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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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29 replies

Hej hej,

would really really like to know what Per and Marie thinks about the Eurovision song contest!? And if they have watched it!? Also I would like to know if Marie likes Carola’s “Evighet / Invincible”!?

That would be very interesting for me at the moment!!!

Per hates ESC and doesn’t watch it. Good thinking I would have to say.

Shame on you Per, you could learn a thing or two ;)

Of course Per hate it, after all his songs failed there.

That was GOOD, Igor!!! Hahaha...LOL


Looking at the crap that makes it to the contest, I would think that it is a positive point if your song is not making it to this contest.
Maybe it is actually a good song then...

I remember reading an interview with Per where they were comparing Rox and Abba, and Per said something like “At least we were never on the Eurovision song contest.”

Yes Sparvogamarie, it´s true.
Go on supporting Roxette.

If Rox ever had anything to do with ESC (god forbid) then it would make them even more un-cool then they already are. Can you imagine it?!?!?!

Yes, I was thinking about the same, Paul :DDD

At least in Spain, being an Eurovision fan is the freakiest someone can get! A rox fan is freak enough, imagine combining both, LOL :D

Sorry if this sounds dumb, but what songs did Per have in the Eurovision song contest that failed?

Right now I can tell only “För dina bruna ögons skull”, but I remember there were 3 Roxette related songs on ESC. Have to find them.

3 Roxette related songs on ESC?! Now I´m getting curious!!

hey can you watch Eurovision someway in Australia and USA?

I didn’t watch any local Eurovision contest. You don’t need to do that to know about artists and songs are in contest.

For now I found only 2 songs:

1980: Lasse Lindbom “För dina bruna ögons skull” - 10th place (The last!)
1986: Lena Philipsson “Kärleken är evig” - 2nd place (Almost won)

Probably 3rd song has relation to Marie (or maybe Mats), but not Per.

@ThePopHits: Yeah we get the semifinal and the final show here in OZ.

You’re getting more of it in Us and Australia than we do in Italy then - they’re not showing it nor participating since 1997, and even if I was born in 1981 I don’t remember ever having heard about it in Italy - I actually first heard of it on some international mailing list!

Strange... how different it is in different countries.

Here in Sweden, the Eurovision is very big. Ofcourse, there’s not many people who admits that they look at it, but still it has millions of viewers every year. Every week, since we have 4 semifinals, one “second chance”, where the songs placed 3-4 in the 4 semifinals gets a second chance to qualify to the finals, and then, there is the big national final. And the tickets for both the semifinals and final, plus dress rehersals sells just as fast as the GT25 tickets did in 2004.
So... In sweden, the Eurovision is a big deal. And even if not everyone likes it, everyone has a strong opinion about it and many of the songs that take place in the contest gets a lot of radio airplay afterwards.

At the same time I would guess no one would miss it if it was cancelled.

Santi 5/27/2006 13:41

Yes, I was thinking about the same, Paul :DDD

At least in Spain, being an Eurovision fan is the freakiest someone can get! A rox fan is freak enough, imagine combining both, LOL :D


Santi, I actually know a couple of these hybrids - and I happen to be inlove with one too! However I must add I’ll RATHER watch EEC than ANY sort of sport or racing shows!!!!

Speak of the devil-my mum came in just now when I was playing Chances, and asked if it was a Eurovision song... Oh dear. Per’s not gonna like that one.

Anyway, didn’t Roxette play there the ESC the last time Sweden won? I swear I saw them then... So, why would they play if Per hates it so much?

Finally, for anyone who doesn’t like Eurovision, I can only suggest this-it is by far the best out of all the ones I’ve read (and tried!)

Roxette played at the Swedish take out contest in 2001. Only to promote their new single, The Centre of the heart. Many people watch that show, so, many people will hear their song. Per has said that he´ll never ever will take part of that contest. Which made the young, swedish Rox(mazarin and gå och fiska, to be honest)-fans very sad. That was quite fun. :)

Per doesn´t like “Big Brother” either. But, Roxette played on Big Brother in at least two countries. Not because they like it, but to promote.

Music is business, maybe too much business.

And to say that the swedish contest sells out as fast as the GT tour did is not completely true. This year they had trouble selling out most of the contests.

And, the super-mega-best in the world-star, Carola just sold about 1500 tickets to her last show.

The swedes likes the tv show, not the artists. And if not the big newspapers would have written like 5-8 pages every day during the month the contest takes place, half of the viewers would have dissapered.

if he really hates it,why did he send in a song to it a couple of years ago?


OK, that was a bit harsh. But where else are over 2 billion people gonna hear your song...? At the same time.

Per wrote a song for melodifestivalen a couple of years ago?? What?

Don´t believe everything Aftonbladet writes.,2789,542481,00.html This was absolutley not true.

But you maybe have other sources? What was the name of the song? Which artist did he write the song to?

As you can read in that article, Gessle has written two songs for the contest, 1980 and 1986.

He wrote the song “Högt upp i det blå”, but the jury didn’t choose it to participate in the contest... some artist sang it later, think it was sven ingvars or some other group in that style...

Is that article true he also thinks the contest is better now...

Who knows? I mean Morrissey said he wanted to do it at one point, and anything is possible...

MP Persson’s songs took part in the Finnish finals in 2004(?). Good god his compositions sucked! I was so embarrassed when Roxette was mentioned in the introductions!


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