Why not a new electronic Marie album?
PolicarpoAroca said on February 8, 2006 18:03:
Well, a lot of discussion about a Roxette come back has taken place here...and everyone seem to be sure about that. I´m not so sure...
So, if Per is going to spend the most of 2006 promoting SOAP around Europe -don´t think this will happen in any other countries, just Europe- why don´t encourage Marie to launch a brand new album?
And if this happen, PLEASE MARIE, add to your classical Bolyos-Fredriksson sound a more electronic sound...it could sound fresh and new for all of us. Personally, I love I en tid som var and The Change, but I want something more...something different like you did in Den Standiga Resan.
What do you think about this?
P.D. I have thought it better: nothing will change in Marie/Per/Roxette sound unless they risk to produce their albums with any external producers...
Majdy said on February 9, 2006 00:18:
I like her style just the way it is. But it would be great to hear something new from her, or Roxette :)
Txiqui said on February 9, 2006 07:51:
i hate electronic music, so if marie does it i wouldn’t buy it. I like her own style, she doesn’t need any computer behind making noises, or to be nº1 at the dance floor charts, she’s good as she is, so no need to change.
purplemedusa said on February 9, 2006 09:35:
So people are so closed minded...! Can’t we simply just support our favourite artists without putting boundries on their creativity? Jesus!!
abysmo said on February 9, 2006 13:12:
Marie´s music is conservative. I really love her dark and melancholy music like I en tid som var, Mellan sommar och host, Det regrar igen, Mother, Bad Moon, Herren ber for dig, Mild varm var and others. Hope her new album will be in swedish and will be dark.
But electronic influence on new Roxette album is good idea. With production of mr. Monell and mr. Illbert. I like fresh sound of HAND and I like strong melodies. Opportunity Nox and Little Miss Sorrow are the way they could make their new album. Strong melody, great guitar riffs and modern and dynamic sound, simply great fresh pop tune. The same with Little Miss Sorrow, this one is a pearl, the most Gessle-ish song ever. “Cos every little thing has changed today...”. Best song ever. 13 Little Miss Sorrow in one album.
This spring new Marie´s dark and melancholy album and next year spring new Roxette fresh and melodic album.
pwbbounce (moderator) said on February 9, 2006 13:39:
gotta agree with Purps. Maybe, just maybe, Marie doesn’t want to record an “electronic” album. If Marie does another solo album, it’ll probably be in the same style as we’re used to.
PolicarpoAroca said on February 9, 2006 13:57:
Perhaps I didn´t explain myself correctly...I was just talking about some electronic sounds among other classical Marie Fredriksson sounds (keyboards, guitars of course...). I don´t want an impersonal and cold album, but I strongly think that electronic nowadays it is a good tool to make the albums contemporary without losing quality.
And with Roxette...well, it is clear that since HAND, but also since You don´t understand me, Per has been using electronic elements more than ever (although Joyride was a magical piece of electronic work made by Andersson at the begining of 90´s, adding power to each song). Each song in Room Service has its own component of electronic arrangements.
But if you ask me about the possible New Roxette album, well, it could be fantastic to have a fresh sound, but at the same time, and having in mind that it could be the last Rox album, why not a mature, different, more guitar-oriented album? A great masterpiece...some will argue that this option won´t be Roxette...but hey, some have discussed that SOAP is not Per...
We´ll see what happens.
PD. ¡TXIQUIII!!!! So great to hear from you!!!! Best regards from MADRID.
Grasi said on February 9, 2006 17:16:
It´s not her style, probably she never will do this(thank god!). She didn´t even like the Roxette remixes!...
But maybe you can be satisfied with the new “Son of a plumber” techno-remixes....
RobS said on February 10, 2006 22:44:
hehe yeah it must be just you ;)
yes, the Almighty mixes are great.
Sparvogamarie said on February 11, 2006 10:09:
I don’t think Poli meant she wants a techno album, I think she meant something a bit more like “Den Där Novemberdan” with the electronic sounds in the music...is that what you mean Poli? In that case I agree, DSR was a damn good album.
bunny2 said on February 11, 2006 13:14:
I agree with you Sparvogamarie... ;-) DSR was such a GREAT album !!!!
Jud (moderator) said on February 11, 2006 14:13:
Poli is a he :)
And I would have never ever considered DSR as “electronic” :S Marie has always used keyboards in her albums.. IETSV is another good example for it, great guitars and great keyboards/piano (and fantastic voice ;)) - I doubt she’ll change that :)
Sparvogamarie said on February 12, 2006 04:10:
I think everyone got stuck on the word “electronic” and thought Poli meant electronica...no DSR is not electronica, but songs like Novemberdan and Vem tror du att du är had a great electronic sound, while DSR was acoustic guitar, Till Sist just piano. DSR rocked because it had lots of styles that fit together perfectly, not just the music but also the attitude. You hear non Marie fans say all the time DSR was depressing, but it so wasn’t. There were some sad songs, but also happy, angry etc. The Change has a lot of styles but they kinda clashed IMO.
I thought that demo CD that came out a few years ago was pretty cool, she had some great stuff on there and it didn’t sound like it came from 1950! Please Marie come back to 2006!
Sparvogamarie said on February 12, 2006 04:13:
PS. Ally I also love the Stars video you’re not the only one!!! It’s moronic, but funny.
Jud (moderator) said on February 12, 2006 11:19:
I still don’t think the sounds in DSR are electronic (I take electronic like in Depeche Mode?), but simply Marie’s way of making music which combines guitars and a touch of jazzy-sounding mix of keyboards, but ok, if you think of DM, then it might be all the same.. but then she also added this in IETSV and The Change.. so in the end she should just make what she has been doing all the way :D
and if you mean some Madonna or Kylie sound, then no thank you..
rox-kuryliw said on February 12, 2006 11:30:
i love to see marie work with ’shooting star’ on her own.
PolicarpoAroca said on February 13, 2006 09:48:
Thanks Jud for clarify my sex...hehee.
And yes, DSR was a very good album. And my topic was about that: how to make an album close to that, more optimistic, but fresh. Obviosly, DSR is not an electronic album, but it has certain electronic components in it (more programming in the final structure of the songs), and I think this make the songs special and in a way, misterious.
And I en tind som var doesn´t sound the same, althoug is a good one too.
Thanks everyone who participate in this topic.
frisso said on February 8, 2006 21:40:
please no electronic sound! there are already to much bands with that sound.