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The Change vs FFF, Marie vs Per and all that

117 replies

Ok in the topic “Best songs from The Change” a discussion started that we had to end because it went off topic, so I’ve started a thread for it because I was actually quite interested in everyone’s views.

For anyone who hasn’t been reading it, it basically turned into the old Marie vs Per war that’s been going on for ages, but some interesting points were made for both sides. “Team Marie” have been saying that Per just repeats the same thing over and over while “Team Per” say better to repeat a good thing than be boring.

So I would like to continue the topic! I’ll begin by saying that I am a 100% Marie fan first of all. I do enjoy Per’s music and I actually liked Mazarin very much and the new GT songs are catchy and fun. But, I do think his stuff is not always original, a lot of his songs start to sound alike and even though The Change is not my usual style of music, I respect Marie for doing something new and different (and I don’t say that because I’m a Marie fan, if she does something I don’t like I will say so!!!)

I realise this topic could stir up some ppl so I would like to politely ask that the flames be kept to a gets plain nasty around here sometimes!

It’s always the same: why discussing the same thing a thousand times, again and again...

it’s a matter of taste and as long tastes differ you’ll have those “wars”...

I wouldbn’t compare Marie’s and Per’s music. They both do pop - rock, but Marie has her own style, own vision of music and style. Per has also his way of writing music and also his own vision and style.
And thanx God it is this way!
One fan likes more Marie’s view other likes Per’s. And there’s nothing to discuss anymore. As somebody said it’s a matter of taste.
I’m the lucky one who belongs to fans who love both of solo stuff : Marie and Per. And I’m really happy when they mix it together in a thing called Roxette :)

Well, I like both of them cuz without Per we wouldn’t know Marie and without Marie Roxette could never have been that successful. Per and Marie might be good individual musicians but together they rock, IMHO.

Some of Marie’s solo stuff is really nice (esp. the older things; “Ännu doftar kärlek” f.ex. is one of the best songs I know) but my dream would still be a Swedish album written by Per and sung by Marie. I think that Per is writing THE perfect music for Marie...

“The Change” I don’t like at all but I never liked the idea of Marie doing something in English... and on top of that jazz... urgh...

“Finn Fem Fel” on the other hand is a great album...

well I am also a Marie fan, started as a Roxette but then it turned into 1)Marie 2)GT 3)Rox 4)Per (to kind of sort the Rox related artists).

I, of course, don’t like everything the above artists do. And I have a (simple?) way to kinda check if I like something or not: it makes me shiver or cry (because what I hear is so beautiful) .. then I love it ;)

I don’t like everything Marie does, of course, I really dislike “ett hus vid havet” for example, “den bästa dagen”. Actually D7V is my least fave album and my fave are DSR, IETSV and TC.. I love her voice, her music, her lyrics..

I like GT, I prefer their 3 first albums, the 96 EP and the new tracks from 95 most. Then comes F5f and last Heartland. I think they rock and the way I enjoy their music is different to the way i do enjoy Marie’s. Marie’s gets deep in my soul, my heart.. GT is like the funny side.

Rox: I enjoy anything before HAND and RS (with exceptions). I think the last stuff is just the “remake of Roxette” over and over again, lacks inspiration and lust and imagination and everything.

PG: I like his first 2 solo albums and TWATG half half. Now we come to Mazarin. I think M is just a compilation of all that what I don’t like about Rox + the stuff I least like of GT recycled and put in a “fresh” way. I really gave it a try but i simply don’t like it. Must be the Rox related album I have played the least (besides the Balladas so go figure). There are some exceptions, maybe 3. That you like it, fine with me, I won’t change my mind ;)

Maybe I have grown up (?) and now I prefer deeper lyrics, deeper songs with feelings. I guess that if you know what my other fave artists are (besides Marie, Eva and Melissa) you will see what I mean, so it’s like Per stuff is fun for a while but then it gets too much.

Anyway, enjoy whatever you enjoy, I will go on enjoying what I enjoy :P

cskendras: In a forum with so many ppl the same things are gonna get discussed many times. But sometimes it’s possible to share another point of view and discuss a topic in a different way even if it’s been done before. If you’re sick of this topic or any other, you don’t have to read it!!!! But I’m quite interested to hear ppl’s opinions, and I think this topic is more interesting than “who likes Queen of Rain” or “should I buy the digipack or jewelcase”. And as the ppl here have proved, it’s possible to share opinions without the wars.

