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Do you have a Pet?

42 replies

Okay maybe a sad topic for those who don’t like animals... but I do!

Do you have a pet?

I have my 21 month old Jack Russell Alfie-Jack! :) he’s my little baby :)

I also have a Corgi (like the queen) who is 5 years old and called Oskar! (However he still lives with my parents)

Previous to that there was Sandy another Corgi who died aged 11 in 1999 :(

Cat named Satan, who is presently asleep on top of the pizza box on the scanner. It’s his “bed”

I have two labrador dogs (one mixed with german shepard, the other with pit-bull). There name are Rox & Rookie... They‘re already 7 years old.

I have a 3 and a half year old cat named Snookems. She is black, with white paws, tummy, “bib” and whiskers.

I have a ’Shar-pei dog, ( wrinkly ) called Orson jefferson , and is 2 and a half , have a rabbit called BUB , still looking to getting a goat :)

I don’t have them anymore, but I did have a cat called Roxette, another cat called Per and two mice called Look Sharp and Joyride....

Per would possibly be an appropriate name for a fatcat.

OAM, what are you trying to say :)

My cat Per had long brown hair with blondish streaks. He was also the stupidest cat who ever lived. If you moved his food bowl, he couldn’t find it. There was nothing wrong with his eyes or his sense of smell, he was just so dumb that he couldn’t understand why his bowl was not in the same place. It would take him 10 minutes to find it even though it was only a few inches from it’s original position, and then he’d look like “Oh THERE it is!!!!”

I have got one parrot called Kimi, one little rabbit called Cholito. And also two cats (11 and 13 years old) who live with my parents. Their names are Filipka and Tifanny.

Sparvo: I’m trying to be polite and not laugh.

Oh who am I kidding?


Kazz: That cat has the look of: “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

I have two yellow anacondas...Wouldn’t really call them pets, though. Both around 3m...and nowadays pretty nasty in temper ;)

I used to have a black cat, very much like Kazza’s, but... well.. more black. Sadly she got run over :-(

LOL @ Sparvoga.. and LittleSpooky, you guys crack me up :-D

I had to euthanize my 13-and-a-half year old cat, Roxane, last November. Crushed me. I think I’m just about ready to get another pet, though.

It’s been strange to be without a pet for six months. My Mother bred Siamese for years and I’ve never been without a cat (aside from when I went to school) in the house since I was born. And since I travel a lot in the summer for work, I think I may wait until later this year to get one.

I used to.
When I lived in Russia, I had a Russian Cocker Spaniel, white with black spots :)

i have 2 rats and a guinea pig. and a dog (rottweiler) and a boyfriend

I have a six-month wonderful poodle called Rebecca-Christina and an aquarium.

i now have 2 kittens for what was a 5 kitten litter, three of them dies in the span of 3 weeks its so sad but the ones that have hung on are the sweetest things in the world i am gonna end up with 5 cats eeks

I had two cats, a siamese and a simple one, and a hamster. But they all died long ago.

I love Cats, I esp love Alfie trying to chase them up the tree, they sit there, well suzy does and she looks at him as much to say you have no chance, and she ain’t scared of Alfie as she live with three big dogs!

I have two cats - Cip and Niunia :0) I can‘t imagine my flat without any animals. Ever!

a little dog called Ugo, he is 14 years old =P

Mmm... our Jack Russell just had 7 pups - making it a total of ELEVEN dogs! But the puppies will prolly go within a few weeks! Aw but aren’t they just the cutest when they’re small - except for the fact that there’s shit everywhere... eeeek!

I have a Jack Russell named Milo.

My sister-in-law’s cat “Momma” just had her kittens (don’t ask me... I think one of my nieces named her and they’re 6 and 4).

One is an all black little cat, one looks like Momma: white with a tabby shell, one looks calico-like, and two look like the inbred nitwit up the road (just kidding! They look like each other).

We’re thinking 3 different daddies for the little ruggers.


My friend just sent me this in an e-mail:

“The vet tells me to take him back into the waiting room while he checks the samples to see if the lumps are cancerous,whew,thankfully they are just “fat tumors” and not dangerous,and lots of dogs get them.

