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... Can't put your arms.... AC Mix !!!

10 replies

I discovered something interesting about this song and experimented with it.
Here is the result!

so did you make it?

yeah, do you like?

I figured the same thing a while back too, nice how Per gives us two songs in the one!!

Just wondering, is it just a copy of the one channel or did you do any playing around with it??

yes it’s nice and I have always loved that song, very sunny and flower-power even though the lyrics aren’t very happy!

I was thinking to add a piano in but decided not to “tamper” with it too much. SO yeah its just the LEFT channel in both speakers

lol why bother doing this to a demo lol ick i can’t stand this song

Nice work... :)

arhh what’s different with this mix that for as much as I listen I can’t figur it out.... I love that mini-ming right in the silent break yeahhh

Rox Nox2003, listen to the right channel only of the original version and you’ll hear the difference.

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Could you upload it again pls?


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