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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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The Cardigans

10 replies

a new CD later this year. I hope it sounds like “Gran Tourismo”. That sound was fantastic.

Another one to add to the watch list! :)

You like Gran Tourismo, ally?

I have tried with all my might to get into the Cardys and for the life of me just can’t. Bought their albums up to GT........cos all my Uni m8s were into them. But to date only Erase/Rewind sticks with me....but that song is amazing. The duet with Tom Jones was good, Burning Down The House (and all those knickers gathered on tour too!)

the only song thye’ve ever recorded worth anything if for what its worth, but that sound liek soemthing fleetwood mac would have done so thats why i like it so much

The new single, “I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to be Nicer” is fantastic! I didn’t care much for the Cardigans before “LGBD” but that album was brilliant. I hope the new one keeps the “earthy” sound of that album, too...

Their song-writer is a genius and Nina Persson is very talented. Did you like her solo called A Camp?

@aprilsnow: There are people who dislike things, you know, even knowing them... I don’t like The Cardigans either, and I’ve heard them. I dislike Nina Persson’s voice. It’s boring to me. For tastes, the colours... (I love Paganini and several Operas, that you may find boring to death...)

By the way, isn’t it funny they had a CD named “The first band on the moon”? Is that a reference to Roxette?

yes @ aprilsnow.....I have tried with all my might and wish I could appreciate them more, but out of personal taste I just don’t think they’re for me. Thanks 4 recommendations......will try again:-)

Totally love their Album long gone before daylight!! So much, it happened to be in my discman when I came across this article here just now!

They even went so far in 1994 to say that “it’s a shame that these are the only swedish musicians that americans know about. Sweden has a great music industry, but it’s all being ignored because so many people here are under the impression that Sweden only makes pop-parody-like songs, and they don’t want a decent music group to come here from sweden and disturb that perception”.


Did one of Cardigans member say this? OMG!!! It´s so funny to hear this from a band that 10 years ago topped the charts and became a phenomenal success with songs such as: Lovefool & Carnival.

Was she/he drunk in that interview?


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