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New Roxette EP!!!! - NOT

80 replies

Hi Everyone just got this from the Official fanclub:


Tonight we received a fax from Sweden and here’s is tomorrow’s press
release (as shown on the website now).


A new chapter has begun, Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson have worked
together in the studio again and the Roxette E.P. “Resume next” has come
out as a result! “Resume next” will be released April 20th 2005 in
Scandinavia. Other countries might follow soon.

The press release continues on our website:


Please look on
This is the news we have all been waiting for.



that’s just a joke....remember April 1st...April Fools Day. They’re too early! I don’t believe a word of it as there are too many strange things in it...”Rox feat. Tom Petty” and “time to take Rox back to the top” and “EP just for fans”...etc. All these things don’t make sense, so it’s just a joke.

LOL, they were 30 minutes too early!

Hmm, they even made shop page for it...too bad it doesn’t link to their real shop, eh? :p

Would be great it were real though ;)

Sorry, I don’t find that funny at all :-S
They’d better concentrate on sending the packages in time instead of building silly news and sending e-mails like that.

that’s the crappest April fool, ever. Last year’s TDR fool was way better. oam

They got me! I thought something wasn’t right but I wasn’t thinking about April 1st.

The second link for the Fan Shop works... I ordered two copies and when I clicked on the sleeve it said ’Första April”!

Nice joke. But I really need Roxette now...

I would say one doesn’t play with Marie’s comeback- but well...

I agree, Judith! There a certain things I’d say are off-limits when it comes to this day and this is definitely one of the things on top of that list! Good thing I didn’t believe a word of that right from the start...

I got excited for a little while there :-(

Hey, I would have probably found it funny had I been ’got’ on April 1st, but it’s not even April 1st yet!!!

Sorry, but that’s not on at all: to e-mail and publish news of that nature when it’s not even April 1st. Please...

That so-called “official” Fan Club wouldn’t play with our feelings and expectations. I didn’t believe in that, it sounded weird since the first second. But, what about those poor fans who believe in that? That’s a bad joke, let me say...

31-03-05 23:14 GMT : Bad joke indeed @ a... bad timing ... b playing with people’s health...

From: [email protected]
Subject: [ORDER] Confirmation XXXXX50401X000930 Resume Next
Date: 31 March 2005 23:09:30 IST
Reply-To: [email protected]


Thank you for pre-ordering. This is a confirmation. Here are the details of your order:

Weborder ID..... : XXXXX50401X000930
Date............ : 4/1/2005
Fanshop ID...... :
Name............ : xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx
E-mail.......... : [email protected]

Quantity req’d.. : 4
Total amount due : 50,00

| e-mail | [email protected] |
| website | |
| fanshop | |

I DONT FUC************ BELIEVE IT !!!



Another reason to hate the fanclub! What a stupid joke.

No news for the fans, a fanzine after 10 years and a stupid joke!



Did you order four copies??? LOL! Hahahahahaha

I’ve met and really liked some members of the fanclub team, but I don’t like this at all. If this was a joke on April 1st that’s one thing, but to release this ’news’ by sending e-mails out to people on their list in March is awful.

Like TDR, the fanclub have announced a lot of exclusive news over the years, so it’s not unreasonable for people to trust the information they receive from them, and feel immediate happiness for the prospect for more Roxette and relief for the health of Marie. But instead we’re left still not knowing how Marie really is, and feeling that this joke is a bit sick.

4*9,95 = 39,8 ;)

Because it is the “fanclub” you assume that it is the true and thus become very happy, because it could be true.

Now that it is clear that this is not true, it is obvious this is no real fanclub, because then you wouldn’t make such kind of jokes.

I agree with Rich-UK.

I like jokes, but how can we joke in this way??? come on...this was stupid idea :(

That is the tasteles apriljoke wich I ever saw.FC shame one you! :X

I hate the FC!

We hate the Fan Club! We should move to the Netherlands and stick fire to it!

LOL, I think that’s too much! Well, it was bad joke. But cool down! Don’t start a revolution, please!

i think YOU are the one that should calm down.. violence is not the way to change anything. And now behave while the forum isn’t watched - me goes to sleep :D

I agree that violence is not the best way, but...please FC think twice before doing such things :)

This was a really stupid joke but calm down now.

I seriously doubt comments like “let’s burn down the fanclub” are serious. And this was just a stupid joke.

Hmm, yes I just read this e-mail also... but for an april 1st joke to be valid, it has to actually be played out on the 1st! LOL!
I had a little Hmmm about the title anyways. Not very well thought out... Resume next?! Naaaa!

Does Per still read this page? Maybe he will get the hint.

Come one gang, where is your sense of humor! TDR and The Fanclub have a long history of little April Fool’s pranks – kinda funny considering April Fool’s Day is primarily a USA thing.

Long Live the Almighty and Patient Roxette Fan!!


