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Marie Rumour

65 replies

Oh that’s just...that’s just evil. I mean really, it’s as bad as Expressen’s fake breast cancer. People are friggin sick.

I don’t believe it but I do wonder, if something like that really was happening, would the fans be informed or would we find out after she was gone?

Accordning to some members on the Flashback Forum ( ) is Marie at the hospital, and is about to leave us... Does anyone knows anything about this?? One of them has a “reliable source” that is saying that they are recording a documentary right now “Marie´s last days”.


No clue.

’Reliable Source’ is a load of crap, never believe anything unless it is from the management or Per & Marie. Remember the reliable source about the breast cancer.

Oh my gooooooooood!!!!!!!! Hope it´s not true!!!

“that they are recording a documentary right now “Marie´s last days”.

What for a shit! Do you really belive that they would make a doku about it if she would die? That is stupid crap!

Yes. I really hope it´s only a stupid joke!?

Well, I don´t belive that. But, in Sweden it happens from time to time that they are recording a documentary when a celebrity, that is very ill, is about to die.

I don´t speak swedish but never heard about that forum?!

How tastless!

What says the swedish press?

It’s obviously a sick joke. I could never imagine that marie would ever agree to a documentary of her death. Never in a million years. Plus, all the information that we have heard recently is that Marie is doing much better recently.


I dont belive this. Per say that Marie was fine.

It’s not a “sick joke”... at least not on the part of the person who posted this item to that forum. I think what it IS, however, is someone spreading false information based on no personal knowledge. In other words, worthless crap. Someone brought this thread to my attention (I’m not usually all that “present” here in SmallTalk), but I don’t see any reason to take any moderator-type action. These types of rumors have been around for almost three years now... it’s nothing new.

I prefer to belive Asa, when she said Marie is resting in her new house in Spain. Rumours...some people don’t know how to hurt.

Per said the other day he wishes and expects great things for Roxette future. I think you cannot do a comment like that under those delicate circumstances. He wouldn’t go that far just to refuse some yellor paper crap.

Well Lars, yes it is a sick joke. Perhaps as you said not by the person who started that thread, but these rumours have to originate from somewhere. Was there not a rumour some years ago that Marie had died in a car crash aswell?

So much false information..
Im not worried since Per said just a few days ago that Marie was fine, and that he believed that Roxette would come back someday. He would never have said this if Maries condition was fatal.

Well there is not a lot to say to this really, Like watercolours says don’t listen to anything you read or hear till it’s official....

This to me sounds like a sick joke! :(

Some people are really stupid.

THIS IS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE! If Marie isn’t feeling good we will receive a message from the management, from Per or Marie herself. We don’t need useless links to forums where people are spreading rumours and make us fans feeling insecure.

crap crap crap

I can’t believe people keep believing these kind of things...theyre obvioussly not true!



Dies in a car crash?????
Now dying in hospital?????

whoever starts these rumours is just ... sickenning. I just don’t understand what motivates some people! :(

Jude beat me to the Blue Streak Cussin.

It’s all wrong!!! Of course she’s not dying!!!! Why do people always believe what they read?!?!?!

PW: I’m not thinking that at all... in fact, if you were in the same room as me, you would have heard my opinion on the “information” of that site and it would have made ANY sailor proud

@ Sparvöga: Of course we would find out some time that she is gone... ;-( ! The same old story...!

Well, like all of you I think the rumour is crap! At least I hope so...
But... why was Per saying that Marie “is doing fine under the cirumstances” which “circumstances”? Can’t he give us an official statement that is easy to understand - in only one way?! Just say either that she’s really bad - or that she’s fine?! That would be great. Then we all would know where we stand - if we should be worried about her or if everything’s okay.
When I first read this rumour I got a little bit nervous/afraid and I still don’t know exactly what to think about it.
I really hope it’s just a very sick and tasteless joke!!
As you said before: In a few days or weeks we’ll finally get to know what it was...

Is it so hard to understand? I didn’t want to write it - I think it’s hard to write about a topic like this. But: If she’s really as bad as this rumour says we’ll get to know it when she’s finally dead - if we don’t hear or read anything it was really just a rumour...

That sounds much harder than I want it to. But that’s the way it is. We can only wait until we hear or read anything.

At least i hope that Per wouldn’t record a new album, telling us how much fun they have - while Marie is in the hospital.
Then he would be even more sick and tasteless than the persons who come up with such rumours!!

*bangs head against wall again*
I’m doing a lot of that today. Seems a lot of people really are gullable

Well it’s obviously not true but it did get me a little rattled even just reading it if something like that did happen.

I wish we knew a little bit more about how Marie is doing. I know we all say it is none of our business and to an extent that is fair enough but the fact that we all care for Marie and want to know she is doing well (or not) is no crime. I would hate to suddenly find out one day that she has left us that would be awful.

Seem sclear to me that this is a tasteless rumour.
I can’t imagane that Marie would really co-operate with such a documentary if she would be that ill.
And Per wouldn’t have said such positive things either.
So it is bullshit, crap!!

Lurirox: Per doesn’t make an statement about Marie’s health because he is nobody to do so...

Of course I know that! So it’s just a wish to know a little bit more so that one cannot get shocked/afraid while suddenly reading such a rumour.
That’s the one side - the other is, that I understand and think it’s right that we’re not given all the information. It’s difficult...
And I really wonder (like some others) if we would get an information like the one in the rumour in an official way (if I’m sure I don’t think so) or if we would find out afterwords while reading the newspapers. That would be even worse I think...

what a holly shit ! Oh my God, why people start thinking those things ?! They do worry us with informations like this ! That’s not fair at all !!!

