Visiting Halmstad
Chaghi said on April 23, 2006 17:47:
I’ll be in Sweden for a couple of weeks in May. I already have train tickets to go to Halmstad (from Göteborg). I’ll be there a few hours (I’m arriving in the morning, and leaving on the evening), so I’m looking for some advice as to how get the most from that litle time.
I think going to the old Tits&Ass studio is *a must*, but I don’t know how to get there. hasn’t been verey useful so far for that matter :(
It would be nice to get to Tylösand too, but I’m afraid it’s too far from downtown, so I’d better spend the time visiting some other places... but I might be *totally* wrong here. And I don’t know of any other interesting places there other than the Tits&Ass studio and Tylösand. Hopefully someone can provide me some hints.
Please, could any of you give me some advice or hints? I’d really like to enjoy and get the most of the litle time I’ll be there.
Chaghi said on April 23, 2006 18:18:
Vixzter, that’s interesting! I didn’t know that. And do you know how long it does take to get there by bus? Does the buses run all day?
Anyway, even if it’s sort of difficult, I’d really like to get to T&A. I know I’ll blame myself afterwards if I don’t get there.
Vixzter said on April 23, 2006 18:37:
Tylosand from centre of Halmstad by bus is about 20mins ride, possibly a little longer, its about 15km but the bus stops everywhere. i think theres atleast 2 buses that go there, sorry can’t remember the numbers of them but they go in different directions and stop at different places. (one takes longer than the other) ;-)
only know this from personal experience in Halmstad ;-)
last time i was there we had the car so it was easier to get about.
Vixzter said on April 23, 2006 18:40:
can’t remember what bus to get to go towards T&A, maybe someone whos been recently will pop up and help you.
2004 was the last time i was in Halmstad and they change buses and stuff all the time.
Chaghi said on April 24, 2006 09:53:
Thanks Vixzter! You’ve been very helpful. Don’t worry about bus numbers... I guess those can be easly found at the turist office or something.
To me the most important thing is to know in advance what I want (and can) do given the little time I have. So it was helpful to know that Tylösand is not that far after all!
How much time do you (or anyone else...) think I need to spend there (at Tylösand), to see the hotel, and do some sightseeing at the beach?
Maybe anyone else can provide more hints on getting to the old T&A, or any other interesting places at Halmstad?
Vixzter said on April 24, 2006 15:53:
If you don’t do anything else a visit to Tylosand beach and the hotel would be well worth it!
I’ve spent a fair few hours just sat on that beach watching the world go by. :-)
Chaghi said on April 25, 2006 00:46:
The thing is that I arrive to Halmstad at 9.00, and I must take a train to Köbenhavn at 18.00. So I have 8hs at the most, to do everything.
So far, “everything” would be visiting the old T&A ant take some pictures there, and going to Tylösand, visit the hotel and do some sightseeing.
Does it make sense? What do you think? Would it be better to go to Tylösand in the morning, or at the afternoon?
xarrrr said on April 26, 2006 15:55:
the buss to Tylosand is number 10 :P
*been there way too many times now.....*
klair said on April 26, 2006 21:22:
I think it is better to visit Tylösand than T&A as there isn’t really much to see. The hotel is better because you can look at all the artwork & visit Leifs Lounge to admire all the roxette junk on the walls :)
Theres that little open air museum thingy (I couldn’t tell you how to get there by bus though)...I dunno...there isn’t that much there except for lots of pretty scenery that you can just lie around and chill out on a sunny day.
And the beach.
And Pers house.
And of couse many Roxette fans have visited the toilets in McDonalds!!! haha :) They are not that pretty though..... ;)
Chaghi said on April 26, 2006 23:33:
@klair: thanks a lot for the info!
As regards T&A not being so interesting, yes, I suppose it’s the way it is. I suppose that I even might get dissapointed once I got there... specially because it is not used any more, so I suppose it could have lost part of that “magic” that it had when it was “the” T&A studio (and Roxette was on the... mmmhhh... how man say that... limelight?).
On the other hand... I wanted to visit Sweden for many things, not *only* because of Roxette. But as regards Halmstad, I’m going specially because its Roxette background. That’s why I think that I need to go to T&A anyway, and at least take the traditional picture to be able to say “yes, I was there”. If I don’t do that (or at least try to do that...) I know I’ll always wonder how it would have been.
Anyway, from your experience and vixter’s, it seems iI should spend most of the time at Tylösand. So I’ll do that.
Maybe it’s better to go to T&A in the morning... what do you guys think? Just take a bus and spend 1 or 2 hours to get that done, and then have the rest of the time free to go to Tylösand.
per_mson said on April 27, 2006 07:17:
I don’t want to spoil things here, but I think it might be a bit tight for you to visit both Tylösand, the old T&A studio AND do sightseeing in the city. The three things are not exactly next to each other. :-/ With a car you could easily have done it, but if you should rely on the busses I am not that sure anymore.
