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72 replies

“They pushed him to the floor, bundled on top of him and unloaded five shots into him “

Witness Mark Whitby

Was that neccessary? If they already had him on the floor, why shoot him dead?

Whatever happened to being innocent until proven guilty?

Disgusting, and before you say “well he didn’t care about the innocent people he was about to kill”...we don’t know that he was about to kill anyone, do we?

Not good , not good at all. NOT enough being done.

off sky news - -

There have been unconfirmed reports of an explosion on the London Underground, and an incident on a bus in Hackney, East London.

Stations at Warren Street, Oval and Shepherd’s Bush have been closed.

The Ambulance service reports one injury at Warren Street station.

Services on the Victoria, Northern and Hammersmith & City Lines have been suspended.

Emergency services started receiving calls just after 12.30.

At Warren Street there were reports of a nail bomb explosion. Sky’s Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt said police believe this may have been the sound of detonators going off.

A Transport for London spokesman said: “There is a Code Amber which means that the trains are being taken to the next station and passengers evacuated to above ground.

“Police are at all three stations.”

Victoria Line train passenger Ivan McCracken told Sky News he spoke to an Italian man who witnessed an explosion just after the train arrived at the platform.

“He told me he had seen a man carrying a rucksack which suddenly exploded. It was a minor explosion but enough to blow open his rucksack. Everyone rushed from the carriage. People evacuated very quickly. There was no panic.

“I didn’t see anyone injured but there was shock and fright.

“There was a smell of smoke.”

“The man who was holding the rucksack looked extremely dismayed.”

Bus in Hackney

One witness told Sky News that passengers tried to prevent a man with a rucksack running away but they failed.

Police have cordoned off the streets around Warren Street station. Sky reporter Mark White said authorities are “pushing everybody as far back from the station as they can”.

“Police activity suggests that they are looking for somebody on the outside here.”

Another eyewitness, Sosiane Mohellavi, said “Everyone panicked and people were screaming. We had to pull the alarm. I am still shaking.”

Scotland Yard said emergency services have responded to an “incident” on a Number 26 bus in Hackney Road, on a junction near Colombia Road, east London.

The bus windows are apparently blown out.

Sky News Foreign Affairs editor Tim Marshall said: “There is a bus parked there which is empty and there is nobody anywhere near it. This does indicate that police think the bus is still dangerous.”

Sky News Online’s Rob Cole is at Shepherd’s Bush. He said: ” The whole of Shepherd’s Bush Green is sealed off. About 400 metres on both sides of the Tube station is affected.”

It is two weeks to the day since bombers attacked three Tube trains and a bus in central London.

Nothing really confirmed yet. :S

lets hope its something and nothing then :-S

At least let’s hope there are no casualties and destruction. Bastards...

I live minutes away from the 26 bus! I used to get on that bus and pass down that road every day for 5 years!!!! I HOPE THE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE GO TO HELL!!!!


Up to four bombs hit London transport system
-says on yahoo news !
London police chief Ian Blair said: “”We know that we’ve had four explosions or attempts at explosions. It is still pretty unclear as to what’s happened”

Must be hard as its all underground, dark thats why its so hard im guessing !.

Something is very wrong, They must be more out there, knew it !

I’m soooo frustrated now i can’t follow it as the bloody satelite tv’s down!!!! Aargh!!

of course there are more out there :( And I think the worst is to come still :’(

But there ARE good things happening in the world...

July 21, 2005, 1:20AM

Canada legalizes same-sex marriages

The law gives gay couples the same rights as those who are in traditional unions

Associated Press

TORONTO - Canada legalized gay marriage Wednesday, becoming the world’s fourth nation to grant full legal rights to same-sex couples.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin signed the legislation making it law, hours after it was approved by the Senate late Tuesday despite strong opposition from Conservatives and religious leaders.

The law gives gay couples the same rights as those in traditional unions between a man and a woman, something already legal in eight of Canada’s 10 provinces and in two of its three territories.

I was actually evacuated on the Victoria Line today.......central London is at a toook me 4 hours to walk home! My legs are officially knackered - having moved recently from Northern Ireland to London, it obviously scares me being in a new city with what’s going on. However everyone seems quite calm today.....we won’t let the bastids/perpetrators get us down!:-)))))

I just kinda caught up with the news, arses.... these people want to be shot!

oldag as usual just a sad inopropriate prat !

