VH1 Europe Today: Roxette and Ace Of Base
Rox_Nox2003 said on April 8, 2005 21:05:
Well most Rox fans do hate Ace Of Base whereas Ace Of Base fans seem to hate Roxette’s music and I am one of those few that actually has always embrassed both equally and for many reasons of my own...
Today I had this more or less hilarious feeling of seeing “The Look” at #25 and “The Sign” at #9 on the 40 awfully bad number ones in the USA. As we all know being sucessful in that country does take its own price and it quite high cause the next day u are about to become the joke of the day ... u are easily loved and then incredibly hated ... does this make sence? No but it seems to make sence for American listeners and America media...
So in this case both songs were considered in that list being severly trashed by hypocrit/cinical/pessimistic views upon its lyrics as if the “bad quality” of those words were such a drama ... in some moments it was fun in others I noticed that these people were commenting on things that made even less sence than verses like
“tasting like a raindroop” or the whole The Sign chorus where there is no specific mentioning of what That Sign can be...
So it was one of those incredibly clever VH1 moments to showcase people that aren’t that clever enough to show any credit for music instead just throwing out the reasons why they hate those songs .... which could also mean my mother could have been there the whole time and my dog too and yet they wouldn’t say that much to add it ... so the lyrics don’t make sence?the boys are singing to mellow?the hair is too long? the girl is too naked? and they don’t like it...well why the hell did they bothered to buy it in the first place to make it #1?
Some things just don’t make any sence at all so Per keep writing those lyrics ... at least u will be making laugh of all those who attemp to dislike them cause they don’t know why or how...LOL
AURYTE said on April 9, 2005 06:38:
My guess is that when people get a chance to comment something on TV, they rarely give positive reviews. If you say something silly, you are cool.
chrisjankunas said on April 9, 2005 09:16:
Especially considering how Roxette only went to that country after the americans started listening ot it on the radio! They wanted that song badly and they know it !!!!! Besides the Maccerina song came first and it was no 1 in America for 14 weeks ! What does that tell you?
Emil__BG said on April 9, 2005 13:26:
i saw last 10 songs
Although such countdown may have some sence.. the comments were so silly .. that these people deservå 1-st place in the 40 awfully bad comments countdown.
MiracleMan said on April 9, 2005 22:45:
Wow! Déjà vu!
When this thread was started. . .
. . .no one was saying “What else can you expect from Americans? It is clear that they are not the most smart ones on this world.”
Really, why flame Americans? Because you disagreed with some TV show’s comments on your favorites? Why be so defensive and and then offensive over every little insignificant comment someone makes on a TV show?
You can disagree with somebody’s critique of something you love without stooping to insult. Grow up.
Rox_Nox2003 said on April 10, 2005 01:23:
Well the only thing that I seriously question is what could be the purpouse of having a show commented by people who aren’t even related or linked to music industry.
It’s true that we came up with the pop sounds and dancy stuff in the 90s but no matter how bad it could be we wouldn’t be bothered by it and give it an unnecessary importance to flame it as this American show gave to it. This has nothing to do
with being or not being American but it’s clear for me that somehow making these songs number 1 so that they get thrown in the dump in the next day it’s a bit senceless ... and that happens the most in America ... why? I don’t know...
Yet so many other number one songs could have been included there why weren’t they then? I mean Boyband stuff, Britney’s and Xtinas, J Lopez ... I mean seriously what makes them so different to not be included on that list? Someone paid VH1 good money to avoid that maybe? LOL
Jud (moderator) said on April 10, 2005 10:23:
I agree with MiracleMan, there’s no need to insult anybody/people in general to write your points of view, is there? thanks :)
If you don’t agree on the channel/program: why watch it? I hate MTV so guess what, I don’t watch it. I would be stupid otherwise, and on top of that complain “this program sucks” “this other too” etc afterwards. It’s like.. I hate bananas but I would still eat them and go “yuk they are REALLY distusting” ;)
Jud (moderator) said on April 10, 2005 10:46:
I also realised there’s a topic about this very same subject already.. so please use that one :)
sommartiderhejhej said on April 8, 2005 22:25:
I happen to like both Ace of Base and Roxette.
don’t see the point why Rox-fans should hate Ace of Base or the other way round.
Well, about the fact that Americans have a list of nr.1 songs they don’t like.....
What else can you expect from Americans?
It is clear that they are not the most smart ones on this world.