high priced item again...
sandyam said on November 27, 2004 20:18:
54,99 for this live cd? According to me this cd isn’t rare at all so it’s not worth that much either.
By the way, I do have the double cd myself and I bought it for just 1€........... on Ebay!
per_mson said on November 27, 2004 22:55:
Well, at least noone has bidded for the thing!
You should just know how crazy people can be on auctions. I have been shocked many times. When someone for instance paid 150 Euro for a scanned record cover the other day I almost got a heart attack. That’s why I wrote that other posting here on the market place.
ATLTK said on November 28, 2004 15:00:
some of them went for 20-30 EUR it was just that one who were that expesive
per_mson said on November 29, 2004 08:46:
@Ted: And you don’t think 20-30 Euros for a bootleg is much then? They are fake.. not worth anything. I think my most expensive bootleg ( I don’t have more than 2-3 maybe) costed around 6-7 Euros. With postage.
Vixzter said on November 29, 2004 17:26:
When i started buying Rox bootlegs (early 90’s) they were about £10-£20 but that was pre-internet.
I was prepared to pay that if I thought the trax on them were worth it ( like the live Zurich 2 cd set, think i paid £15 for that)
Do ppls collect to sell on? is that why ppls object to paying high prices for certain things?
No point in worrying what its all gonna be worth in a few years coz the answer is naff all, its what it means to you thats important.
On a different note can’t see the point in paying a large amount of money for a scanned cover from an exhibition but then i don’t collect as much as i used to and so wouldn’t pay that now.
Jud (moderator) said on November 27, 2004 22:26:
LOL! some people have crazy ideas :D