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Self Harming...

22 replies

because i know how easy it is to start a flame war here.

It’s scary how people do this cut themselves and such like... I’m watching a programme on BBC2 about a prison on Manchester....

The state of one girls arms who did it...

SOmeone real close to me does it aswell... and she started getting tatoo’s to cover the years of scars; rather FREAKY if you ask me!

But then again... the ammount of shit that person’s been through is jaw-dropping!!

i saw some of that thing on BBC 2 aswell. 2 of the people i work with were/still are self-harmers. i’ve come soooo close to cutting myself too sometimes. its scary...

Someone that used to be the closest person to me for many years suffered from this as well. It was difficult to watch this person doing this to him/her -self as there was nothing I was able to do to help. It is shocking to witness such things.

Take a look at the film “Secretary” for a portrayal of a mentally-fouled-up young woman whose sole appreciation of life derives from pain. Alone, she inflicts pain upon herself, cuts and burns and so forth; in a relationship, she wants the other to make her experience hurt, physically and emotionally.

Life is not meant to be a pain-seeking venture; life is meant for the pursuit of happiness without harm to others. The motivation for one to seek pain as “happiness” is incredibly perverse and destructive... leading to real questions as to what motivated that desire – what sort of horrible childhood development did this person experience? Or, what is physically, pathologically wrong with that brain, for it to seek harm/pain to the body in which it exists?

Personally, I don’t like pain. Like Lucy said in the comic strip Peanuts, “pain hurts.”

Ehm Oldag you are far off the mark on this one. What you describe is masochism, and is not equivalent to the pathology of “cutters”. People respond to emotional pain in different ways. Cutters inflict pain on themselves hoping to deflect the emotional pain to a physical one, which it more easily handled than emotional pain.

and yes, I have thought about doing it too.

i dont really know what to say, with out insulting what would very likely be hundreds of millions of people on this forum. (ok slight exageration...:P)

zaine: why?

I used to do it. Infact i did it yesterday. C’monn..people who selfharm are not freaks. I can understand how the mere thought might disgust people, but unless you are in that mindframe you couldn’t possibly understand what it is all about. Nor do i care to explain.
Some of you probably smoke when you get stressed/depressed or drink yourselves into ablivian or use drugs. We all have different ways of dealing with the stresses of life.

..just felt the need to blow off some steam. Kinda feel like i had to stand up for people who self harm. Cuz atleast i know where they are coming from.

In a way I suppose I do self harm myself but not in the cutting way..... but until what TB said then I didn’t really think about it...

I suppose a lot of people self harm in other ways, whether it be smoking, drugs etc...

sometimes you have to wonder tho if constantly publicizing and talking about this crap makes it more of a problem than it is.......I mean bulemia and anorexia used to be very small problems in america, then with the advent of womens magazines and the like the stuff has skyrocketed....i know alot of them are social disorderes but still, somethings things wouldn’t be as bad as they are if they were just left be

Perhaps so...

I used to be a cutter- recently stopped- so i can say with clarity that it is not freaky, but a genuine problem people who suffer from manic disorders and bi-polar or just depression suffer from, whatever the problem the cutter does it to inflict pain to wash away pain to justify others’ pain...the list goes on and you do not have to understand it but you do have to help them.

hey roxie!!!! how u doin’ girly girl??

Coy: I don’t know. Perhaps it is just a case of, “Hey, someone else out there in the world is going through what I am... and I’m not alone.”

maybe it’s normal,maybe we all do it in some ways and levels..but exactly WAY and LEVEL make it normal or not..

cutting,anorexia..unfortunatelly i have seen people from here doing it..
espesially when such person start thinking ,that doing such painful things to herself, gives her the right to harm anyone around her..

Emil__BG, will you not go ’personal’?

Euh... I’m an ex-anorexic (I hope that of “ex” :s). There are boys who self-harm themselves as well, Emil...

Anorexia is an incredibly complicated disorder. You think you get over it but it seems to always be lurking around the corner some how :( I feel for you man.

Anorexia is a really bad disorder as are some other eating disorders out there, there always seems to be a lot of support though for people who are Anorexic.....


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