Well, first of all I have been a Roxette fan and in my heart I still am - but I have to agree with Judith: Rox songs got worse with every album, though HAND is my fav, but there really is to mention a lack of quality, Room Service is just BAD and BORING..*yawn*

I have always been a fan of Marie, first not so much of her solo music, but of her appearance, her voice mainly and everything she IS. It took a while to UNDERSTAND her music, it took LONG to understand it. But if you have understood once you simply LOVE it and cannot stop listening to it. And I love her way of changing her style again and again. I am happy that she doesn’t do this powerpop stuff that Per does. She isn’t into that and that is good!

Per - well, I love Mazarin and yeah I do love parts of TWATG, but in the end, many songs sound the same and the older he gets the worse are the songs. It’s a pity. Maybe he can regain some energy and bring us some GREAT stuff next year or in 2006. But I don’t want another Mazarin, then part III it would be.

About GT: the tour has been great, though I loved the Mazarin tour more. I love especially the old stuff. I can tell you: hearing that in a disco at our party: IT ROCKS and you can’t help BUT DANCE YOUR ASS OFF! FFF is boring and doesn’t really sound like GT, it’s really like Mazarin II.

In the end, I really would look forward to a new Roxette album, but I doubt that we will get one. Per and Marie together are magic, they always have been - it’s Per’s turn to write some GOOD stuff again, like I’m sorry, FLAF, SMT, LTYH, CBB or SIMC.

it’s fun that you like Mazarin and don’t like F5f :P I think F5f isn’t THAT much of a GT album but the fact that the other guys ARE in it somehow makes it different to Per/Rox-recycled stuff.

It is true it doesn’t sound that much of GT, but it still has some similarity to GT 95-96. Maybe I wouldn’t have liked this album if the other 4 guys wouldn’t have been in it. In any case, I think nothing will beat GT or MT.

I also loved the concert in Halmstad (finally I got to see GT live!!) - specially all those old songs, of course. I didn’t stop jumping and singing all the concert long (except for “Här kommer..” that, while I do like the song, I think it kinda broke the atmosphere and didn’t fit at all).

On the other hand, I really cannot stand Mazarin dvd, first of all Helena simply spoils it, not to talk about the horror with Segla på ett moln or Tända en.. !!

Ah well, that’s life :P

Like I said before, Per has written some GREAT songs and he continues to. But I feel with Per, that he’s the sort of person that once he got some success with one thing, he just kept doing that one thing over and over. That’s not necessarily a bad thing I guess, because I think Tuffa Tider is such a cute song and I always bop along when I hear it. So it’s not that I’m trying to tear down his music cos I like it and I wouldn’t want him to quit. But I think some Rox fans have become narrow minded when it comes to music because after hearing such similar stuff for so long there seem to be a lot of ppl who just flat refuse to accept something different!

When The Change came out I was so hoping for DSR II, but when I heard it I was like “what is this??” But because I love Marie so much I wanted to try to understand the album so I kept listening. And I found that this album is really something different, you kind of have to “unwrap” it to discover it. Someone said on the other topic that “at least you don’t have to listen to GT 10000 times to like it.” But I think it can be really good to open your mind to something new, not just listen to something you like. If you ate the same food every day, you would never know that there were actually other foods you like. It’s the same with music, you really miss out if you ignore something just because it’s different from your normal tastes!

(It’s “Susi” writing here, not “per_mson” cuz it’s seems impossible to log out again... ;)

Well, I don’t count myself as narrow-minded when it comes to other music. I listen to a lot of other music than Roxette (& related) and not all of it is similar to Roxette.

I actually really really wanted to like Marie’s new album but I just didn’t. I don’t think (or I KNOW) that listening to it over and over again would help. It’s just not my kind of music. I never liked jazz either and that won’t change just because Marie is doing it. If Per suddenly started to do hip-hop, I would hate it as much (well, or more...).

yes of course Per has done some great stuff :)

I know what you mean Susi, how you wanted so much to like it but it wasn’t what you expected. You can’t make yourself like something of course, but sometimes an album can grow on you, or you listen once and hate it then come back to it later and listen with a different view. For example years ago I bought an Alanis Morrisette CD because it was on sale for only $5.99. I listened once, didn’t like it and put it away for 2 years. Then later when I got the new Alanis album and loved it, I went back to this other one and listened again. And I found that I really understood it the second time and now it’s one of my fave CDs. So the point is that first impressions are not always correct :)

But if you hate it you hate it, and actually I really hate April Snow even though everyone is raving about it, and I can’t see myself ever liking that song. It’s too high and i just want to yell at the stupid guy to GET OVER IT, quit bitching to Marie about your problems when she’s got cancer which is slightly worse than your dumb girlfriend and go find some other chick, she wasn’t so great anyway if she dumped you!!!