@oldag: Please stick to the topic or make a new thread.


Ow hang on there, as a gay man myself i think Oldag75 ’s news is wonderful, its a step forward as being accepted as everyone else is.
Thats what the worlds problem is , Not accepting people, ie terroists are not accepting of the way we live thats why they do what they do , but who knows why they do it really , i think there scared of out society thats why they go to extremes.

The terrorists religion teaches hatred of gay people and women from my experience and what i have read, so it does kind of tie in.

What is that guy on?

My Mexico vacation got cancelled because Hurricane Dennis crushed the resort I was planning to visit. Rats.

There was once a fellow who pronounced a certain conflict “The Battle of Britain,” understanding that his country was threatened by an enemy intent upon subjugating his “Island nation.” He advocated responding with overwhelming force, to cause the enemy to cease its aggression. His predecessor, a skippy-little douche named Neville, had in good faith attempted to appease the aggressors... and the lesson learned therefrom in consequence was that truly evil people do not act in good faith, and the only way to make them stop is to kill enough of them to make them quit. Murdering a sufficent number of the enemy who want to destroy your society is the only way to win, in a state of co-existence that is called “war.”

If Western Society is not presently engaged in a “war” against militant Islam determined to destroy us “infidels,” then what alternative name might be given to this state of affairs? Do we resurrect the Spirit of Neville the Douche, and endeavor to appease them? Suggestions and arguments are welcome. Angry reflexive responses are understandable, given the quality/veracity of the media information propagated in the UK and Europe during the past couple of decades – garbage in, garbage out.

and today...

a man was shot,

These people are the lowest of the low...

Good! one down three to go , hopefully!!!!

BTW Oldag is constantly undermining the enormity of what is happening - his first comment on all of this was practically a gloat that it has moved from the US to the UK. He is a sad prat and should keep his mouth shut !!!

In response to the prat, it is not “war” as you put it because the bombers in our country are nothing more than scroungers living off of our benefits that claim to hate “Non-muslims” and “British people”. If they hate us so much , why not F**K the hell back to their beloved country where oops , it turns out that they would be killed and persecuted there. Seems people hate them :( They are scum , simply put !

Well today is too much news to mention, a mosque is surrounded in east london by people came up in news flash, a bloke was shot , another few stations emptied.

Anyone watching sky news ?
They is live debate about islam and information section on islam, Its all good and well but iv had to turn it off cos i think there intolerence of British people and our society and nationality (not one non muslim person was on the debate so it just a programme saying our way of life is wrong and its our fault ?) and they way we live wasnt mentioned once ,BUt shouldnt that be the main debate, there tolerence to our way of life? They were saying how they recently have been called names bombers ect ect, WELL iv had groups of asian men hurl loads of abuse at me and my mates coming out of a gay club to try and get home, ’strange how thats ok’ isnt it but went its on the other foot ? ?

Ill stop before i go of on one, (breaths in breaths out) lol

I’ve not sky, and the bbc and itv news channels keep going off...

@chrisjankunas : just three more??? Hopefully many more!

It’s sad that this is happening in the world and to be honest: it sadly makes me think differently towards some people (even most of them haven’t got anything to do with bombs and such things...)

Congratulations to London’s municipal armed forces – they rehabilitated a terrorist. They permanently altered his mindset, forever changed his thinking, in the ONLY manner that is effective with radical-fundamentalist terrorists, and made him fit for existence in our society. Bravo. Now please continue, and do that to all of them. Nawww, it’s not war – lets just call it rehabilitation.

It was done because they where not prepared the risk the life of his letting off a bomb and killing thousands... and what’s the problem if he was killing himself anywhere, he just got a bit of help to get to Allah’s Heaven!

@ Ragdoll

He had explosives and wires protruding from his waist/belt and refused to responded to Police commands to stop.

Absolutely it was justifiable cause to completely terminate the horrific threat he was proposing.

It’s a clear message to all would be terrorists...

...if you attempt to harm innocent life you will be stopped by what ever means.

