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All Chords ever made?

3 replies

Hello everybody!

I’d like to know if there is a website where I can get chords of Roxette & related songs.
I know, once there was a homepage with all Roxette-Chords and many of the related projects, but unfortunately I can’t find it anymore.

Maybe you can help me?!

Thank you.

I’d like to have it as well! Unfortunately specialized sites seem to have gone with But there are still sites like or with loads of (not always correct) roxette songs.

...or look at ALL the music sheets at from! ;-) you read this, Per?

Room603 @ used to have all of the chords. Now it’s gone. If somebody keeps those files somewhere it’d be nice to put them back on line. I was planning to put those on ¡Roxette Latino!, which is “a bit” out of date but keeps up with the lyrics and translations...

Please send me a mail if you have news!

Does anyone have an e-mailadress of the Room603-hoster?
Or is he/she here in this forum?


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