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Is there any way to change my nickname here?

15 replies

whats posts you wanna get rid of, and what you changing your name to AND why ;-)

Is there?

Creating a new account would be the easiest i suppose!

But I want all my data in the new one

you should better mail Visa and ask.. :)

And Judith... Could you please delete some of my posts completely?

just mail me.. :)

I have just written to you Judith. Please, do it as soon as possible.

Please Judith, or any moderator, delete what I have told you. thanks!

How has archived the thread? Please help me!


Why so desperate?

Being a mod here is not my full time job, just that you know ;)

One of the topics has been deleted, the other I leave for Visa to know what this is about :) Will do later (even though I don’t get why ... :S)

I am curious...

In general, we the moderators are not here for rewriting history. If you have posted a message, you can edit it yourself, but we won’t delete messages or threads per request. This is what I’m also going to tell to the moderators as our policy.

Also, we won’t change your username unless there’s a *really* good reason for that. I don’t know what that would be. You can however register yourself a new account if you want to start writing with a new name. Please note that you can only register one username per email address, but I’m sure you find your way past that restriction.

Hi roxeteer, have you considered making it possible for people to change nicks? If I was changing mine I’d want it to be something like Newnick (formerly sparvogamarie) and take off the formerly after a while when everyone knew who I was. If you made it part of the features you could have something that shows when someone has changed, eg like on Ebay you get sunglasses when you change your name and you can click on them to see all the former “aliases”. Just a suggestion.


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