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Have a Nice Day / Room Service

16 replies

Why do people complain those albums are over-produced?
What´s wrong with radio friendly? :o

RS isn’t overproduced, HAND is. RS is simply lame in all cases. Try to compare it with C!B!B! wouldn’t believe it’s the same group if you didn’t know.

Have A Nice Day is a fantastic album. Room Service is,,, well,, its ok.

HAND is a good album, but it has a couple of songs that should not be included, such as, cooper and YCPYAAWAG, and stars.....i prefer the almighty version...without the children’s voices.
Room Service is not bad, but absolutely lazy.

I think that there are tracks on both albums which would have been better with a more laid back production. However, HAND is an amazing album (one of the very best) and RS has some good tracks too. All the best from Rich

it’s a major problem that they are over-produced (or radio friendly) and then only a couple of tracks ever see the light of day in a couple of obscure countries around the world. just a thought..

HAND is overproduced and kinda boring. RS, well I simply miss something in it. Still have no idea what exactly.

HAND and RS are maybe not the best albums Roxette have made, but still there are some real gems on it.
For example “Crush On You” from HAND is a great song and the same goes for “My world, My Love, My Life” [from RS] which is the best Roxette-ballad!

HAND is one of the best albums if not the best Roxette has ever done. Except for one thing. In my personal taste, it shouldn’t be so influenced by techno... I mean, some “dance” songs are really nice, like “Spegelboll”, “Kix” or “Fool”. “Crush on you”, “7twenty7” and “Stars” would be great without that weird arrengement. I bet their demo versions are super cool - “7twenty7” demo is.

RS is not bad, but it’s not great either... I mean.. “Real sugar” is cool, “Jefferson” is nice, “Fool” is good, “Try” could be better and “It takes you no time to get here” and “My world, my love, my life” are decent tracks. But something’s missing.

If there’s another Roxette album, I do hope and pray it’s a powerpop bomb! A couple of ballads from Marie and another 3 from Per.

I think “Room Service” is an album that includes everything Roxette did in their career. It’s like a compilation of their sounds. But maybe that is it’s problem. It doesn’t give anything new and interesting. There are good songs on it, of course, but it seems like they were a bit tired or they didn’t have inspiration when they recorded it. For me it’s an average album.
“Have A Nice Day” is more interesting in my opinion. It really sounds so fresh and like a real come-back album. I’ve never been a fan of techno sounds and overproduced music. But they did it well and it’s not annoying. It has something extra, new and it’s still Roxette :-)

hand had a hunger in its sound and a sense of wanting to break out in some ways from the roxette sound, rs is like a studio version of tourism, nice songs but as a commerical effert it wasn’t that good, well i thek it back cause it was the first and so far only roxette album to go to number one in sweden, but honeslty i was amazed rs did so well.

Hmmm...Look Sharp!, Joyride, Tourism, Crash!Boom!Bang! and Have A Nice Day were also #1s here in sweden...

HAND absolutely is better album and has more hit potential. Every song could be a single!

HAND is incredibly shocking for all the differente sounds and productions into one record that don’t fit at all alltogether but if we all look at the songs melodicallywise we still have roxette ... probably it could have been a more chalenging album with some of its tracks out and replaced buy better and stronger songs ... and yes I love Stars despite what it is and all the fuzz it created ....

As for RS it has the songs it deserved to have the sound does overcrosses all the songs linking them together into the same place and souding roxette... well the album has one problem ... it too simples, to brief and not challeging ... the strengh was not so much present ... only 12 little reduced songs ...

Yet COY, BT, MWMLML, TCOTH and Fool are my lateste ultimate favs.

Both of them are overproduced but definetely sounds Roxette. The material for HAND was a way better especially after remembering the songs not included there for some reason (still wondering why...) and released later on the ballad/pop compilations. Sometimes it seems that choosing of songs and their order were made using some randomizing program... Nevertheless HAND sounds more interesting and fresh than RS. As for the latter it needs more simple and powerpop sound without loads of synths.

Actually apart from TCOTH which is a big big favourite I don’t feel that syths are the biggest problem within the album .. as i said before it’s just too short and not so enjoyable as the songs seem to begin and end within short time they don’t have the deserved strcture that they should all have in their essence ... MW ML ML is that one ballad cut into a 4 minute song that it deserved to have been
bigger cause it’s a big song with a very intensive feeling and the mix of the synth (that here sounds appropraited and very good) with strings create a very unique moment of musical magic. Melidically wise it’s wonderful that “personal” dialogical moment btw Per and Marie like in DFS sounded so beautiful here making the song so touching and frankly human... a ballad that didn’t have it all in the end but should have had it all ...

Plus: HAND sounding fresh? Yeah it does somehow but there is something about the quality of a few songs that did let me a bit disappointed. It’s like i was expecting something really big but it wasn’t as big as it expected LOL ... so musically wise it could have been different looking now and the few songs released in the EPs in 2002 and 2003 but ... still the whole thing about its “fresh sound” took a long and everlasting battle of disaproval for such a lonbg time.

Conservative voices lovers of guitars and live drums did not and still don’t want to accpet that this album DOES exist ... the last thing they know it’s CBB if u know what I mean ... it’s a pity but we can not all like the same record can we?

what hand did was soilidify what per was thinkinbg of doing with roxettes sound when he recorded twatg...which he had said was originally going to be roxette material, it was updated and for good or bad walked away from the ” jam band” sound and formula to something more geared towards a younger audience...the proof of that is in wicf and coy. But, on the same end it kinda showed per as desperate to stay relevant in a changing music scene, he’s always managed to ” piggy back” styles, and now with hip hop being prevelant i think he didin’t knwo where to go. But hand was a definate step in the right direction.
RS i think highlighted something noone wants to admitt, per was burnt out. The overly prevelant rhyming, the predicable song structure, it all cried i need a break. And the matierla even he admitted was cullled from dropped hand and twatg tracks, so it was a half hearted effort. But, songs don’t need to be huge in sound to be a hit, MATAH is proof of that, its a sweet simple song that just imbues itself on you mind, i never tire of it. The only overprodouced track on the album was little girl, thanks to maries husband....its a soft ballad like girl on the moon and it comes off as a bit lound and bombastic. And i do agree strings on my world would have been great but then it would have been another wish i could fly, which per said was the style he wrote the song in. If anything Breathe was the song that sorely needed a string arrangement


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