The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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7 replies

Wer von euch hat ein paar geile Wallpapers?
Ich würde mich echt darüber freuen wenn ihr welche hättet!

Here you can find a lot of good Marie´s wallpapers!!

Enjoy them!!!!! :D

:) :) is all in spanish and I don’t understand a bit! I can´t login sometimes and when I could I can´t leave start page. ?????

The page is in Spanish but we will try to place it in English, but between July and August, when places new photographic material, I am going to leave the page in public form (so that it is possible to enter without logearse)

Thanks for his comments.


I klicked on every button I saw but nothing happens. Hmmm.

I think that page is to difficult to understand!


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