But it is better not to think about it ! This topic should be closed !!!

I think that´s a big bulls....t? Why do people put in things like this??? Per said that he believes in a Roxette future, why should he lie????

@Bunny 2 can you give me your mailadress?

Rumours like this start because there is no official news, I often think somepeople start them so there will be an official press release with an update on Marie, in order to calm down those the rumour upset....

I find it weird tyhat record an documrntery “her last days” btw anyvone of the moderatorxs who has tried to get this confirmed???

*agreeswithAlly* That’s my explanation, too..

Again some stupid joke!!!

I do think it would be nice to get a little update on how she is doing.... it’s not too much to ask for is it.... after all we’re only the fans who supported her and bought her music for god knows how long...

Well the last we heard was that she bought a house in spain and she was relaxing there over the summer. I’m not sure exactly what kind of update she could give us, though it wouldnt do any harm for her to write a quite message to the fan club every now and again....she doesnt seem to really have any contact with her fans anymore.

She´s not in contat with fans anymore? Well she has released an brand new album last year... I think the music is the real contat an artist must have with her fans. People don´t stand she want to have a normal life sometimes... after all she has been through, I guess she has the right to do this.
Rumours happen everytime. Expressen just made up a weird history even about Per!
If she thinks it´s better for her to be apart from the media pressure and relax in Spain, it´s up to her. Maybe she´s writing new songs, maybe she´s thinking about a new solo album or a new Roxette album... but people tend to think about bad news everytime...!

I wouldnt say no to a short message

Grasi, i totally agree that Marie is entitled to a private life, but i also dont think it takes too much to give a short message once in a while to her fans. As far i can remember, it was only Per who wished us all Happy new year. A few years ago that note would have been signed by both of them. There are a lot of artists who will send messages to their official website from time to time to give quick updates. It wouldn’t take much, just a quick note saying something like,
“Hi everyone. I would like to thank you all for your messages of support. I hope you enjoyed the album. I’m doing fine, feeling much better and enjoying spending time with my family. Hope to see you all soon, Marie”.

That takes 30 seconds.

I know Marie has always been private, but especially now that she doesnt work as actively, doesnt do interviews.....we dont really see anything of her, so i would appreciate a few words every now and again. When i saw that the website was set up, i thought we might get some information from her then, but it hasnt even been updated since 2nd Chance was released.

I’M very mad at those people that spread those Rumours,cuz they are not funny!

PS:Oliver is right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well being an artist doesn’t mean you have to be always sending messages to your fans.. some do, some don’t..

guys ncurran is right indeed!

damn, that is not funny, you know. I just wish that “source” stop mentioning Marie’s name and “death” in one sentence!

As a medical doctor I can understand the almost exactly amount of pain that Marie been through. The fear, the dispair, the pain... a cancer is a awful and cruel nightmare and the treatment is not far away from this. So, I respect Marie as hell and I support her very much. I only wish her the best and pray for her everyday.

But, I have to say that she should send us some messages sometimes... it´s not a matter of option but a matter of respect with us, cause we are in pain with her. As said before, just 30 sec and she would make us more happy. We are her fans, so why not give us some hope about her health ?

I respect her and her private life, as I said before, but not sending us just a little note from time to time, is not the best way to deal with her fans, I think.

diagree at some point. She is at first place just a woman, she doesn’t own us anything. Yes, we are fans, we love her, we support her and so on... But still - she is a human, she needs some rest...
So, think if *she* wanted to send us something - she would do that. If no - then no, that’s all.
She made a wonderful album - isn’t it a good proof, that she’s doing fine? :)

And btw, hasn’t she a management to send us a note?

ps. believe me, I know what it is. One of my best friend has a cancer, but she lives in another contry, and sometimes I don’t have any lil note from her for months! I am afraid of her, but still I understand, that she needs rest.

I’m sure she was doing fine, when her album was released - but that was last autumn and since then we haven’t heard much of her. Things can change in less time.
I really hope she’s fine but as I don’t know it for sure I’m worried and so I wouldn’t have anything against a little official update/ statement of how she is today.
Even if she’s not fine it would be better to know it than to feel this uncertainty all the time when thinking about her...

Autumn, she doesnt “owe” us anything, no. I’m just saying it would be nice, thats all.....and not really too much effort on her part. If she wanted to do it through her management, fine.....i just think when you have such a loyal following its nice if you can put a little bit of effort into communicating with your fans. Marie has never really been that good at this, but it would be good to hear from her once in a while

Can´t understand that you still talk about this crap!

@ncurran: Yep, I agree with you ;o)

close this crap pls, there’s nothing to discuss really

I understand both sides, on one hand I think it would be decent of Marie to keep us informed and then I can also see why she wants her privacy. Like ncurran said she doesn’t own us anything but I do think it would be basic respect to realise that ppl are worried and say a few words now and then to calm their fears.

Recently an online friend of mine had a cancer scare and I was really worried about her. It would have been really cruel of her to say “I might have cancer....” and then say nothing for 2 years!!!!

I agree with Neil, although it was what I was saying in a round a bout way....

of course she doesn´t “own” us (fans) anything but I think it´s strange, ARROGANT and selfish she doesn´t give any message to us... not even once a year. we are the ones that made her what she is today... a star. Also we are the ones that created that prayer chain for her in 2002! I would not behave like that if I was her! :((((

why dont someone like Marie Davis for ex sends a message to dimberg and tell her that we are worried and just want a short message..

Because Marie Dimberg wouldn’t care...!

There’s nothing really more to discuss here, so let’s close it.


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