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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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18 replies

well, then just make new account ;) I changed my nick before.

2 questions:

How do I change my nickname on this forum?

How did you come up with your own nickname?

1. Let the mod answer that

2. I mix Marie’s name, Majsan and my own name Miedy.

I simply chose my fav and most used website’s name. :-)

i chose my favorite bit from one of my favorite songs.........does something stand out to you in one of your favorite roxette songs?

From my fav song.... I change the last word “ed” with “er”.

My first name with the initial of my last name. Pretty boring i know... i don’t have a knack for picking witty screen names :(

I just took a nickname some friends gave to me, cause I´m a firebrigade member. That reminded them of the little dragon.

My nickname is my real name... I think I’m not creative.

to change nickname please mail [email protected]

Well Alison, made into ally which I never get called... with my year of birth on the end!

Ive been told I cant change my nickname - the only way to do it is to create a new account - so i guess im stuck with my name....*cry*

I didn’t think you could change your name..... I remember someone asking once before...

What is wrong with yer name? i like it!

as much as i love my name - its not quite the same as being able to hide beind a really cool nickname!!!!

I took my nickname from the Olympic Games “Citius, Altius, Fortius” that means “Faster, Higher, Stronger” ´cause strenght is what i want, and stronger is what i need to become. I´m a powerful girl ;)

I’d change my nick to Brinjal..

i want to change mine to XANADU !!!


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