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New Rox Review

17 replies

I just found out the new Roxette Review from the FC came out this week, but I’m in Sweden and my copy has arrived in Australia. Can someone who has it give me a general idea of what’s in there? Actually I should rephrase to ask what I really want to know - is there anything about Marie in there?????

as far as I know, there’s only 1 page about Marie.. *sigh*

One page?? Ohhh you mean I signed up for the Roxette Review but got the Gessle Gazette instead? *sighs*

well I don’t have it so I prefer that somebody confirms, that’s just what I heard :P

There’s a 3-page feature on The Change but that includes a 1-page photo, a 2/3rd page photo and 2 small photos, so there’s about 2 pages of photos of Marie and 1 page of text about Marie. I think it’s quite nice, but that’s just my opinion: I like the photos as I have TDR for the news!! There’s also a 2/3rd page photo of Marie near the end of the magazine. Cheers, Rich ;-)

I find it as a bad review because all of it has already been published on the WWW

I ike the new review. It is a good review at 2004.

And of course every thing in it was already published on the net. What should they write about new news when there aren´t new storys. *eyeroll*

I don’t care if it’s been on the net, it would be almost impossible to find something that didn’t get to the net first. I really like to get something I can hold in my hands and read. I just prefer to read about Marie, that’s all!

ATLTK: That’s why it’s called A “review”. It’s like a summary of what has happend... the only place you could perhaps find some real news are if there’s some interview or something that has not been published on the net.

BUT, I do understand your point. If would be far more interesting to be a member in the fanclub, if there was some news or something else that was made exclusively for the members in that review.

The review is good, yeah a lot of the news is old, but I liked to read the tour diary bit from the fans last year....

I don’t judge the fanclub too harshly because I think they don’t get a lot of cooperation from the record company or the band themselves, especially Marie (obviously she is ill now, but I know she was never particularly involved before that either). All they get is some questions to Per. I know other fanclubs get more participation from the artists which would make it a hell of a lot easier to make a good magazine if they could have access to exclusives and interviews.

well at least for the last couple of reviews they have some colour pages
but i’m not very happy with the reviews
i have reviews from the beginning but the last couple of years i am not very happy with it because
when you pay you can have 6 reviews and at the beginning there was one revieuw in two months.
but the last time i paid was years ago and i mean really years. i thought i lost my money but finally i have got my last review and i won’t be a member any more because there are much nicer things on the net for free.
and when you order something from the fan club you have to wait for weeks even months

Well like I said I understand it must be really hard to make a review every 2 months when they have so little cooperation from Roxette, but also what could they write about? Nothing is happening! That said, I know a bunch of fans (myself included) have tried to offer help with ideas and stories for the Review and they won’t take it. But I’ll stay a member, I like getting the magazines even if it’s not so often, and even if they are all about Per.

Can somebody from the FanShop check if my review has been shipped? I didn’t receive it, my number is 11599, thanks.

@roxlad: e-mail the Fc about such matters ;)

Yep you’re right, sorry!

or maybe you should post this in the forum

Thanks Judith for the tip, I did it.


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