LOL Sparv!!! The song might have been written before she got cancer! :P

personally i really prefer Per’s music... i like his style....... maries is nice though, just not as great. hahaha.

Hi Folks! If I had to choose then I’d say that I also prefer Per’s music to Marie’s music, but I love them both. Personally, I find the Mazarin vs. FFF debate interesting, not least because my opinions on the albums have changed with time. Like some people before me, I’d like to discuss it – *all* of the following is just my opinion ;-)

I think that Mazarin is really special: a strong album packed full of good quality songs. I don’t like them all, and still don’t really go for HKAK even though I see its appeal, but there are some gems, e.g. Födelsedag, Om Du Bara Vill and Spegelboll. More than simply the songs on the album, I adored the whole Mazarin experience: the release party, meeting Per for the first time, the album, then the marvellous tour. I was less impressed with FFF when I first got it, and thought that Per needed a break to write great songs instead of good songs. My main criticism was that FFF felt like Mazarin II rather than a distinct GT album. But now after the fantastic GT25 tour, meeting the band, then several months of listening to the album, I appreciate the strength and depth of FFF, and admit to a change of heart. I am now sure that FFF is the equal of Mazarin, and I get a lot of enjoyment from them both. Again, I’m not struck on all of the songs, but there are many gems, e.g. Solsken, Speciell and Du Måste Skämta, and I’m awaiting the GT25 CD & DVD with anticipation. All in all, 2 great albums and 2 great tours masterminded by my King of pop...

I respect different opinions, but (please forgive me) I admit that I find it a little strange when I hear “I like Mazarin but not FFF” or “I like FFF but not Mazarin”, the reason being that I don’t think the albums are particularly dissimilar! I can’t help feeling that if someone were to reject one of the albums and not listen to it, then they may be missing out on some tracks that they would have come to love with more time. But maybe it’s not worth the perseverance. There are differences between the two albums, sure, e.g. I can see why some people don’t like Helena’s voice, which makes it hard to like all of the songs on Mazarin, and I can see why some people find FFF as a whole boring, seeing as it’s not completely different from an album the year before involving the same song-writer, same singer and same producers. Anyway, I guess I’d love everyone to be able to get as much out of the two albums as I have, but I do appreciate that we’re all different.

Well, those are my thoughts on that particular ’contest’. There’s no contest for me though because I think that Mazarin and FFF are both wonderful - oh, and (to keep it strictly on-topic) Marie’s new album is very good too - I like everything! Enjoy ;-) All the best, Rich

To make it clear - I don’t compare FFF with Mazarin and that’s IT, because it DOES sound similar but I do expect different songs from GT than from Per. Per’s Mazarin is GREAT, but GT’s FFF does sound the same and that’s not the sound GT should have. :) I hope you get what I mean.

And in the end, I really have to say that I simply dislike the songs themselves on FFF and NOT the production (which isn’t a good one for GT ;))
That’s my point.

Hi Kiwein1! :) I do get what you mean - and I agree with you to a large extent! I’m just curious about this ‘cos I’m interested in why people prefer one album to the other, as I think they’re really similar in style, and I now (personally) like them both a lot (and because I had nothing to do earlier this evening so I thought I’d be awkward!). Hey, although you think the FFF tracks are weaker, do you think you would have given them more time if they had been released in a ‘Mazarin II’ where your objection to their sound would be removed? I’m just being nosey - forgive me! He he... all the best, Rich ;-)

No, you aren’t! It’s an interesting question - actually I’d say YES - if it was Mazarin II I would give the songs not only a 2nd Chance, but maybe would even like them. That’s because I really expected GT to have another sound, but not THIS. The sound they used on FFF is GREAT for Per solo, but for me it just doesn’t fit with GT.

As I said before: In my opinion the songs themselves ARE weaker like the Mazarin ones. I really love Nere på gatan and there’s something about Hjärta Utan Hem that I really don’t get. Great songs - but simply not GYLLENE TIDER, the same band who made stuff like: Gå och fiska, Det är över nu, Kung av sand, När vi två blir en, Det hjärta som brinner and so on..and that’s my only problem with FFF. For me it’s too soft for GT. :)

for me its weird....i connect (to what i seriously don’t know!!!) more to marie’s music than i ever have done to firstly pers solo stuff and secoundly GT.
i havent got a clue what any of them are singing about half the time anyways ;)

and i dunno what i was hoping for in The Change, first time i was like....OMG! and then i started to get it :) and now i’m just enjoying it.

