tradera cheating
AntiMario said on June 20, 2005 15:25:
People, please be careful when bidding items from Rene_Rebhan (starting always from 1 SEK) as he often outbids with different log-in his own stuff (Laengtan for ex.). I can’t see any logical point in this, but it starts to be annoying.
proff said on June 20, 2005 17:27:
For tradera:
Rene_Rebhan - Laengtan
For Ebay:
Laengtan - Helig_Man
AntiMario said on June 20, 2005 18:42:
Better price? Should I pay more than 400 SEK for Dance Passion CD for ex? Huh... There’s always a reserve amount available, want it - set it up
rox4ever said on June 20, 2005 18:59:
Well, I have bought several things from her in the past and I have to say she is a nice person. I don’t think laengtan and helig_man are the same person, because the second one has bought more than 20 things from the first one. A little bit stupid, isn’t it?
per_mson said on June 20, 2005 20:42:
@rox4ever: Ehhhmmm.. I think Rene is a man. :-)
But the reason why (if now Helig man is the same as Laengtan) one has bought that much from the other would in that case be that Lengtan didn’t get enough from the other bidders. That I guess is the tactics to pay the Tradera/ebay fees then...
@antimario: I actually asked Rene directly that it all was a bit suspicious that a person called “laengtan” bidded more or less only on his stuff since his nick on Ebay is “Laengtan”. He claimed that “Laengtan” was already taken on Tradera by a girl in Hamburg (even got her address... which of course could be his gf..) so therefore he couldn’t use it.
But I must say I still find it all suspicious when this Laengtan bids on the same CD she already won some time ago again.... and I also find it very suspicious that Rene has a hidden bidders list on Ebay.
You should maybe send the auctions he has to Tradera for a follow up?!
I do however agree with you roxette4ever that he is a nice person to talk to.
rox4ever said on June 20, 2005 21:09:
Upss, sorry! Maybe bisexual (just joking!!) By the way Per, how are the items? Did you enjoy them? I hope so, after a loooooooooong waiting.
sandyam said on June 21, 2005 20:30:
Rene is a great seller. I have
dealt with him a few times and the service is always perfect. No need to be suspicious.
per_mson said on June 21, 2005 21:32:
Being a nice and great seller have nothing to do with being honest with bidding on ebay/tradera, unfortunately...
Roxette-atic said on June 22, 2005 15:50:
Rene Rebhan..I sent him around 25 euros for The Look 95 part 1 & 2...and then he said he never got the I was left out with no money and no cds..Im not saying that he is lying, but it makes me wonder..
per_mson said on June 22, 2005 16:46:
Phew, that was quite expensive for those singles!! Those you can buy MUCH cheaper (say 4-5 GBP) from UK.
But post might get lost and I heard from the Swedish post that quite a lot of letters with money in them has been gone lately.... so maybe that’s what happened to your letter?! I would recommend using PayPal or even a bank transfer (which doesn’t cost much within EU from Sweden anymore) instead of sending money around in letters...
ally77 said on June 22, 2005 17:39:
@ Roxette-atic, sadly that is a big risk you take when you mail cash through the post.... I normally only take Paypal from people abroad... but sometimes I will make exceptions, but make it clear they must mail the money at there own risk... although I have never had any problems with money going missing... until...
I paided for something on Tradera and I mailed the cash when I arrived in Sweden last month to the seller... he did not get it, but another parcel of money also went missing at the same time, so they suspect it was stolen from the PO, I offered to send payment again, but he did not bother, still mailed the goods to me, that is a good seller, but it has taught me a lesson to only use Paypal...
Staffany said on June 23, 2005 09:18:
I have mailed money many times, and nothing happened. Just send it registered (signed on delivery), and place 2 pieces of black Bristol cardboard into the evelope (you can’t see through the envelope). Problem solved...
sandyam said on July 24, 2006 12:54:
By the way, did you know that Rene Rebhan himself has a huuuge Roxette + related collection?
Check out his site:
Laengtan said on July 24, 2006 14:19:
Hi, if you have any problems with me please mail me and don’t discuss about me. I’m serious and I’m fair. You can see that by my feedbacks on Ebay. Good Luck René.
sandyam said on July 24, 2006 15:17:
Hej, no offense.
I did not mean to gossip or talk mean about you.
I just wanted to let other people know that I was amazed by your huge collection.
By the way, I know you are serious and fair.
I have dealt with you several times pleasantly, so don’t worry...
I probably shouldn’t have posted this message in this topic because of the title which assumes nothing good. Please excuse me for that.
Laengtan said on July 24, 2006 16:34:
Hi, i don’t mean you:-). Thanks for your replies in the discussion i mean some other members. Nothing is truth! Best wishes Rene.
ditroia said on July 25, 2006 01:50:
I think the fact that your Ebay Auctions are Private, can breed a bit of suspicion. Personally I Can’t See why you would need to have private Auctions.
