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D.H.T. on Regis and Kelly

8 replies

D.H.T. will perform “Listen to your heart” on Regis and Kelly tomorrow morning. Hopefully Roxette will get a mention.

Regis & Kelly? What´s that? In USA?

Yes what is that?

It’s a talk show on ABC. ITs a very popular show that has been on for years. Its based in New York. Its one of the USA’s three major networks.

I tivoed was ok...Kelly introduced them and said: “Making their national debut, performing their high energy cover of Roxette’s 1989 #1 hit, LTYH...”
Pretty cool to see the mention. They started off performing the Unplugged version and went into the dance version. A little cheesy sounding..especially based on the average age of the show’s audience. A cam shot of the audience is usually a sea of grey hair lol. At the end of a quickie interview Regis called them DDT...him and Barabra Walters have got to be the most senile people on American TV.
Over the weekend I heard them on the radio..they were performing at a club in New Jersey and had a quick interview on the radio. When asked if they ever thought covering Roxette’s hit would be so successful, Edmee said something along the lines of “Its very exciting”. 2 mentions of Roxette in US in 1 week...its been years lol

that’s so awesome. BUT I MISSED IT!!! i dont have tivo, and for some reason my tape didnt record it. oh well. i gotta join the 21st century and get tivo

DDT... that’s GREAT!

We’ll just pack em up, stuff em in a box, and drop them in the open field and see how big of a hole they make in the ground!

Way to go Regis, you DUMBSHIT!

leave regis alone lol

Maybe they will perform @ Conan?


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