Mazarin is THE most Swedish record Per ever made.

@Judith: Not being Swedish might decrease your understanding of it... It takes some effort to understand the Swedish soul. Maybe effort is the wrong word. Empathy.

Roxette forever !!! :-)))

Interesting topic Sparvoga :)

Well I have to say I belong to the group of people who are lucky enough to enjoy both Marie, Per, GT and Rox music! Although over the years the order in which I like this music has drastically changed.

I would have to say that Marie would sit at the top of my list. I haven’t heard the change yet (waiting to get it still) but I really liked 2:nd chance so....

OK anyway i am the first to admit she doesn’t have the most instant kind of songs like Per does but they are the kind of songs that if given half a chance really begin to grow on you and find a place in your heart (I believe the only time you can really give something a go is when it is at least in your musical style, your ’taste’ obviously if you hate death metal for example it doesn’t matter how many listens you give a death metal album chances are your just never gonna like it!)

My first Marie album was DSR and it took a while to get it and the fact that it was in Swedish and I didn’t understand a word didn’t help but then it just grew on me and I could feel the passion, the energy coming from Marie and that for me is what music should do and it didn’t matter that I didn’t understand it it felt like and still is a quality album. If I pop it on today I still get the same feelings and can listen to every songs and feel as though it is a journey I’m on. For me that is when you know it is a great album.

You see when I first got Room Service or HAND after the second listen i was like jumping up with joy at how great the songs were but that wore off and now I will rarely listen to those albums as a whole mostly just a few songs and really that is what Roxette’s music is. 10 years ago I would never have thought like this but as you get older I think you start to appreciate music that is more personal, more from the heart and not just manufactured and cold as the last two Rox albums were.

As far as Per goes well I loved Mazarin and TWATG, both great albums especially Mazarin and that’s probably Per’s best ’quality’ album definitely has more heart behind it then brain. GT have always been so so with me, I was not impressed with FFF at all at first and only gave it one listen and left it for a while but came back to it and listened to it more and I started to get the songs but definitely not a ’classic’ album. I think the songs of GT have a great energy ’live’ which is why they are so popular in concert even though I have never seen them ;)

I also agree that it really depends on what mood you are in at the time as to whether or not you will like an album because I have had several albums that I have brought and not liked only for them months or even years down the track to suddenly get a new lease on them and become fav’s so you never know!

I guess in rankings as of today it would be:

Marie, Per, Rox,GT.

I understand what Per/GT/Marie (or even Eva sing ;)) so I don’t think that’s a problem :)

I don’t mind if Mazarin is a most Swedish album or not, I simply don’t like Mazarin, it was one of those albums victim of the skip buttons, just as HAND or RS were (were because they are there getting dust). Good many others don’t think the same or M would have been another flop ;)

I wasn’t so good at English when I started to like Roxette and I did anyway. Or I wasn’t so good at Swedish when I started to like GT or MF so no.. no language problem.

Mazarin i can play all the way thru, FFF is victim of the skip button ;-)

I really like both Per’s and Marie’s music all in all no matter if it is sung in English or Swedish. There are of course a few, in my opinion, flops, but what artists doesn’t have such?! ;-)
I think both M and FFF both were really great album. I don’t like when music is getting complicated and/or is jazzy. I have never liked jazz and I probably never will.

So after listening to The Change a few times I can now listen to the whole album in a minute. So for me a real victim of the skip button. Sad, cause I really wanted to like it. But not everything PG/MF are doing can be good.

depends on what point of view u look at it from, i love it ;) so to me its good ;P

Tjej: I’m not Swedish, but when I first heard DSR it spoke to my heart. I didn’t even really understand Swedish so well then, I had to sit there with a dictionary and translate word by word, but I understood the emotion behind it. I think the human soul is the same in any language, any race, any country. When Marie writes her pain I feel it with her. Same with Alanis Morrisette and Joni Mitchell who are Canadian, or Jewel who is Alaskan. Doesn’t matter where they come from, it’s all heart and soul.

It’s interesting the the people who love Marie say that the reason they like her is the deep lyrics, emotion and meaning in her songs, but alot of the ppl don’t like her because of the same reason! Only they call it “depressing and sad”. Perhaps it’s not the music they have a problem with, but more that they can’t handle emotions and prefer something like “make my head go pop” because they don’t have to feel anything.

Actually Per said in an interview many years ago that he doesn’t write serious songs because his intention is to make ppl happy and take them away from their problems for 3 minutes with a catchy tune. So I do respect Per for that and that’s why I don’t criticise him for not writing deep & meaningful songs.