However I’ve bought off this seller once or twice, and have had no complaints.
Room_service said on July 25, 2006 02:54:
I don’t trust in those huge collections published in the net. I have some reasons:
A) What’s the point? Why should I bother in doing a long list, including catalogue number, title, country, etc? It takes a lot of time, but I don’t see any reason to do that. What do you get in return? Just to show to the others you are the fan #1. Maybe to bring some envy too?
B) Those lists are easy to fake. Just collect the catalogue numbers from different sources and make a list. Voilá!
Room_service said on July 25, 2006 02:56:
Regarding Laengtan (or whatever her/his name is), I agree with Dave. I don’t know why he hides the name of the bidders. That’s not enough transparent for me. And it happens very common stuff gets very high in his auctions. I don’t know why so many people bid so much in common stuff. It doesn’t make sense.
Jud (moderator) said on July 25, 2006 05:25:
didn’t we discuss this nick/person already some time(s) before? all negative comments as far as I remember..
Laengtan said on July 25, 2006 14:21:
Hi, it’s a net page for me. Why should i do a fake list??? This is my complete collection. It’s a long time to do this page. I don’t know what’s the problem. I got a huge collection and I’m very happy about it. Sorry.
ally77 said on July 25, 2006 15:56:
@ Laengtan .... this topic is just so old though!
Nice webpage... I hope you have your collection insured!
Jud (moderator) said on July 25, 2006 19:12:
oh my, I missed the topic was started in June... 2005! :P
Room_service said on July 26, 2006 02:54:
I would say:
“It was a lot of work and time to make such a list for... nothing? Oh, yes, it was to show the others how a good fan I am. Yes, it was the reason!”
And by the way, you were able to get such a big collection ’cause you got a lof of extra money with all those not-so-clear auctions. Buy cheap and then sell it for a lot of money...
ally77 said on July 26, 2006 06:26:
I really think this topic should be closed....
I know someone who bought a lot of this person and I never heard her complain about his service... he / she always seemed like a good seller!
per_mson said on July 26, 2006 06:52:
I don’t get why to complain about having your collection online?! I also have that (even though it is closed to the public), but that is 100% for my own sake. That way I can look at what I have whereever I am if I find something and shouldn’t be sure if I have it or not (that happens when the collecion is getting bigger).
sandyam said on July 26, 2006 07:57:
Oh Roomservice, stop wining. You sound like a child. You make yourself look like you are very jealous of someone who owns such a big collection.
Why can’t you just act like a grown up and be amazed by such a huge collection of roxette + related stuff instead of childishly pionting your finger to Rene saying that he didn’t get his items in a fair way.
You know Roomservice, buying things and selling them for a higher price is nothing illegal.
In fact, the whole world is running on this way of trading! So get real and stop talking rubbish about someone you don’t know and never dealt with before.
I feel really sorry for Rene that I got this topic going again. I sure didn’t mean to have it going this way.
I agree with Ally. This topic should be closed.
chrisjankunas said on July 26, 2006 10:39:
The only thing on this matter that I am going to say is that Laengton’s auctions on ebay practically ALWAYS sell for much higher prices ! For example a US WICF Promo sold for about 30 Euros at one point when another went for about $1 US ! NOt just this example but other silly singles have sold for bizarre prices ! It DOES make me wonder ! It COULD be conincidence tho - I don’t know.
Edit: Also the Swedish Dangerous alway goes for about £100 with his auctions but never that much with any other seller selling it ! I got mine for £32 !
Edit 2: Also if you pay the seller he sends you the item - so people prepared to pay his prices WILL say he is a good seller since from this angle he is - it the case of the upped prices that gets me !
ally77 said on July 26, 2006 11:19:
That old saying again... if you don’t want to buy it at that price then don’t and walk away... no one is forcing you to buy things at those prices
Room_service said on July 27, 2006 03:28:
Dear sandyam, you should cool down a bit.
So, according to you, a grown up person should be amazed by such a huge collection. Pretty poor concept. And I am not jealous, let me tell you why.
Roxette has only release 7 original studio albums: POP, LS, JY, TO, CBB, HAND and RS. Plus some compilations and special releases, like DBU, Rarities, TBH, TPH and Baladas en Español. It makes 12 basic albums in total. So, you can get the 90% of the Roxette music in just 12 CD’s. If I am interested in THE MUSIC, why should I buy all that shit, like a 7” single released in... Tonga? I can’t be jealous of that, because what is really important is available in 12 CD’s. I won’t spend a fortune in something just to show the others. Luckily, I am not so obsessed about Roxette, and I have other priorities in life.
