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A Pop Hit you'd replaced

20 replies


The Ballad Hits collection featured all of Roxette’s ’ballad’ singles but The Pop Hits didn’t have all of them (possibly because of the 15-track song list).

Anyway, what song(s) would you have replaced in the latter collection?

I’d rather have had
- Real Sugar -> Fireworks

RS was such a flop and FW had a wider single release anyway (The UK, Australia).

I agree. Must admit I was disappointed to not see Fireworks on TPH, single version or not.

This is my personal perfect tracklist. I added just one track on each CD (there is enough room on the discs to include all of them):

1. A Thing About You
2. It Must Have Been Love
3. Listen To Your Heart
4. Fading Like A Flower
5. Spending My Time
6. Queen Of Rain
7. Almost Unreal
8. Crash! Boom! Bang!
9. Run To You
10. Vulnerable
11. You Don’t Understand Me
12. Wish I Could Fly
13. Anyone
14. Salvation
15. Milk And Toast And Honey
16. Breathe

1. Opportunity Nox
2. The Look
3. Dressed For Success
4. Dangeous
5. Joyride
6. The Big L.
7. Church Of Your Heart
8. How Do You Do!
9. Fingertips ’93
10. Sleeping In My Car
11. Fireworks
12. June Afternoon
13. Stars
14. The Centre Of The Heart
15. Real Sugar
16. Little Miss Sorrow

“Run To You” fits better on “The Ballad Hits”, for my taste. I never liked that song in the middle of “Sleeping...” and “June Afternoon”.

You can remove “Fingertips ’93” and place “She Doesn’t Live Here Anymore” instead. But I prefer the older song.

why does everybody keep forgetting Neveredning Love?!

It should have been on there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a hit only in Sweden. I don’t think a casual buyer (I mean not a fan) from somewhere else would recognise that song as a “hit”. I’d like to have that song too, but sadly it was not enough successful to be included on “The Pop Hits”. I think the international success of Roxette started with “The Look”.

By the way,

I think they could have easily included all of their international pop singles on the collection - - it could have boosted the sales even. Who demanded 15 songs only, anyway? DBU had 18.

THey could...

You know, I’ve just realized they never included any of the songs from PoP on their compilations. I think they should have done it.
Back to the topic. She Doesn’t Live Here Anymore isn’t included, real shame! Run To You is the first candidate to be thrown away.

Well, in fact, She Doesn’t Live Here Anymore never was a real “hit”. It failed in the charts.

Although symmetry is nice (15 or 16 tracks on each CD), I see no reason why they could not have also included Fingertips ’93, Fireworks and She Doesn’t Live Here Anymore on the Pop Hits to make it an 18-track CD... remember that on the whole the pop hits are shorter songs, so then the CDs would be more similar in length! Certainly to miss SDLHA off the releases was a crime in my little world :-) Just my thoughts... Rich

“Certainly to miss SDLHA off the releases was a crime in my little world :-) Just my thoughts...”
Well said Rich. The same in my little world. I just love this song too much.

@ Staffany

Well the same applies to such ballad “hits” like Salvation or Anyone. Or even YDUM that missed the UK & German Top-40’s...

Well, but “Anyone” is played very often in the radio, at least here. I think it’s a classic Roxette ballad, and all the people recognise the song.
On the other hand, I never catch SDLHA on the radio. It’s not a very popular song, I doubt much non-fan people know it.

I agree about “Salvation”. When I bought HAND in 2002, I reconize “Anyone”instantly. But it was the first time I heard “Salvation”, I don’t think I heard the song before I bought the album.

neverending love SHOULD havce been on there , i agree totally

I agree that NEL should have been on TPH, possibly...After all, it was a top-3 hit in Sweden, their first single, a milestone you know.

However, I don’t think it really would have fit on the record, sounds too “schlager”...kind of what we call “iskelmä” here in Finland :P

whats schlager ? i think its sounds really old thats why i love it :-D

It doesn’t fit the album!!! Can you imagine Neverending Love after Opportunity Nox in the tracklist? NO WAY! But that single was a local hit, it’s not a proper “hit”.

The main CDs are fine for me, but I think they could have beefed up the EPs. Happy Together, Crazy About You, I Remember You, & Entering Your Heart should have been included on the extra discs. (I know they can be found elsewhere, but it was a Best of complilation and it would have been gret to have them there.)

“Schlager” is the old German word for “hit”. In our music/entertainment context, the German verb “schlagen” means something between “to beat” and “to hit”. Today, it describes old-fashioned pop music (newer songs as well, as long as they are produced in the Schlager style). In Germany, Schlager is either uncool or “Kult”.Love-it-or-hate-it-pop due to the cheesyness and predictabillity of the song-structures.

I would also like to see “Fireworks” as one of the songs in “The Pop Hits”. But instead of removing “Run To You”, I would be removing “June Afternoon”.

anyone who loves roxette should never go on like that i love real sugar per is absolutely fabulous thats why i got that cd because of that song

A few songs were probably left out due to the horrible copy protection system that takes up a lot of space on the disc. I miss She Doesn’t Live Here Anymore... among others.


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