He asks if I have any questions and I said “No,as long as he is realtively healthy,is all I need to know.” He said that he wasn’t quite done,and wants me to bring Mutt back to the exam soon as I pull on the leash,and he sees where we are going.....he just “I’m not going back in there,and you can’t make me”lol.

The vet laughs and says,well,you aren’t going to drag a 120lb dog anywhere he doesn’t want to go, so he finishes in the waiting room. The funniest part of the whole thing starts here.....the vet wants his temp, and reaches around to put a thermometer where the sun don’t shine. Now Mutt is a relatively mellow dog,and will pretty much let you do what you want,so Mutt is accepting this with good humor.....then the vet says, “I hope he doesn’t sit now”,Mutt,being very well trained,of course,sits......rofl!!!
I’m laughing so hard I can’t speak.....when I can finally talk I said “you said the magic word S-I-T”. So,he has to go and retreive the thermometer, hahahahahaha.

Oooh Spooks any chance of sharing some photo’s of the lil’ ones?

Purp: Yeah, I got 2 for now. I’d have more, but the issues surrounding my grandmother’s death have prevented that. I’ll mail those off to you.

please please please all of you that are coming to the london uk fan meeting - PLEASE bring photos of all you animals so that we can all share their cuteness....

i dont have any pets right now - but i have photos of my two miniature yorkshire terriers that we had for 26 years...Sophie and Teebo...i have a gorgeous photo blown up in our spare room of with our English Sheepdog when i was 6 yrs old...

Just reading some of your stories on this thread - i swear i was laughing out loud so hard i think i woke up the neighbours!!!

i have to kitties, one is very old and small while my kitten is HUGE!!!!! they are my babies and are extremely spoiled rotten!

I have got a she-dog, Kasumi Tsunami and three she-cats, Reina en Colores, Princesa and Perica.

I love animals!!

I have a cute lil miniature sausage dog. Dahleila :D

I have dogs but I have to leave them with my mother in Indonesia. Their names are Mopi, Malfoy, and Korotey.

Few years ago I had a dog called Tutty, but some thief poisoned her so they can steal her but she made it back home and died few days later. But my dog, Somora was stolen and never seen her again, I hope she’s still alove.

In the future, I want to have basset hound, right now I only have two calendars with their picture, and I named every picture (pathetic, huh?)


how cute is that!
i want one too!
they are just the best!

though we are quite obsessed with Westies - we have a Westie calendar in each room in our house...

in fact ive just downloaded an apllication form for the compnay Walk Your Dog...they only allow you to walk one dog at a time but you can alos house sit and llok after the dogs too - i cant think of a better paid job to do before i go travelling..

I know what you mean. Our house is filled with pics of Dahleila. Daschund keychains. A daschund shaped doorstopper.. keyholder etc. We are mad on them. I’d love another lil one but i dont think Dahleila would handle it very well!

if its ok with you im gonna send a picture of my familys one to your hotmail address (the one i can see when i click on your name)?

just want to share the cuteness of it all...

Please do yeah. I’ll share one of my millions of dahleila pics wid you :)

Purps: You gots Kitties!

you guys are lucky! i want a pet but my schedule wouldn’t allow me to give it proper care and attention. =( if i could have one now, i’d get a boston terrier and name him ’cooper’ or ’princess larissa’(my sick sense of humor).

we’ve got 3 budgies at home. With typical stupid names. The oldest one (4 years old) is called Bing (after Chandler in Friends), the next one (3 years old) is Bong. The name came from me thinking what goes with Bing?? Bong came to me straight away. And the 3rd one (1 year old) is called Boom. Again trying to carry the theme between all of them. We might be getting a forth and the name will be: Bang.

This is my little Stina:

I’ve also got a dwarf hamster called Rocky.

Just the hyper Jack Russell still Alfie who’s almost 3! and then good old Oscar who is 6 now and off to the vets tomorrow for his booster!

I have a teenage cousin. I guess I can call him a pet, since he’s got the brains of a parrot.


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