams plz
TinyBubbles said on June 4, 2006 19:28:
I keep dreaming about snakes. What does that mean?
My dreams aren’t about snakes. They are my normal dreams but snakes keep making a guest appearance.
Untill lastnite.. i dreamt i was lying on the lawn and i was falling asleep and a snake sunk his jaw into my side. Still gives me the chills just thinking about it. But up to untill that dream, all the dreams i had before were not about the snake. (always the same snake) The snake just appeared in my other dreams, not doing anything. Nobody commenting on it being there. Its only when i recall the dreams during the day when i thing yeah well that was strange for a snake to be there.
I’ve been having these snake dreams for weeks now..
TinyBubbles said on June 4, 2006 22:00:
Eh, sure.. ^o) And when i find one i will forward it to you Ana :P
Someone said something on msn tonight .. that it could mean a death in the family.. or more likely it means i have an enemy..a friend is stabbing me in the back.. yikes.
Not that i believe in any of this stuff..but i’ve always found it interesting.
Santi said on June 4, 2006 22:15:
Well, as far as I know, dreams have some relation with your life, but from there to predicting the future there is a long way...
TinyBubbles said on June 4, 2006 22:28:
Maybe the snake wanted to bite me and now it has done that finally lastnite.. so maybe i’m rid of it now LOL.
Thanks for the links Kachina.. considering what has happened in my life of late i’d say some of those things make sense. I’m not too bothered by it.. i just got curious. I’ve never had dreams like these. Always the same god damn snake appearing in my dreams..haha i read in one of those articles you shud ask the snake what it It wanted to bite me and now it got it out of its system.
Unless it wants to strangle me tonight..
Bah.. now i’m gonna dream about the snake after talking about it so much :P
Santi said on June 4, 2006 22:45:
LOL, ok, probably in dreams snakes can even talk! :P
Ask her why do I hate them so much... please... I’ve never dreamt of a talking one! :D
TinyBubbles said on June 5, 2006 16:34:
Last nite Santi i dreamt about your beloved Katherine racing..and on her racing car was my beloved snake. Painted on the car i mean. Weird :S
Atleast i didn’t get strangled :D
chippy205 said on June 19, 2006 01:01:
snakes therefore starts with letter “S” and if you will put these snakes inside the cage, it will look like this: $$$
see... it means a GOOD LUCK with your money.
*just a prediction* take good care of your money, dont buy things that you really dont need.. ;) save them in the bank as i’ve said.. put them on a cage.
xuxa said on June 4, 2006 21:53:
mmmmmmmmm maybe that means that u would looooooooove to have a snake?? !!