I cant belive it! That joke is completely insane, that “official” Roxette fanclub is full of silly people... They are not normal... Im not from Europa, is visited for people from other countrys, What do I have to do with “their” fool´s day? Besides, many people thought in Marie, I did! I thought she were recovered!!! They cannot play with her!!!

OMG how funny I have to say they fooled me there for a bit lol. It didn’t even register that it could be an April Fools joke mainly cause my excitment that Marie was well enough to do Roxette again must mean good news for her that I know it’s not true :( Well you got me fanclub ;) Good one!

i started to go WOW while reading the news...and then realized it was only joke. Tasteless, but that’s how April’s fool day works usually...

April Fool’s Day is primarily a USA thing? Ehm, no, it’s not! What makes you think it is?

1st time I read the news there’s something wrong in the single rocket from her heart was feature by Tom Petty. It’s impossible They will be colaboration with another musician.

I didn’t believe it was real when I saw it the awful so-called artwork. It looks more like a condom box than a Roxette release. That made me think twice. Then I realized it couldn’t be truth. Roxette wouldn’t release such a ugly artwork...

I didn’t know about something called April’s Fool. Here in Argentina we do that kind of jokes in December, 28 (Día de los Santos Inocentes/ Holy Innocent’s Day or Childermas Day)

same in Spain and I guess some other countries in Latin America. But we do have April 1 in Austria for example.

I think it was a pretty tasteless joke, especially that quote from Marie about the difficult last 2 years and wanting to thank fans bla bla bla...a joke is one thing but that was a bit low. TDR’s joke was a lot better and I can totally believe Per would really do something like that (now you have given him the idea, you realise that TDR????!!!)

Oh, what a big joke!!
Im very sad...

@Judith, did you receive my email? ;)



*sigh* this one is funnier though ;) At least disrespectful-Marie-comments free.

Ha ha, the video story was funny!

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad!

Hum...the new cd of Per is a joke too.... :S

Well gotta admit, having the past couple of days I have had, I thought the TDR was real and started to look forward to it, then it dawned on me it was April 1st! (doh!!!)

Just flipped over to the the site and although the story is good, I would not have fell for it, it was too unreal.... guess my email from the FC is in my inbox when I get home....

But I do think a lot of people need to lighter up, it was a joke!

LOL I just got a bunch of emails from a friend who was all excited about the new albums. I had to break the news to her. I think she’s gonna be pretty upset because she was really touched by the “message” from Marie!

bad joke, really!

How can it be an april fools if it was released on 31/3/05 ? ? ?

It says 31/03/05 23:21 + 2hrs => 01/04/05 01:21

@Jud: Hahaha, that was a funny link you posted! :) I wonder if this “Ewa Lügenheim” is a big lie, hehehehe! ;-))

@lonely girl: Well, it can’t have been published in april. I live in Austria (where we have the same time as in NL) and I read the thing before midnight, cause at midnight I was in bed already.

I would be very HAPPY but I don´t believe it !! It would be like a dream. It is the worst joke for Roxette fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....come on, the English Mazarin joke was funny, but a fake message from a cancer patient? I’m not offended, just saying it’s kinda bad taste.

@sparvoga: I agree with you! It is really bad taste I think!

Whoops just read the full one... ahh well!

i think its very bad taste aswell , not my humour.

Roxette recording 8 tracks in 5 weeks? LOL! That gave it away for me. 5 months more like it.

Btw, bad taste regarding Marie.


Funny! :D

All the people becomind excited about “Face it” stupid threads and begging Per for a record and they come up with this... just briliant! :D

In my oppinion this goes a little bit too far!
Really not my humor!

nothing to do with Rox but I laughed out loud.. another joke to show what is a good harmless joke and what not ;)

SVT gör kändistät version av The L Word

[NOTIS - 050401] Corky kan avslöja att SVT är inne i slutfasen av planeringen inför en svensk version av The L Word. Sveriges lesbiska kändiselit har redan tackat ja till medverkan. Eva Dahlgren och Efva Attling tar sig an rollerna som Bette och Tina, Mian Lodalen ska spela Shane och Lotta Bromé gör skådespelardebut som Kit Porter.

Louise Boije av Gennäs har visat intresse för rollen som Marina och Kim Kärnfalk har blivit erbjuden att spela sexuellt förvirrade och konstnärligt lagda Jenny. Ett par tjejer i svenska fotbollslandslaget har provspelat som karaktären Dana Fairbanks men vem som får rollen är ännu oklart.

Inspelningen av SVT:s storsatsning beräknas börja i slutet av sommaren och ryktet gör gällande att delar av materialet till serien kommer att spelas in under kommande Pride. Serien kommer förhoppningsvis att ha premiär nästa vår.