Presumption of innocence – innocent until proven guilty – applies absolutely only for the government (in enlightened nations, that is) when it charges someone with a crime. It is then the government’s duty to prove that guilt to a jury or judge, employing time-tested rules of evidence (due process).

Private citizens are free to presume whatever they want, and express their opinions accordingly... hopefully based upon logical conclusions formed from valid input. A good example is OJ Simpson, who was in reality guilty as heck, but was not convicted because the government failed to prove his guilt to a jury.

Police officers “presume” guilt in a suspect when they witness him/her imposing a danger, which evidently happened with the individual they rehabilitated in London.

Oldag is right, just shoot them and shoot anyone who questions their actions too...

The one true fan!

oh please people if shooting the guy stopped him from blowing up the train terminal don’t you think its a good thing?

London´s police killed an innocent and non-terrorist white brazilian man by mistake.........That´s so sad!!!!!!! Now everybody could be a terrorist!!!!!!!!

Do you all still say that it was right to shoot this man? Let’s be honest here. If this happened in America you would all be screaming at how blood thirsty those Americans are. Shame on the Metropolitan Police. Be honest with yourselves and ask yourself if this shoot to kill policy is correct. While you are being honest with yourselves and facing up to how you really feel about this, say a prayer fore the family of this man. He was the wrong colour. How shameful is that? The powers that be have let the hounds out to chase the fox and they have tasted blood and now there’s no stopping them. They haven’t been let off the leash in years, some of them probably have never been let off the leash and now that they have been they are running amok. NOT a good day for the Metroppolitan Police, or Britain or those of you to say “just kill, even if it’s only a SUSPECTED terrorist. Well guys, if you haver olive skin or are Muslim, Irish, Pakistani or whatever, take your vacation anywhere else but Britain.

In USA , kids have guns for school’s :-P

They told the idiot stop but he was too content with avoiding a tube fair - Moron got wot he deserved !!!!

It may sound cruel but you LISTEN to the men with the big guns when there are people blowing up others!!!!

Oh poor Ragdoll, your naiveté is exactly why terrorist cowards are allowed to breed their filth.

Yes, it’s a shame that an innocent person was killed, but why did he run? Why did he not just do as he was asked? He’s as much a victim of terrorism as the poor souls who lost their lives two weeks ago.

The time for liberal bull crap is over; shoot to kill!

The one true fan!

oh, so now you were all there and saw him running????Who is being naive here? Have you no respect for human life? You are morally as bad as the terrorists then. You hypocrites!

Ragdoll, i do agree with you, but i would like to wait for the results of the independent investigation also. However, it does look like the police were unnecessarily heavy handed. Under normal circumstances the police are not allowed to shoot unless the suspect is pointing a weapon at them. For all we know this guy might not have spoken english and was running away from people pointing a gun at him. They were after all, plain clothed policemen

In my opinion, London´s police was very stupid!!!!!!! Where´s the Scotland Yard????? Where´s the investigation?????? How could they kill someone for nothing?????? The victim doesn´t look like an arabian was really ridiculous.
That was what I meant to say before.....” Now everybody could be a terrorist”.
P.S.: Nothing against London/England.

He jumped over barracades and went sprawling down an escalator and jumped on the train. WHAT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR, HUH?

If you don’t speak the main language of a country you live in, you are bound for misfortune!!!

Sorry, but I would rather not be blown up - I feel quite strongly about this!!!!

Edit: I feel a little bad for the shot man, but at the end of the day - Should have listened to them. The police must shut down the nervous system to stop them detonating bombs and must act quickly - slip ups may indeed occur

Do remember that we’re talking about people prepared to blow themselves up anyway!

But chris, the UK is not america. The use of fire weapons by the police is something that is tightly controlled, and only specialist forces carry weapons. What i would hate to happen is for the recent events to be used an excuse for the police to avoid keeping within the law.

