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Marie's Documentary

6 replies

Hey there, is there any place where I can download Marie’s documentary?
You have to pay now at tv4 (or at least that’s what I understood).

Of course.

Download 3 parts, then unzip. Enjoy!

Wow, thanx!

@ Bunio: only wondering (since the size is close), is that the .wmv that has previously been available at Roxbytes (no need to download it twice then, if it is ;)?

Then again, and still on TV4’s stream of Marie’s docu, does someone by chance happen to know the link (if there is one?) to direct download it from their site?... Thanx already.

I think you can’t download the documentary from TV4, now you have even to pay for watching it.

@DeLuk - it’s the better version (app.200 mb) from roxbytes and then changed by me to sth about 110 mb.

Thanks for the link, i’ve been trying to find this for a while. Now i’ve just got to find the time, and try to understand it!


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