More childish is that people, fighting in places like eBay, bidding over and over again to get a record because the sleeve looks slightly brighter than the one they already have. That’s childish. I would be ashamed of myself if I had such a behavior.
So, if you are REALLY interested in music, you can have it in couple of CD’s. But if you have to fill your life with a big collection, that’s another story. You said this is rubbish, because you feel touched. This applies to Earth too, who said he only listens to Roxette. He also “lays all his power on Roxette and related”. My God, I used to think this was a (more or less) normal forum.
I totally agree with chrisjankunas! And he’s not the one that says that...
per_mson said on July 28, 2006 08:03:
@Room Service: Do I get you right that you think we collectors are childish? It also sound as if you think we are kind of stupid?! Am I right?
sandyam said on July 28, 2006 10:16:
@ per mson
Once again it appears that talking sense into roomservice is a waste of time so why bother or even pay attention?
per_mson said on July 28, 2006 10:34:
@Sandy: I am just curious if she want to become enemies with a lot of people here.... :)
chrisjankunas said on July 28, 2006 15:21:
I know the comment was not directed at me but I certainly am not against collecting cds - I have a rather nice collection of rox-related myself ! I have addressed my concerns but realise no solid proof exists - but enough for me to steer clear of certain users on ebay - I have no quarrel with this user’s “buy it now” options tho ! !
Strest said on July 29, 2006 00:24:
“You know Roomservice, buying things and selling them for a higher price is nothing illegal.
In fact, the whole world is running on this way of trading! “
Buying stuff and selling it for a higher price is a must if you wanna make a living out of it, but fraud on the other hand is definitely illegal.
If rene/laengtan does that I don’t know. All I know that I stay away from private auctions since you don’t know who’s bidding against you.
ally77 makes a good point in saying “if you don’t want to buy it at that price then don’t and walk away... no one is forcing you to buy things at those prices”
And the people buying stuff from him is obviously willing to pay those high prices, but if the seller overbids you with another user account (or with a friends or girlfriends account) it’s illegal.
But sure, as long as it’s not my money going to waste by paying (way) too much for an item I don’t really care. Since he delivers and they knew what they were doing when clicking on the max bid button they’re probably happy they won the auction...
sandyam: You probably should’ve known better than to bump a one-year-old-thread called ’tradera cheating’ if all you wanted to do was talk about his collection...
sandyam said on July 29, 2006 08:02:
Well, if you want to say something about a certain person that already has a topic, why start a new one for that? I could not expect (certain) people to act so stupid, or maybe I could.....
ally77 said on July 30, 2006 20:08:
I see nothing wrong with collecting things... most serious collectors collect because it’s something they enjoy doing.....
I use to collect I don’t know but I don’t think I was as obsessed as some I know!!!!!!!! lol
If it makes them happy then that’s there business.... I don’t think it has anything to do with anyone else....
Many people who don’t collect are still keen to know about other people’s collections and stuff... I know I am!
whateveriam said on July 30, 2006 21:26:
Here, here! I’m always curious about other peoples Rox stuff and music collections. If you see me at a party, I’m usually looking at the CD rack, you find some things you really don’t expect to find sometimes.
Secretkeeper81 said on July 31, 2006 16:40:
Yes, I remember discussing about this eBay user a few weeks ago. Check this out:
He left me positive feedback on eBay and I received the item I wanted from him as payment since we decided to swap. So with me being a seller in the auction, I had absolutely no problem dealing with him.
Strest said on August 1, 2006 18:04:
sandyam: Because it was definitely off-topic.
There’s no point in bumping a one-year-old-thread to post an off-topic-remark instead of creating a new one.
Edit: And posting on-topic remarks cannot really be called stupid even if you disagree with what they’re saying.
whateveriam said on August 2, 2006 20:44:
You wanted them, we give you the floor and you go quiet. I can’t win!
chrisjankunas said on September 5, 2006 11:00:
His last few auctions haven’t been private - I have bought “buy it now” from this seller as that aspect was never an issue -
purplemedusa said on September 5, 2006 11:01:
Yes where what? WHO?
Urm on second thought, I’d better stay outa THIS one coz it won’t be PURDY!!! ;)
purplemedusa said on September 5, 2006 12:37:
I really don’t want to flame anybody but jeez Room Service KNOWS how to put her head into a bees nest! I get the feeling that those comments are posted for kix more than anything else....!
bunny2 said on September 5, 2006 18:48:
I am always buying my stuff from laengtan. He is such a great seller.
I have nothing to say against him !
greetings from leipzig
purplemedusa said on September 6, 2006 07:13:
Dammit there’s some I want... but will have to wait a tad bit!!
Watercolours said on June 20, 2005 15:48:
Logic is to get a better price for the item she is selling.