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Hej då Tradera!

3 replies

Ebay has bought I knew this would have happened sooner or later.... and are going to coexist for now but I don’t think it’s gonna last long... it’s all about monopoly isn’t it?

I think so as well. That’s how Ibazar ended once upon a time. I don’t think it will take long until Tradera are raising their prices to Ebay levels.. and sooner or later Tradera will dissapear and become 100%. Sad, but true! :-(

is anybody using at all? I never really found anything there, so maybe that could be a reason for keeping tradera.. we’ll see

@Jud: No, not many people are using But many people DID use Ibazar before Ebay got them. So I fear Tradera will end up the same. This time, however, I think they might be more successful since after all is in Swedish now (was only in English when Ibazar went down the drain).


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