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8 Glasses of water a day

19 replies

I cant!!!!!! I mean i cannn, but thennn i’ll have to buy a tent and camp out in the bathroom for like forever...gotta go to the loo again..brb..

What are the health benefits exactly anyways?? I think havin to run to the loo every 5 mins increases your chances of getting in infection or so.. which is not good i guess.. gotta go again ..

I drink more than 8 glasses of water a day at work, mainly because it gives me an excuse to go fill up and dissappear to the loo for that extra break! :) I don’t drink much water at home... I should but normally I don’t like tea water, but now I am off for a bit I am trying to drink 3 / 4 big glasses throughout the day!

In my opinion, 8 glasses is EXTREME.

Drink as much water as you feel. If you can’t make 8, fine.

The trouble with the medical profession (dieticians, et al) is what they recommend for one person, could very well kill someone else.

And the sad thing is, the human populace is dumb enough to believe them. After all, they ARE doctors, right? No. That’s why it’s referred to as PRACTICING medicine. Haven’t perfected it yet yall.

Tibs: If you want to attempt 8 glasses / day, have at it. If you can’t do it, don’t. Depending on what’s going on, I drink less / more than the “recommended daily intake” of water. If I’m drinking more than the recommended amount, it’s because I have a 54oz mug that I fill, and I don’t drink 8 of those, I drink 3 - 4 / day, which exeeds the recommended oz.

Well, I’m not sure so much water is all that good. Because you gotta take into account incontinence as well, and that’s not healthy. And for what doctors say, I don’t take it all so seriously. Science is not absolute truth, it’s “truth knowing as much as we know now”.
And when my health is at stake I am kind of conservative. What if they discover next that there’s something wrong with whatever treatment. Just remember that 1 century ago mercury was very good for constipation (now they say a single drop can poison 90000 litres of water...) and a decade ago fluoride was in about every toothpaste (now it’s a dangerously toxic substance and suspected of being carcinogenic). I mean, it happens in every science that new discoveries bring old knowledge down, but in everything related to health science everyone should be aware of breakthru diets, methods and substances...

@LS: So... Does the fact that Spaniards for “having sex” they actually say “practising sex” mean that we have obviously not mastered it yet? :P

I argue about this thing with my hubbie alot. I wanted him to drink 8 glass of water per day but he prefer to drink some kind of vitamin water. He said that it’s even got more vitamin than water. I don’t know which one are true :)

No problem for me, I drink 2 liters or more on a normal day!

We definitely require fresh water every day, and “forcing” yourself to drink a reasonable amount.... say, maybe four glasses... over the course of the day is beneficial. It’s important to remember that lack of thirst often does not mean that you don’t need to replenish your fluid level. Often times, feeling sluggish/sleepy (or even hungry!) can actually mean that you just need a fresh dose of water.

But I do laugh at what my long-gone grandparents would say about all this bottled water now – paying MONEY for water in a plastic bottle! My grandmother, today, would insist upon obtaining a single plastic bottle, and re-filling it at the kitchen sink tap to have available when feeling thirsty. She would correctly say that any idiot would know to do just that, and save the money.

Santi: But of course! One should ALWAYS practice that activity ;o)

Yeah I don’t think 8 glasses is best... I think providing people get some water its better than nothing!

I’ll drink till i’m not thirsty anymore.

Technically speaking it’s NOT 8 glasses of water; you should devide your weight by 10 and that would give you the amount of glasses (250ml each) of water your body requires per day! T

Haha i also fill up the bottle at the kitchen tap hehe ;)

Gawd Purps why you had to go and get all technical?!?

I dont force myself to drink that much water nono. I LIKE my water. With a slice of lemon :D
I can drink lots more than the recommended 8 glasses if it wasn’t for the litre of juice and the litre of milk and not to mention the *cough* coke. I need lots of fluids. I think. Well i’m always thirsty.
The problem with water is it falls right thru me. Which is ANNOYING.

I wonder if animals stand at the waterhole and drink * loads of water and go “mmm, i wonder if that’s my 8 glasses of water yet..?”

[EDIT] used a swear word again. My apologies.

Purp: “Nutritionists” in the US tell us 8 glasses water / day, and using like a 6 or 8 oz cup / glass as the guide.

But like I said, I’ve been known to drink more / less depending on what’s happening in my day. Doesn’t bother me in the least.

Oooh... and there are some places where you don’t DARE to drink the tap water.

Magna, Utah is one of them. It’s not that the water is “bad”, it just contains an abundance of like iron / copper and a few other minerals. It has a wonderful metallic taste to it, so most people buy / drink bottled.

they are also co7unting the consumtion of fruits and other things that have water in that total, I have to say when i was in college i carried a bottle of water with me all the time and it made me feell alot better, hydration is awesome, the best is when you get hydrated by IV in the hospital lol

I have to laugh at Alfie when he drinks water... he stands there for around 4 minutes drinking a full bowl... he doesn’t stop for breath!

Coy - that’s a VERY good tip actually carrying a bottle of water with you... I never leave the house without a bottle of water!

Ally - that sounds like my Bailey-boy! Aw he’s such a precious soul!!

Well, I’m working lately on water and I’ve been reading a bit on this as a curiosity.
As I thought, there is no strong scientific evidence to support this recommendation, it’s not anything more than another urban myth with little basis.
The first thing that looks weird to me on this is that it seems like it’s a universal recommendation, when it’s easily visible that people is very different from one another. How can it be that Michael Jordan, such a tall guy, needs the same amount of water as a smurf like me, for example?
On the other hand, it doesn’t say anything about where you live. I guess that living in Greece or Norway should make a difference on the amount of water you need to drink. Make it Arizona versus Seattle for American, do you think you’d need the same?
You can have a look at a rather readable (mostly) scientific paper who reviews this issue in here: Abstract:
Full Article:
(It’s free, don’t worry) You’ll learn here even about the harmful effects of drinking too much (yes, there may be).

Of course water is vital, but it should be remembered that all drink (including alcoholic drinks) are mainly water and that food is also an important source of water.
As far as I know, one should drink whenever they’re thirsty. It makes no sense to say that “once you are thirsty is too late”. “Biological alarms” are meant to work on average individuals, because otherwise they would have been evolutively selected against. So thirst is an “alarm” and works just fine, if it didn’t it would be just as illogical as the situation TinyBubbles was talking about, the animals would have to be worrying all the time about that.

I swear Purple he’ll just drown in that water bowl one day!

I sometimes add a little fruit juice to it, makes it more drinkable..


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