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Back To School.

23 replies

I think someone has post the topic before, but I’ve been trying to “dig” the topic until the page 11 but I couldn’t find it (Or, maybe I wasn’t not looking hard enough?)

Anyway, I was just wondering if there’s anyone here that has plan to back to school?

I’ve been interested in movie making and plan to study about that in college. I actually already have bachelor degree in Communication, but I’m not interested to get higher degree for that.
Before that, at first I will go to take english class to help me later in the school. I’m a bit nervous (and scared!) Wish me luck!

I’m back in school. I’m attending the Utah College of Massage Therapy.

Good luck Maj! And to anyone else going back to school.

I couldn’t make myself study now even if I would get million $ for that! :D Well, the exeption is learning languages...

I went back to school ten years after finishing college, to take a battery of night courses at a local university. It was just great, being able to ask challenging (and politely phrased) questions to the idiot tenured professors there, academic types who had never lived in the real world. They were all (except for the math teachers) completely clueless about real life.

I look at it this way:

After being out of school for 2 years, I stand to make almost as much money as I was after 5 years of driving bus.


I went back to school 2 1/2 years ago and I’m heading towards graduating now - I’m already busily researching for literature for my thesis. I have a diploma as a clerk but never got happy so I decided to study information science to become a librarian. Fortunately I’m in the lucky situation that my family support me - morally and with some money. I think it was the best decision I could make, though it is sometimes tough to study all the time and not to have the money I used to have while working. But the end of the studies is near and I’m lucky about it (I won’t bother you with the things that went wrong at our uni...).

School? School a life is best teather,but these days we need more information,i think.Wolrd is going faster and moore teknik.

Good luck to all of you!

I might take an english class first early June, the good thing is free...

Ouk: Yeah, but the little piece of paper that says I am LICENSED to be a Massage Therapist opens soooooo many more doors.

If the French government would dedicate to public schooling all of the resources it presently flushes down the bottomless maw of its socialist programs, France would in time feature far more educated, productive citizens than it does destructive, parasite rioters demanding alms-for-life from the French government. Education is the key to individual responsibility and independence. It’s too bad that Europe has abandoned this concept... it merely makes Europe depend on the rest of the world for its own livelihood. Nothing makes one more mean-spirited and angrily impotent than having to depend upon someone else.

some people in some counrties kill for education, and some never get any or allowed to for some horrid reason. Im just making most of it, even if its costing me a fortune to go to collage again. Only one life that we remember so use it well i say :-)

Oldag75 how the hell do u know what happens in eu, you live very far away, its like me saying how africans live.

I completed my course through the Open University a couple of weeks ago I took the exam and I am waiting on the results!

What I was planning on doing after the course I ain’t now, and am looking at studying something else!

I’ve really enjoyed studying again!

u go then ally :-D , good for u.

Passed my Reflexology Final

Passed CPR / First Aid practicum for my National Certification. Now to either wait until Monday to find out written, OR go dig up Kory’s phone #.

That’s great, Spooky. Good luck ;)

I’m still have to get a green card before I start my course :P

Thanks Maj. Good luck to you too hun.

I know I have Professional Development on the 16th and Anatomy coming up as well.

So I have survived my first quarter of school. I currently am on the Honour Roll for 100% attendance and am carrying a 3.26 GPA.

Tonight, during Advanced Massage Therapy (this is where we learn different “tools” and how to also work areas that most folks don’t think about gettng a massage), I’d received a pretty good compliment from both the instructor and TA (Teaching Assistant).

Both were impressed with the level of focus I had on my client (eyes not wandering around, etc) and Taylor’s comment was:
“Watching you tonight was very emotional. You had such great focus, it was intense.”

So I’m happy. I want to do well in this, not for the money, but so I can help others. I’d received a massage once before, a couple of years back, and I can’t tell you how much it affected me. It really allowed me the “decompress” time from the stress I was under. And with school, it’s been nice not to have my shoulder act up as often as it had in the past.

So, that’s the latest and greatest from school. Anyone else?

*proud of da spooks!!* :D

Thank you, thank you, thank you :o)

I’ll start with english class probably next week. Still need to learn more about it so I won’t be left out when I go to school oneday.

Maj: You wanna know an irony about “English” class? You never learn “American Slang” O_O

lol! that’s true ;)

I didn’t mention it but I got an 89% on my OU course.... I was rather pleased with that!


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