Opening Dance
Speedo said on March 27, 2006 14:37:
My sister is getting married next year and now she’s looking for the perfect opening dance.
I’ve already thought of some, but I would like to help her and maybe give her some more options to choose from.
Do you have some suggestions?
ROXIROX1998 said on April 5, 2006 23:44:
I think the big opening song, for now, is:
***** FROM THIS MOMENT...*****
by Shania Twain (i’m sure that one was on your list) but, in case not...
eBay said on April 6, 2006 07:36:
Yes, From this Moment by Shania may be one of the best wedding songs ever, but the only problem with that song is, it has reached the stage that too many people used it for their weddings and now it’s not unique anymore..
I would say, the best song would be a song they have in common, a song that connects the two of them.. Do they have a song which is ’their song’?
Speedo said on April 6, 2006 17:40:
From This Moment is a cool song, that wasn’t on my list yet, so thank you! :))
I also told my sister and she was pleased with the suggestion, so thanks again!
Speedo said on April 6, 2006 17:59:
Sorry! :)))))))
What would you suggest?
I was think of These Arms Are Open All Night, from the latest Bon Jovi album. Love that song!
Now, all I need, is someone to marry me! :))
ROXIROX1998 said on April 7, 2006 03:25:
If i may, i would like to suggest another song; this one is one of my personal favorite, it’s call “a hymn to love” (it’s basically the english version of l’Hymne a l’amour d’Édith Piaf), i only know the english version from Corey Hart but the lyrics of this song I think tell it all...
eBay said on April 7, 2006 07:12:
What about ’I was so lucky’ by, uhm, what was the bands name?? .... hmm.. oh yeah, Roxette! lol ;-)
ally77 said on April 7, 2006 07:15:
My auntie had that crappy Whitney one..... the one where I just cringe when I hear it!
tuvou said on April 5, 2006 03:17:
As much as I love helping others, I really can’t help you with this one. I don’t even know any dance moves! (Isn’t that embarrasing!) But hey hope someone will help you help your sister. Best of luck!