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Request for HTML Help

7 replies

Can anyone help with the following:

Before Windows XP Service Pack 2 was released, I could place a small piece of code on a website, which would allow the user to set that website as their starting page in Internet Explorer.

This is the code:

Click here to make your homepage

Now, with the release of XP Service Pack 2, it wrongly reports the code as a security risk and stops it working.

Is there a way to get around this or perhaps a better piece of code to do the same task?


It takes this as if some external malicious program/website is trying to change something on your PC.

Didn’t find anything in google but you might want to have a look at

Does it give the warning also in Firefox/Mozilla or only in Internet Explorer?
Maybe you need to change the security level to get rid of this warning.

Thanks Judith...

I’ve just tried a few other harmless scripts and Internet Explorer (on a PC with XP SP2) is ALWAYS stopping the scripts from running.

I also just tried using a harmless little script, which simply displays the time and date on a webpage and Internet Explorer (on a PC with XP SP2) stopped it from working and claimed it “may” be a security risk (it’s not).

Interestingly, the SUPERB Firefox browser had no problems with any of the scripts.

Try this one:

Make the Daily Roxette your homepage!

This example makes the dailyroxette your starting page, change the webadress to the website of your choice.
This, and more nice scripts can be found on: (in dutch)

@ harriej

Sorry, but IE with SP2 thinks that script may be harmful too.

Thanks for trying though.

it might have to do with Microsoft and javascript. Have you asked other people running xp sp2 to test?

Try Firefox! and get rid of Internet Explorer


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