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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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100-årsfesten - today

8 replies

Today Sun of a Plumber is participating at Norge 100-årsfesten.
Anyone knows, what TV chanel (and when) broadcasts it?

Noone interested in?
Per seems to play LIVE today and no info, where can we watch for it!

The show is going to be broadcasted tomorrow at 19:30 on TV2...

They showed a short 20 second clip on the news from the event, the part where the king entered the room. Nothing of Per’s performance was shown today. All recorders and TV set for 19:30 - 21:00 tomorrow.

Gessle was the first artist to perform at the party. The song that where played was Jo-Anna. I believe it was playback. Great performance anyway.

They have Web TV but I think it is not for free, you have to pay for it if you want too see something!

Pics from the performance is here ;)

I think the show will be in their web-tv, but that costs money. One can be one weeks pass for web-tv for 30 NOK -

The newspaper Afenposten has a pic of Gessle. Just follow the link:


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