Spending my time (AC mix)
Locorox said on September 14, 2005 00:04:
Aqui encontraran un adelanto, pronto la version completa
Tider12_ said on September 15, 2005 11:02:
y la version completa????? por favor, la puedes subir??? es k llevo muxo tiempo buscando esa cancion, la he escuchado muxas veces en kiss fm. me encanta cuando chilla Marie, aghhh!! jajajaja
Gracias por adelantado!!
Ingo said on September 21, 2005 10:23:
Sorry I don’t understand Spanish, so maybe it was asked before but does somebody could upload the complete version of that great AC Mix or tell me where I already can download it? Thank you.
Rox-Van said on September 22, 2005 02:00:
Hola, locorox! gracias por enviarnos la dire a nuestro mail, y por registrarte en nuestro foro una vez más :D nos estamos leyendo ahi, y cuenta con nosotros.
Marieangel said on September 14, 2005 03:47:
the SMT AC version comes in the SMT USA Promo CD!!So,what’s the interesting to upload it?