I visited some friends in Ireland a short while ago. One man I was talking to in a pub said that when he was visiting Bermingham, England during the height of the IRA bombing campaign, he was scared to open his mouth because of his accent. He had abuse shouted at him in the street and he was told that “your lot” were not welcome here. This man is not an IRA sympathizer. He said that he was really scared just because he is Irish. I mention this just in passing.
You make a good point ncurran about the police being plain clothes. Who is to say that this Brazilian man didn’t mistake THEM for terrorists?(just speculation...I’m not saying that he did..) Yes, let’s wait for all the facts to be gathered but the bottom line is that some Mother is grieving her son tonight.

I think those guns would be safer in the hands of a normal Bobby. These “specialists” are trained for this kind of situation, then their hands are tied for years because this “situation” doesn’t occur and then at last they get the opportunity to put their training into action. Is it any wonder they get a bit carried away?
Look, if it FEELS wrong, it’s because it IS wrong.

I used to be like you Ragdol, thinking the world was all roses and buttercups, “live and let live” etc. and then I woke up!

There is so much rot in this world, and most of it is spread by sympathisers and bleeding hearts. The softly-softly approach of the likes of you Ragdol and the rest of your sympathising cronies are why these vile evil scum are allowed into our countries and communities.

My biggest regret that an allegedly unconnected person has been hurt by the police is that it gives you pathetic, weak willed morons, the ammunition you so badly crave to run around wetting your pants because we use the same force to defend ourselves that your terrorist pals are using against us.

I wonder how quickly your bleating would change its tune if it was YOUR family that was the next victim of your cowardly fanatical terror-wielding chums!

The one true fan!

Dani, how come you are not tucked up in bed with your teddy bear? You are such a child. Have you ever thought of changing your sign off? It’s kinda embarrassing. “One True Fan”...whatever.
How dare you refer to terrorists as my pals? I hope you are one of those idiots who come on to forums like these just to try and cause trouble and shock because the worl would truly be a sadder place if there were people like the person you betray yourself to be here.
How loud would your BLEATING be if that was your brother/ Dad/ Son who had been shot.
Grow up honey...or shut up.

Dear Lord, what a truly absurd response. Getting a bit close to home for comfort are we?

That’s the thing with liberals, they get flustered when people tell them the truth and start looking for somewhere to bail; the attack on my sig was classy, wonderfully irrelevant.

The bottom line is this. The chap who was shot yesterday was foolish; he tried to get a free ride on a train and acted JUST LIKE A DESPERATE TERRORIST! As a result paid the price; the gene pool is better off without him!

The only thing you have said which makes any sense is the bed bit, which is exactly what I’m going to do right now.

The one true fan!

good night ONE TRUE FAN. Check there are no terrorists under your bed now.

As for me, I am on my way out to have some FUN.

Good night and good day.

PersPopPrincess, sorry but its because of idiots like you that we end up with politicians like Bush and Blair running our countries. Because people dont have common sense. While it is important that we go after terrorists, a simplistic attitude of “Shoot them” achieves nothing, and indeed makes our situation worse in the long run. The actions of our governments over the past few years has done nothing but fund a recruiting campaign for muslim terrorists. For every “trophy terrorist” that we capture in victory, there are 100 new recruits willing to kill for what they see as the crimes against their religion

Dani, I´m sorry but you´re wrong........Jean-Charles de Menezes (the name of the victim) was killed just because he was using a coat at the has made him suspicious for the Scotland Yard.....So, they just killed him and this is it!!!!!!! Great, Isn´t it???????!!!!!!!!!What a shame!!!! What a shame!!!!!!!...............just try to read more international newspapers......

I’m curious why this person did not stop when commanded by the police.

Call me old fashioned, but had I been chased by armed police I would have most certainly obeyed them.

I certainly would not have run for the nearest tube line.

Did he know they were police though? and even if he did, that is not an excuse for them to shoot him 5 times on the head when they already had him pinned down to the ground. All i’m saying is theyd better have a bloody good excuse

Dani most certainly is NOT an idiot = she is absolutely right ! This counrty is facing the problems now because of our softy softy approach to everything, until now! I am sorry about the shot man but ... he acted suspicious and payed a dear price for it. Now I do not condemn the police because I have taken a minute to think about the pressure they are under.

Have any of you had thte fate of other peoples lives on your shoulder???

I am sure that whoever shot did not do so with bad intentions, nor do I think it will turn into corrupt police - it just happenned.