I think I would vomit in terror if Per wrote an album about his lack of self esteem and fear of abandonment....

Jud: I don’t care if the song was written before she got cancer, he should still stop WHINING about his stupid girlfriend and making poor Marie sit there in the middle of the night while he gets drunk and bitches about his lame ass girlfriend who was probably ugly anyway. Poor Marie had to listen to so much CRAP about it that she actually wrote a much too high-pitched song about him to fill in the many hours that she had to listen to his bloody miserable sob story. She was probably hoping the April Snow will BURY him and make him SHUT UP about the stupid girlfriend and give her a friggin BREAK from his incessant WHINGING and MOANING like he’s the first bloody person in the whole friggin world that ever got friggin dumped. Plenty more fish in the sea and all that. So there.

Talking about April Snow btw for confused ppls who didn’t read above :)

I think I’m getting cynical in my old age...

please explain the above post, i’m so confused. oam.

OAM: Somewhere above I wrote that I hate April Snow because it’s about a guy whose girlfriend dumped him and he’s keeping Marie up all night drinking wine and whining about it. I said that he was wasting Marie’s time when she has cancer, but Jud said maybe it was before the cancer. I still wanna slap this guy for complaining so much, everyone gets dumped in their life, get over it!

Hope that explains it ;)

I‘ve always liked Per‘s work better than Marie‘s.

Mazarin is one of the best albums I´ve ever heard form Roxette & co. I was a bit disappointed when I first heard FFF, and I still am. Although it has it‘s highlights, it doesn´t beat Mazarin. Mazarin is, and will always be a very special album.

As for The Change, I haven‘t bought that album yet. I just don‘t feel the same urge to get Marie‘s albums. But I do know that there is on very good song on the album, Bad Moon (I really hope that they keep the original very close to the demo).
And though I prefer Per, Marie has written some songs that are excellent too. Such as “Sparvöga”, “Tro”, “Mellan Sommar Och Höst”, “Waiting For The Rain” and “Det Som Var Nu” (her best song ever in my opinion).

And to choose between Per´s songs is impossible. I still haven‘t heard a bad song from him. Have you?

“And to choose between Per´s songs is impossible. I still haven‘t heard a bad song from him. Have you?”

Oooooooooh yes! ;)

What does it matter if you don´t like one of them when they are solo when they make the most fantastic music together.

Ok, I listened to Mazarin again, conclusions:

- doesn’t sound like F5f
- Tracks I didn’t skip: 3, 6, 8, 9, 11
- I still don’t like it / it still gets on my nerves.
- CD goes back to the shelve to stay there for years to come ;)

“And to choose between Per´s songs is impossible. I still haven‘t heard a bad song from him. Have you?”

Do I have to list them all? ;)

Sparv: some people need longer to get over a broken heart, including MF ;)

I actually bought Finn Fem Fel Today, second hand for 30 sek hehe! I’ll pay full price for Marie but not Per haha! I haven’t actually listened to it but I will tonight so I can give a proper opinion if it sounds like Mazarin (which I just finished listening to) or not.

James made a great comment, that it doesn’t matter if you don’t like the solo stuff as long as you like Rox, totally agree! But the reason I started this topic is there’s been a LOT of Marie bashing going around and I was really curious to hear from other fans why ppl don’t like her solo & also why most fans seem to prefer Per, when honestly he has become very repetitive lately. I thought it was weird that so many ppl couldn’t accept The Change for being so different, yet they are willing to swallow the same thing over and over from Per!

@Jud: Doesn’t sound similar? :O But the production is extremely similar!

Marie’s music is kind of sophisticated, in a positive way, Per’s isn’t - that’s all there’s to it. :)

I kind of think of Per as McDonalds and Marie as a 5 star restaurant. McDonalds food tastes pretty good and all, but the menu is very simple, it’s always the same wherever you go and when you buy McDonalds food you know exactly what you’re getting. Marie on the other hand has a bigger variety on her “menu”, there are some things that seem unusual and you will try and not like the first time...but if you eat at the 5 star restaurant you will be getting quality and at McDonalds you’re getting sugar filled junk that tastes good but does nothing for you!!

That’s a very good comparison, wow!!

i think thats it!

I am not talking about understanding a language. I am talking about understanding the people. Understanding the country. How people resonate, how they work simply. What makes them tick. That is a HUGE difference!
I stand by my opinion that there are albums and artists you just cannot appreciate if you do not understand what makes them tick.

