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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Geen tram / bus / metro... Amsterdam (NED) :| :O

15 replies

Ik weet het is heel “off-topic”, maar ik ben heel verbaast en ik kan niet begrijpen hoe komt het dat zo’n zaak in Europa 2005 kan gebeuren :||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Is dat legaal? :O

Ja, in nederland is alles legaal!

Ja, ze hebben hier het recht tot staken ofzo....bijna de ongekeerde wereld :S

Natuurlik is dit legaal. Eh, waarvan praat ons? :P

Ik heb geen problem met “staken”, maar ik vind het niet normaal dat er is geen minimaal dienst :O Zo vandaag heb ik geen recht om de universiteit te reiken. Niet mooi.
Als wij betalen 600€ elke jaar voor belatingen in de stad, denk ik dat wij zou ten minste een tram per uur hebben...
Ik dacht dat ook de gewone burger had rechten. :/

me no clue what this is about... guessing it is in dutch! lol

Ally77: Welcome to the world of the Dutch language :-) If you want me to I can teach you Dutch, just drop me a line :-)

Volgende week vrijdag gaat ProRail waarschijnlijk ook staken. Dit zou betekenen dat het treinverkeer een dag plat zal liggen.
Nog even en we halen Frankrijk in qua stakingsland numero 1!

@Santi: weet jij iets over het opnemen van gitaar en het aansluiten van een synthesizer op een computer?

@ally77: It is about the striking of the public transport in the Netherlands. And indeed it is dutch, so you guessed the language right at least.

Maybe it should be in the International forum?

it IS international?

I started it in International and it has been jumping from here to forum off-topic for the whole day. I think it did jump twice to off-topic and twice back again. I guess the moderators don’t share points of view and/or don’t talk to each other.

@m-cvk: Ik zal later jou antwoorden... Nu heb ik geen tijd, ik ga naar Hoge Veluwe :P

@Santi: gracias! Veel plezier!

i have always seen it in International.. must have been while I was sleeping ;)

I think the problem is very small. Now it’s here, so enjoy it.

@m-cvk: Mijn woordschap in het nederlands in niet groot genoeg voor om muziek te praten, zo ik doe het in het engels :D

I think that I understand that you ask how to connect an (electric?) guitar and a synth to a computer.
You have several ways to do that. One way is to simply connect the guitar to the micro-in jack-plug of the computer’s soundcard. You may need an adaptor for the plug for doing this, since most computers use a small jack and guitars use the larger one. If you do so I recommend you to buy an stereo adapter. The computer will serve as amplificator for the guitar and you can hear it thru the headphones or the speakers of the computer, and record it with some Cubase, Cakewalk or whatever software you’re using. However you can’t really change the properties of the sound, you can’t add overdrive or effects in real-time as easy as you could with a real amp or a pedal. That’s why I don’t recommend you this.
I recommend, if you want to record music in a computer, that you use a microphone (a good one, not a 15€ one... good ones’ prices are from 75€ normally) and the amp that you use normally with your guitar. This can be very tricky though, until you find the correct angle and position of the microphone, you’ll have to try several times.
It’s a pity but normally computers don’t accept as a in-line signal the out-signal of an amplifier. I mean, you can’t plug directly from the take for headphones on the amp to your computer. That’d be ideal, but the computer doesn’t understand that signal (normally).

About the synth I find it’s a lot easier. You can use a MIDI plug if your synth can do that (and it should, cuz I’ve been using a synth that was from the 80’s and it already had MIDI). However, I personally dislike MIDI, though it’s convenient many times, because it’s very cold music. As you tell me synth and not “keyboard” I guess that you create your own sounds (you synthetize them), instead of playing only presets from the keyboard. You can do the same as I told you in the beginning for the guitar. I have never had a problem plugging the out-signal for the headphones into the computer. With my pc and synth it sounded really nice. MY synth had also two separate plugs for left and right channel, and the headphones one for stereo. If that’s your case too, always do use stereo... it’s really annoying hearing the synth only in one side of your track and it’s the type of things that you just can forgive to people like The Beatles. You can anyway mix it down to mono on the computer, or well, double the track on the computer and place it in both sides (In my mixes I double the keyboard and pan it to the extreme in both sides, which gives a very envolving sound in my opinion) :P

Your synth may need amplifier too. I’ve never tried that, but I guess you’d probably have the same problem as with trying to plug the guitar’s one. On the other hand not many people need a lot of effects with synths, since you can customize your sound directly in it. If you want to add effects (like reverbs or choruses) I think it’s a better idea not to do it real-time but to do it in the post-production of the song. Sound Forge, Cubase and Cakewalk have really nice effects. On the guitar is more tricky, the distorsion and overdrive mostly suck in the computer, that’s why you should use your amp’s and record it with the mic. Besides the direct sound of a guitar into the pc is very dull...

If you have more questions (or I have not replied to what you exactly asked) you can contact me at [email protected] ;)

Thanx Santi! I have an 80’s synth (Yamaha V50) and both an el as ac guitar :-) I’ll try your advice this weekend and let you know if it worked (I’m sure it does) :-)


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