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Per or Marie

15 replies

Who do you like/love most? Per or Marie?

I like Per most because has written most of the music..
AND he got the look...=)

sorry I didn´t saw that someone already has start a discussion like this...

my english is bad I know...:)

’MP’ Eraie is the coolest...

I love Roxette! = Marie and Per (the two are fundamental in my life, therefore i love them equally :)


Are we going to start this debate AGAIN?

both Marie and Per.


Per. There´s no Roxette without Per.
He´s more than just 1/2 of Roxette! :D if you know what I mean.

I love Roxette,so I like both,Marie and Per together the best!!!

I just read silly answers; I think. The question is “who do you like most? Per or Marie” so the answer should be one of them. my answer is: Per, I like more Per than Marie :)

Did we not have this topic like a month ago or something? Be prepared for a bitchfest....

anyway, i like marie a lot more than per, though i can appreciate the massive contribution he mad to roxette aswell, i would never have become a fan if marie was not the lead singer

havent we had this already , everyone has there own taste, but marie for me ;-D hehe yes i wouldnt of become a fan is marie wasnt lead singer either , her voice made IMHBL and WICF ect ect.

Both Marie and Per.

i agree that rox couldn’t be without the 2 of them.
But I personally prefer Marie, I listen to songs sung by her more then Per’s (not just because she sings more of them)

there’s a topic about the same subject that has gone on for quite a long time already.. please, use that one, thanks! :) I think someone even counted how many votes Per and Marie got each ;)




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