Tjej: I agree with you that cultures have their own ways and differences, but what I’m saying is that spirit and soul are the same wherever you go. I don’t have to be Swedish to understand that Marie is angry at her boyfriend in Vem tror du att du är, or that she’s searching her soul in Den Ständiga Resan. Music is a universal language, so is love, hurt, loss, joy etc.

@sparv, thanks for the above explanation/oam//

well what should I understand about Mazarin then? and what should this be different to Marie’s music who is also Swedish? Why do I prefer DSR or IETSV (to talk about albums in Swedish) to Mazarin? Might be because I prefer songs that do tell something? that talk about feelings? Ain’t it Swedish enough to talk about rain and autumn and all that? ;) And how could I like Eva with her complicated way of writing and thinking or even read books and poems by Swedish authors if I am not supposed to understand what is sung/written about? Or why could I like GT - can it get more Swedish? Or why are there very few Spanish artists that I like, even though they are supposed to sing about “my culture”? ;)

I don’t think culture has anything to do with liking an album or not. As I said before, my guide is simple: the album reaches/touches my heart/soul - I like it. Even though I prefer “deep” music, it doesn’t have to be always about deep feelings - it just has to have something, I guess it’s like falling in love, there’s always that *click* - just that with music you can have more “lovers” at once ;)

Btw, Sparv: I hate McDonalds :D

@Sparv: Great analogy re: Mc Donalds and five star restaurants :)

I do like McDonalds but I prefer to eat at the five star restaurant lol


I hate McDonalds, but the analogy is very suitable...

I listen to stuff like DSR very irregularly and quite enjoy in a low key way, but I don’t want to be hanging around for ages for each course to come along at the 5-star restaurant -
I prefer to wander in to to somewhere casual, pay a few dollars and get some instant bliss :)

finally, an interesting discussion!!!! thanks sparv.!

to add my few eurocents... although I definetely prefer Marie’s way of writing music, the most important factor for me is Marie’s voice. Per has written some amazing songs for Roxette, as well as Marie (esp. for her solo stuff), but Marie is just the far better singer (musically speaking - i’m not saying that many people probably find his singing very enjoyable and perfect for the songs he delivers). So for me, it always came down to Marie’s voice and her way of singing (i guess i’m a purist in terms of vocals) that always touched and still touch my heart and soul.

I think it’s not fair to call any of the two the better songwriter or composer. As some of you said, they deliver different stuff.

What I love about Marie songs, is that they sometimes sound on the edge... especially when you listen to the songs of ’den ständiga resan’... when i heard that cd the first time, it just sounded a bit strange... but after having listened to it a couple of times, I became so hooked. The best thing about her music is that I never get tired listening to the same songs over and over again. Even after 10 years den ständiga resan sounds still fresh to me.

I have to say though that some of Per’s song have that quality too (like perfect day, spending my time, the rain, so far away, never is a long time... oops its all ballads and darker songs) I guess I prefer melancholy songs... strangely enough, they make me shine (especially when I feel sad or down)

I always supported PER & MARIE as solo artists equally. But my biggest passion goes for THEM BOTH TOGETHER - for ROXETTE.

@Zargo: LOL! You make a good point, not everyone wants to wait around at the restaurant (and can’t afford it!) and sometimes you just want something quick and tasty :)

OK I listened to Finn Fem Fel last night so I can finally have a proper opinion - well, I liked it. It’s really boppy, fun and catchy. But am I shocked that i liked it? Well no, because as I said above you know what you’re getting at McDonalds, so I knew when I ordered the Happy Meal that I would like it. That’s exactly what FFF is: a Happy Meal (but without the cool toy!) It was a quick meal with no real substance, but hey, I enjoyed it and I’d have it again. It’s not something you can live on though, you need something you can sink your teeth into like DSR or The Change....

can we change the McD for a PizzaHut in my case? ;)

Ok, let’s say McD = Mazarin for me, I only like a couple of things from there and not very often :D

Since you think it is fun to compare music with food places here, I have the following to say:

For me FFF and Mazarin is like McD, cause I really love McD! :)

The Change is like Burger King, cause that I really hate! ;-)


to hate something is realy hard and something you should handle carefully!
I dont know why you can say that you hate the change, but you will have your reasons.
I cant say that i hate music but that i dislike music.

@roxor: Well, ok, hate is maybe strong for The Change. So you are right... I dislike it (Burger King I still hate though... hehe). :) Thanks!
There is on the other hand music I do hate and that is Hip-Hop and especially “artists” like Missy Elliot, Eminem, Latin Kings and such... brrr!