Be more understanding here at the seriousness of the situation - it is all too easy to point fingers of that which you know nothing of.

By the ragdol, we are 5 / 6 /7 hours ahead of you which clearly explains the bed / party rubbish of you sad attempt to appear superior - get a life !

In response to some of your questions ragdol,
1) I would not try and skip a fine!
2) I would listen to armed police with guns
3) I would expect my family and friends to abide with the above.

As for the attack on signatures - absolutely pathetic!

And to ncurran , if you think that of thte 100 new terrorirsts thing than you are practically saying that the only way to control this is to simply send them all away. I dont think this as I know some wonderful muslims - but SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!

Okay CHILDREN, swallow this and then tell me:

LONDON - Police identified the man who was chased down in a subway and shot to death by plainclothes officers as a Brazilian and said Saturday they no longer believed he was tied to the recent terror bombings.

Friday’s shooting before horrified commuters prompted criticism of police for overreacting and expressions of fear that Asians and Muslims would be targeted by a “trigger-happy culture” after two well-coordinated attacks in two weeks.

Police expressed regret for the death of the man at the Stockwell subway station, identified Saturday as Jean Charles de Menezes, 27. Witnesses said he was wearing a heavy, padded coat when plainclothes police chased him into a subway car, pinned him to the ground and shot him about five times in the head and torso.

Hours after the shooting, Police Commissioner Ian Blair said the victim was “directly linked” to the investigations into attacks Thursday and July 7. In the latter, suicide bombings on trains and a bus killed 56 people, including four attackers.

*****Police initially said the victim attracted police attention because he left a house that was under surveillance after Thursday’s bungled bombings, in which devices planted on three subway trains and a double-decker bus failed to detonate properly. Stockwell is near Oval station, one of those targeted.*****

“He was then followed by surveillance officers to the station. His clothing and his behavior at the station added to their suspicions,” police said Friday.

But Saturday, a police official said on condition of anonymity that Menezes was “not believed to be connected in any way to any of the London bombings.”

“For somebody to lose their life in such circumstances is a tragedy and one that the Metropolitan Police Service regrets,” a spokesman said on condition of anonymity, which is police policy.

*****However, police did not explain what went wrong or say whether Menezes had done anything illegal.*****

In Brazil, the Foreign Ministry said it was “shocked and perplexed” by the death of Menezes, whom it did not name but described as “apparently the victim of a lamentable mistake.”

The ministry said it expected British authorities to explain the circumstances of the shooting, and Foreign Minister Celso Amorim would try to arrange a meeting with British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw during a visit to London.

Brazilian media reported that Menezes was an electrician who had been legally living and working in England for the past three years. He originally came from the small city of Gonzaga, some 500 miles northeast of Sao Paulo in the state of Minas Gerais.

“He spoke English very well, and had permission to study and work there,” Menezes’ cousin Maria Alves told the O Globo Online Web site from her home in Sao Paulo.

Menezes’ family was Roman Catholic. When asked if he had become Muslim in Britain, Agostino Ferreira Rosa, a policeman in Gonzaga said: “According to his family, he had nothing to do with Muslims or Islamism. He was Catholic.”

“There was no reason to think he was a terrorist,” Menezes’ grandmother, Zilda Ambrosia de Figueiredo, told the Globo TV late Saturday. “He was very easygoing and very communicative with everybody. It’s terrible what they have done to him.”

Mayor Ken Livingstone said the killing was a “human tragedy” that was a consequence of the attacks.

“The police acted to do what they believed necessary to protect the lives of the public,” he said. “This tragedy has added another victim to the toll of deaths for which the terrorists bear responsibility.”

Livingstone drew a hard line before the mistake became clear, declaring that anyone believed to be a suicide bomber faced a “shoot-to-kill policy.”

The shooting was an indication of the nervousness and anxiety around the city of about 8 million people. A police watchdog organization, the Independent Police Complaints Commission, said it would investigate the shooting but make sure not to hinder the bombings probe.

Shami Chakrabarti, director of the civil rights group Liberty, said such an investigation was critical for reassuring the public.

“It’s incredibly important that society remains united at such a tense time, it’s very important that young Asian men don’t feel that there is some kind of trigger-happy culture out there,” Chakrabarti said.

