Almost Unreal (SMB Version) mp3!!!
m-cvk said on July 24, 2005 19:35:
Yup, noticed that. I think there was even a topic on that here on TDR.
The opening of this version is mainly the guitar part taken from a bit further in the song (near the ending of the chorus from the single version, just before going on with the second verse if I remember it correctly).
PiR_GeSSLe said on July 25, 2005 01:16:
Thanks for ripping the song from the movie. I wonder, has it been edited in DVD anywhere?
RobS said on July 25, 2005 10:42:
Thanks for that :-) Been looking for that for ages.
Just wish it didn’t have them strange sounds at the start.
chrisjankunas said on July 25, 2005 10:56:
Yeah , that noise is the “SUPER MARIO BROS” logo shooting on and off of the screen just before the credits! Annoying!! But even the Mario cd has the “normal” version - this is the best you can get I would imagine.
sommartider said on July 25, 2005 19:24:
Thanks for the mp3!
Many years ago I tried to rip it from the vhs but the sound was crap.
chrisjankunas said on July 24, 2005 18:22:
I noticed that the version from the film was slightly different - mainly the openning !