@per_mson: you forgot to mention dansbands as well? ;)

I did not state that you cannot like music you do not understand. But you must live here (in Sweden) to understand the concept of e. g. Swedish summer. Mazarin is Swedish summer concentrated. Some things you just do not get when you do miss the context. I never said all...

How can you even try to compare music to fast food. You cannot compare something done purely to earn money to something like music. Writing music is a way of living... I do not think there is too muck soul in neither burgers or five star menues.

And to the vocal purists out there: Marie’s voice is a mess. Ruined by too many years of drinking, smoking and sleeping too little. Without technology she could kiss any career goodby. (But that is true for a lot of artists today...) With which I do not want to have said that Per is a great vocalist. I am not in the habit of comparing things that cannot be compared.

PS: I wonder how many would have bought the latest Marie album if it was not for her being who she is. I do not think she would have gotten a record deal with any one of those songs.

@Tjej: I’m sorry but that is total bullshit. Marie’s voice is not a mess! She is still one of the finest vocalists I have ever heard, maybe she doesn’t sing as well as she did in the late 80’s early 90’s but her voice is still better then so many and I’d sign her on the spot if I had a record label :)

Well, when Lithuanian music critic reviewed ROOM SERVICE (he gave the album 5 out of 10 points), he mentioned that MARIE vocal is wonderful. And I think MARIE even improved in HTE CHANGE!!! Though SHE still should take care of HER voice.

@tjej: First of all I don’t think you have to be Swedish to be able to know the concept of a Swedish summer. It is not so different from the rest of Europe. I am Swedish and have lived in Sweden for 27 years (even in Halmstad for 9 years). Right now I live in Austria since two years back and I don’t think the concept summer is at all different here from Sweden. Since it is Judith you are telling all the time she has no clue about “Swedish summer” I can tell you (since she is my friend) that she know much more about Sweden and its culture than many other Europeans do. So if any none Swede here would know the concept (as you call it) it is her. So if Judith now don’t like Mazarin.. well, then let her think so!! I don’t like The Change and I hope that is ok as well. Isn’t that pretty natural in the end that people don’t like the same stuff?!?!?!

When it comes to Marie’s voice I think you are way out in the blue. Marie still has a great voice and I don’t believe for a minute that they have manipulated it with electronics. If you listen to the rest of the album you can clearly hear that they have not put too much effort into the sound, so why would they fix that much with her voice? It is after all the best there is on the album anyway (IMHO).

I do, however, agree with you that one can’t really compare food places with music.

@Antimario: Hehe, yeah Swedish “dansband” suck, but it is still better than Hip-Hop! ;-)

Tjej: I actually find your comments bigoted and kind of racist. Next you’ll be saying that black people can’t enjoy Roxette because they don’t understand being white. I’m an Australian girl living in Sweden, and yes there is a different culture here than in Oz. But where I lived in Oz it was a very mixed culture anyway, my town was predominantly Asian and Indian so I have experienced different cultures and attitudes - but ultimately, all human beings have the same feelings inside and these feelings carry through music. Like Judith and I both said, we feel what Marie (or Eva) is singing about and we identify. Per’s fans also identify with his music in another way. To say that we can’t understand because we’re not Swedish, well that’s quite racist.

To say you don’t understand Swedish summer until you lived it?? Sweden is not the only cold country in the world! And even in Oz where our winters are not so bad, I know the feeling when the sun finally returns in Spring. YES cultures are different but I would never tell someone they don’t understand Kylie Minogue because they’re not Aussie.

About the Marie’s voice comment I’m not even going to go there, because it was clearly intended to upset ppl. I’ve enjoyed hearing everyone’s intelligent comments even though we don’t all share the same opinion, so I’m just gonna ignore the flames coming from Tjej’s direction from now on.

there you go... another flamer has arrived... what I like to point out about Marie’s voice (not for the flamer, but everyone else interested) is two things. That I like her timbre, the way she sounds and sings, that is of course totally subjective and a personal thing. That’s why I said, I’m sure other people will even prefer Per’s voice or find it suitable for his kind of music.

I’ve been trained in classical music (singing) for the past 10 years, so I believe I know what I’m speaking about. What’s very good about Marie, is that she has a very musical ear and only very seldomly is out of tune (a thing that happens to Alanis Morissette, Annie Lennox and Per quite often in live concerts...) I can’t recall any live recording or bootleg where Marie is out of tune. (which doesn’t mean that her voice always sounds good)

I like the way she makes use of her head and chest voice and is able to have these little nuances, like in Table in the sun, where it sounds really soft and fragile, as opposed to the edgier louder stuff, where she just has a go at it (April Snow - end).