But if we don’t think so negative anymore you could continue with bus 10 to Gullbrandstorp. Here you have 10-15 mins walk to the old studio approx. It is not so easy to describe how you should walk, but it should be direction Halmstad. You will arrive from the west with the bus and you have to walk direction south. You can at least follow the big road all the time and when you are outside of the village you will hopefully soon see the building. No idea if this will help you. I have never gone there by bus, but by car.
Chaghi said on April 27, 2006 09:31:
@per_mson: thank you very much!
One question. You wrote:
“... you could continue with bus 10 to Gullbrandstorp...” What do you mean by “continue” ? Should I go to Tylösand first, and “continue” to T&A later? Is T&A furter from the city, in the same direction as Tylösand?
Given all the opinions you people gave me, my plan was to try to go to T&A first, and spend as little time as possible there. Then Tylösand. BTW, how much time do you think I need to spend at the hotel, Leif Lounge and stuff???
If things go well, I can be at the city again at say, 16.00, and spend the last two hours walking arround the city.
per_mson said on April 27, 2006 17:49:
@chagi: I checked the time tables again and I think you can forget what I said before. Bus 10 is only going further to Gullbrandstorp either really early in the morning (at 4 am something) and late in the afternoon (from 4 pm). There is, however, a bus 11 that is going all the way from Halmstad city to Gullbrandstorp, but that one is not going via Tylösand (which is closer btw). It is only going every hour, so that can be a bit stupid for you to get back again. :-(
So all in all I think there will be a problem for you to get to the studio without taking a taxi (which of course is NOT cheap).
Sorry I couldn’t help you more! :-/
If you have more questions about busses and stuff, then just ask though!!
Chaghi said on April 28, 2006 00:09:
Ok... so now I’m starting to get convinced that it is no use to be in such a hurry and/or spend an extra amount of money just to get a couple of photographs.
Besides, I believe (from comments here and elsewere) that the new owners of the old T&A building are not that happy with us fans messing around (which I understand).
So all in all, I think I’m going to just look around the town, and of course go to Tylösand.
@per_mson (or anyone alse who happens to know...) : I’m still wondering how many hours do I need to do a “proper” visit to Tylösand (hotel and beach).
BTW: Thank you very much to all of you for being so patient and take the time to share your experiences!!!
Vixzter said on April 28, 2006 06:01:
If you want to walk the entire beach then i suggest a couple of hours ;-)
the hotel itself, the most intresting part is the lobby and liefs lounge, after all its only a hotel and what else is there except rooms ;-)
Chaghi said on April 28, 2006 14:59:
Would I be able to visit the lobby and (specially) Leif Lounge even if I’m not staying at the hotel? I know that this question might sound stupid after all the comments we exchanged :p but now that I thought of that, I wonder how “open” is the hotel for visitors that just want to take a look...
And given the fact that I almost dropped T&A altogether to have time to do other things, what else do you suggest? I’ll be about 8 hours at Halmstad... and Tylösand will get just 3 or 4 hours at the most.
per_mson said on April 28, 2006 19:54:
Well, I don’t know how much time you should use for the hotel, but 3-4 hours definitaly sounds like a lot. The lobby you’ve seen in 5 minutes (there is, however, a small shop in there where they sometimes have some merchandise and signed records (no clue about now though)) and Leifs Lounge (which usually is open at daytime as well) you look through in 15-20 mins. If you want to sit down for a drink or something of course you can stay as long as you want.
But if you are there anyway I would of course suggest a walk on the beach. Looks quite nice there.
There are not really any specific sights in Halmstad. But it does look nice at some parts so it is definitely worth a walk through! :-)
Chaghi said on April 28, 2006 22:52:
Vixzter & per_mson: Thank you VERY much! You’ve been very helpful, really. I really appreciate all the patience and time you’ve taken to answer all my questions.
Ok, so now I have a pretty concrete idea of what to expect and what to do there. Visiting T&A is not 100% discarded, but almost. I’ll see how it turns out once I got there.
per_mson said on April 29, 2006 15:15:
No problem! My pleasure! :-)
I wish you all the best in my old home town!! :-)
ally77 said on May 1, 2006 07:55:
Well Per gave me great advice when we went last year, although we never did get to T&A mainly because it was raining so bad... but if you are going I would recommend not missing Hotel Tylosand and the bar... it would be a shame to miss that! :)
Vixzter said on April 23, 2006 18:08:
Getting to Tylosand is probbaly easier than the old T&A studio cos the buses stop right outside Tylosand Hotel