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King of Queens anyone?
3 replies
Jud said on April 7, 2005 17:36:
Does anybody else like this sitcom? I think Kevin James is just FUNNY! :D
I try not to miss the 4 chapters every day (2 in each channel ;))
LittleSpooky said on April 8, 2005 04:34:
It’s on every week here... but I don’t watch it... usually conflicts with something else.
coyboyusa said on April 8, 2005 08:28:
ick sitcoms i;’; be just fine watchning the repeast of season 1 of battlestar galactica
Breathe8 said on April 7, 2005 19:20:
I don´t know this sitcom but I like them very much! The sitcoms are very funny.