Corky återkommer med mer information.

does Per by himself know, that he and Marie are recording a new album as it was said above, hmm...? ;o)) lol

Stupid joke! IMO now it’s not the best time to play with news we’d like to hear so much... After having read one line i thought it was a fake cos today’s April Fool. Sad.

I live in Switzerland and that was just what my mail said when I read it today... :P

“’The past 2 years have not been easy but the support from fans really touched me so much! This made me want to continue working on something new right away, to thank them!’ Marie says.”

To use this for a joke is really sad.

Must say I almost believed the Per story on the news page.

How Fan club cruel is!!!!!!

There isn’t funny......
New Rox album is the thing with all of us dreaming!!
So wasn’t funny......

“The past 2 years have not been easy but the support from fans really touched me so much! This made me want to continue working on something new right away, to thank them!’ Marie says.”

She could say that about “The Change”, I’m not sure if she said something like that or not. But it would be very possible. Then, I think that’s not totally inaccurate. I don’t feel touched by that.

I Really think this is low!!! I saw at midnight that I arived the mail and was verry exited about it. I really thought that Mary was doing wel enough to continu. But When I wanted a confirm from the daily roxette I was seprised that it was not front page news. Now I saw way.... It was really low. I really hoped from some more work from my favorite band, but I see some people gust like to do somting stupid like this..... And they cal there self a fan club.... I whis them luck whit holding It like this way!!! :@

OK the joke is up now its past 12 o clock ! You dont go on fooling into the PM , its just mean !

How was TDR APRIL FOOL JOKE last year?????

@ Roxreporter: You are right and that quote is the only part that bothers me. OK, they want to make a joke and trick some fans into getting excited then make them look stupid for April Fools. TDR did the same thing, but they didn’t sink so low as to make up a quote like that from Marie. To use an ill person like’s kind of sick in my opinion. I mean, what’s next, next year they’ll say MF’s cancer has returned?? I’m glad that I had already been to TDR so I knew it was a joke before I read it, though I doubt I would have fallen for it. What the hell kind of title is Resume Next and what is it supposed to mean anyway???

April, April;

P.S.: Ich just see Per‘s concert in 2004 and it is great.
But it were too great that a new EP of Per and Marie would come out ( so bad English ), but this is the truth.

“next year they’ll say MF’s cancer has returned??”

@_@ hopefully nobody got this idea in the head for real, THAT would be sick.

I really don’t get what the fun it can be to use Marie’s illness and words and suffering to make a joke. I think it’s low, disrespectful, tasteless. The Swedish newspaper that wrote the joke about Roxette’s new album and video didn’t even mention the word “comeback” neither Marie’s illness neither quote anybody about Marie. There’s simply just no need to do that. Joke is OK, timing and form just wrong.

I totally agree you, Judith and Sparvogamarie. This was a real bad taste joke but, mainly, it desrespects Marie´s condition. It´s a SHAME one FAN CLUB does something like it. If the idea was make us look like silly, that´s ok, but... they played with a very serious and hard subject!
FC made a terrible choice when decided to do this joke.

I´ve visited TDR before so I knew that could only be a joke, and thought “what a crap are they doing this with the fans?!” .

In the other hand, I thought the TDR joke funny, I just laughed a lot, but... I agree it could really be an idea for Per. They´ve already remixed “Sommartider” and “Flickorna pa tv2” in 1989, and Per liked the “Stars -Almighty mixes” so...
maybe in the future?! :P

haha - help!! I don’t want to be one of the ones who inspired the idea of yet another “compilation” or “we-have-the-songs-already”-album :O:O


we are glad you enjoyed our little joke.


I belong to that minority who found Fan Club’s joke funny. It’s definitely cruel, but also a very good one. But on the other hand, yeah, the quote from Marie is a bit too much. Actually I believed in Fan Club’s joke for a while...

first time i’ve turned my pc on for a while & when i saw the email about roxette i got abit excited then to find out it was a joke,i’m sorry but for raising peoples hopes up very high only for those hopes to be dashed so quickly i think was in bad taste

Well, the FC got me too. I understand lots of people are disappointed that the new EP (8 songs on a EP?) is not for real, but please don’t blow the whole thing up to much... Also the Fan Club is there for fans and every once in a while they make a joke. Come on, we can stand that can’t we???

I think some still didn’t get that people were not annoyed by the fact that the EP itself isn’t going to be released (now at least ;)) - but the WAY the joke was written.

I personally don’t care if somebody believed this joke (or the one about Per) and got annoyed or whatever when he/she got to know it was a joke. That’s what April 1st is :D I had also a great laugh with that Swedish article about the new Rox video :P

Doubtful April joke was it when its already announced on March 31!!! And in addition criminally questionably. I mean, to put someone words into the mouth ... which she (Marie) never said (see fictitious interview).

I just laughed. I love April Fools! And this one is good fun. It was exactly what we all hope for.
I just don’t get people who are so pissed off about it. Cheer up!


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