The Islamic Human Rights Commission said “in the current climate of anti-Muslim hysteria, IHRC fears that innocent people may lose their lives due to the new shoot to kill policy.”

Iqbal Sacranie, secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said, “It’s absolutely vital that the utmost care is taken to ensure that innocent people are not killed due to overzealousness.”

Police have made two arrests in the Stockwell neighborhood following Thursday’s attacks. The second arrest was made late Friday “in connection with our inquiries” into those attacks, Metropolitan Police said.

Police have not released many details of the arrests, including the identities of those in custody.

Thousands of officers fanned out in a huge manhunt amid hopes the publication of closed-circuit TV images of four suspected attackers would lead to their capture. Blair declined to say if the men in custody were among the four pictured.

Security alerts kept Londoners on edge, and fears of a new terrorist attack led Italian soccer powerhouse Inter Milan to cancel its English tour because of safety concerns, a decision criticized by England’s Norwich City soccer team.

“”For Inter Milan to refuse to travel because of the threat of terrorism is simply giving in to the terrorists,” said the team’s chief executive, Neil Doncaster.

Hundreds of people also gathered Saturday to mourn Anthony Fatayi-Williams, a 26-year-old oil executive among those killed July 7.

“The cathedral is full. I can see Nigerians, people from different backgrounds, white and black, I can see people of all ages gathered here representing the different races of humankind,” said his uncle, Tom Ikimi, a former Nigerian foreign affairs minister.

There’s only one thing I have to say:

“If I am standing here, holding Marilyn Monroe’s purse, do you assume *I* slept with JFK?”

The police error was an absolute tragedy. A portion of the media will now spin this to report that SS-like Special Action Group death squads are marauding the London tube platforms and exterminating innocent civilians. Blair must resign now. The responsibility was his. And so forth.

And you’re right, Nell. Thus I won’t attempt to use any more metaphors here where they won’t be comprehended. Thank you Nell.

Wow , its sad actually that the police seemed to get it so wrong. But then the whole of this situation is about death, needless stupid death and I feel for all families of all victims.
Lets hope that the killers are prevented before anyone else is wrongfully harmed.

Something on the news today about the guy from Brazil that got shot.... seems the police where a little heavy handed with there guns

if the guy was innocent why did he jump a turnstyle and run into a train that doesn’t sound very innocent to me at all? he was supposedly a british citizen too, so he was well aware of what had hapened , i say he either knew something or had info and decided to run to avoid capture and well bang he’s gone...i’d rather see one man dead instead of thousands of people in the subway

coyboy, you could at least read the story before you comment. He was NOT a british citizen, and latest reports suggest that he did NOT jump the turnstyle. He only ran when the train was approaching the platform, and he was not wearing a thick jacket like the police originally claimed. Hopefully there wont be a cover up and the investigation will result in action being taken against the police.

@ coyboyusa

He was from Brazil!

the contradictions in summary:

Police: de Menezes wearing suspicious clothing
Evidence to inquiry: Wearing only thin denim jacket

Police: Acting suspiciously on way to Stockwell station
Evidence to inquiry: Nothing odd in his behaviour

Police: Challenged at station and refused to obey instructions
Evidence: Challenged for first time while seated on train

Police: de Menezes vaulted ticket barrier to escape
Evidence: Did not vault. Ran only to catch train

Police: Eight shots fired into him
Evidence: Eleven shots fired, three missed

i dunno i dont think he was an innocent victim if you have 5 cops chasing after you yelling stop and you know uk police are generally unarmed wouldn’t u stop to miss a train and avoid getting shot? i know i would

There’s conflicting reports of whether or not he knew they were police. Most consistent story though is that these were NOT uniformed men in any way shape or form.

And coy, I doubt you’d willingly surrender to someone in plain clothes claiming to be police.

i dont believe any what the papers say , i think the police are doing great work.

like chinese whispars, i have to say i think its been WELL BLOWN out of the water , no need whats done it done, im 100% they wouldnt of done it for no need. Rest is conspiracy theory which people LOVE , the simple answer is always the real answer most likely

Rox: So let me see if I understand you correctly.

Most of your fellow countrymen, as well as thousands of others across the globe blast the police for shooting a man. At first, they assumed he was a terrorist. Well, you know how they spell assume right? ASS U ME. I don’t need their help.

Then, when all the smoke cleared: The police are now saying they fucked up and shot an innocent man! Keep that in mind when a family member, or a close friend, or someone you know gets gunned down for being a suspected terrorist, all based on the colour of skin.

Coyboy, yet again you open your mouth without reading the facts. The police never identified themselves until they got on the train.
and rox-kuryliw, you are incredibly naive. It was the initial reports that were lies, now we have the real story with photos to prove that there was some sort of cover up

and accidents happen if you’re gonan go and rip epopel apart go after blair for not lisening to the us about all the nutty islamic religious leaders in the uk. and honeslty i doubt this guy lifved in a bubble when the attacks in london occurred, and i seriously doubt the uk police didnt identify themselves as such, i know people who work for the uk forces and thats part of their mandate they always identify themselves. The simple fact is innocent people don’t run....its like when crack dealers get shot, the parents and the neighborhood peopel go on and on about on he wa sa good kid blah blah and yet he WAS a crack dealer, somehwere in the near future something will come out about this guy that will raise eye brows, notr that i am saying it justifies use of excessive force but still, you peopel just keep focusing all your energies in the wrong direction and thats why terrorism will always exist...due to the utter ignorance of humanity

coyboy, have you still not bothered to read the facts?
“Innocent people dont run”.
He DIDNT run from the police. He didnt even realise they were following him. He put his ticket in the machine, picked up the free newspaper, and only ran when he noticed the train arriving at the platform. Whichever way you look at it, the police made a major f*ck up.

i think i was miss understood, I just think if one man is shot for the protection of loads of other people then im sorry to say fine by me. Im saying its sad someone got shot and killed and he was innocent BUT if he was a terrorist everyone would of been over the moon that no more people died , i mean at the time the bombers were very real and gonna attack again. Then if they had let him get away with it and he was a bomber ... i leave the rest to imagine what would happen and be said.
As im aware from what i read his visa had run out over 2 years ago thats why he ran from the poilce and they shot him , what a toss honestly, Of course his family are gonna deny everything ,from what iv read, people eye witnesses saying he ran from the police when told to halt. The english media LOVE a good story and they will creat one with the backing and ’support’ from the victims family that just fuel more facts and spectualtion. If anyone ’believes’ other wise and was not there to see it themselves, it all depends what view you read the ’fact’ from, police reports ? i witness reports ? personal opinions involved ? family reports even though not there of course ! But myself im open to being wrong if i am i am, thats not naive thats common sence and i find im very intelligent, i dont come on to insulted.

*bangs head against wall*
I cant believe how stupid and naive some people are. You talk about not trusting the media. I agree to an extent. But the things you are quoting as facts are actually what the media reported on the day of the incident. They have since been discredited. The recent revelations are actually a leak from the ongoing investigation...they are not media rumours. He DID NOT run from the police. He was wearing a thin denim jacket, NOT a big black puffa jacket like was initially reported, and therefore could not have been concealing a bomb. Have you seen the photo of this man. He looks NOTHING like the man they were confusing him with. The police officer watching the block of flats when he came out was taking a piss and could not positively identify him.
Something has gone seriously wrong here. We pay these peoples salaries and they need to be held accountable. I have nothing against them shooting a suicide bomber to save peoples lives, but there are too many discrepancies and failures in this whole case. I cannot believe that there has been such a cock up from people who are supposed to be protecting us. Its pathetic. And yet we still get idiots defending their actions. It makes my blood boil.

tell you what makes my blood boil now shall i ? people insulting other people by saying there stupid and naive there are becouse they dont agree you others !.

its not when people disagree with me that makes me angry, its when people quote lies that have already been proved lies and conveniently ignore established facts to support their point of view. Please try reading more about this case before you jump in trying to defend people who obviously werent doing their job properly

ok i havent read the police reports yet lol sorry , must have read different papers aswell , i only read what i pick up off table top you sound like you have read a number of articles from different sources. i read local news mainly but dont seek to study only to a limit.


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