I believe her technique (or her natural way of singing) is not the best though, and that’s why she sometimes sounds a bit hoarse, especially after or during a long tour (like the äntligen-tour)... I wonder if she still takes singing lessons now or then or whether she ever took any...

from what I heard from The Change (still waiting for the cd to arrive) I was quite impressed. 2nd chance sounds a bit wobbly (voice-wise), but then everything sounds kind of wobbly (just listen to the guitars!!!) so even if it was not on purpose it suits the song and her situation I guess. To be honest, I was very surprised to hear her voice sounding so strong in the other snippets, since she was really really ill and it’s not easy at all to sing like she did when physically and mentally you have to fight such a desease. So thumbs up up up!!! for having achieved all this! I feel very happy about it, and no matter, if I will actually like the music, it’s amazing that she came back the way she did.

So Sparv... judging from the snippets, I also have the feeling, well that some of the songs are not as personal (lyric-wise, musically) as they could have been (or like dsr)... but maybe we’re wrong in a way and the most personal aspect about it is that SHE IS SINGING and is singing FOR her life on this record (rather than about it - which she does in a couple of songs anyway)... apart from the lyrical and self-reflecting aspect, much of it for Marie was probably a physical thing... to stand on her feet again, open up and sing...

I guess if she recovers and feels even stronger again, there might be the time for another album, which becomes even more intimate lyrically or musically speaking...

uuuuuuuuuh... such a long post... sorry folks... :)

Marie, you are right, Sweden isn’t the only cold or rainy or snowy country ;)

Anyway, I am not going to go that way. We had an adult conversation here until now and I would love to go on like that way. For once we are talking about “Per vs Marie” in a civilized way, you wanna flame, find some other place for that, or even here, there’s plenty of other threads here ;)

Marie’s live performance of Sa skimrande var aldrig havet made my boyfriend (who doesn’t listen to her or knows her particularily well) cry, when he accidentally heard it in my flat... now if a voice or performance can do that... i guess that speaks for itself.

ljus, thats one of my favourite marie performances....perfect, Having said that, i certainly do think that marie doesnt have the same vocal range as she did in the early 90’s, but that is natural....especially women’s voices change a lot when they get older. Her voice has got slightly deeper. Also if she performed another tour with Roxette, her performance would never be quite as amazing as it was in the 90’s simply because she is nearly fifteen years older, and she wouldnt have the same energy. Marie still has a fantastic voice though, is a great performer and is my favourite female vocalist ever...nothing will change that.

I think her voice was best in the early 90-ies (Joyride, Den ständiga Resan, CBB)... you’re also right that her voice is deeper now... on the positive side that means that it sounds much fuller (i mean listen to her early Swedish recordings or early Roxette... very girlish and sometimes over the top ;)!

I did not flame, I just stated an opinion. I do not talk anout recordingd, not even live recording. I am talking about Marie singing face-to-face. Have you heard her (before she got ill) singing jazz? There is not so much voice left. But technology makes everything possible, and as they are professionals, you will not be able to hear technology, but voice. That is the recording engineers job after all.

Is it rasist to say that you have to be Spanish to understand bull fighting?
The only thing I say, again, is:
- musicians write their music in their context
- you interpret music in your context
- sometime you end up at a similar place from where the musician has started (As you state when you take uo the exaples of Eva & Marie)
- SOMETIMES YOU DO NOT Because you are in another context

Where is the flame?

Swedish summer: In what other country would the GT 2004 tour been possible, taking into account the percentage of inhabitants of our country that have seen them? “Swedish summer” is a standing phrase, at least here in Halmstad.

Do not EVER dare call me a rasist! I have relatives that died in World War II, so I would never ever use this terms in a stupid duscussion about someone liking an album. All I am trying to do is trying to explain how different music means different thing to different people in different contexts.

Ljus: don’t worry about long posts, I find your comments very interesting!

About Marie’s voice: She occasionally misses a note or wobbles a bit...but I find that natural and a bit of imperfection can make something more interesting.

About not understanding another culture: those comments are bullsh*t plain and simple. Sweden has it’s own culture but everyone in the country is not exactly the same. So just being Swedish doesn’t mean you will understand every other Swede just like I don’t understand every Aussie. I also don’t carry koalas, ride kangaroos or listen to Kylie. And Judith doesn’t dance flamenco ;)

Like Jud said, this topic has been very civilized until now and I personally really enjoy the different opinions. Even if someone is saying something I disagree with, such as The Change sucks or whatever, it’s interesting to hear how we all listen to the same thing but we all find something different in it, positive or negative. So I am choosing to ignore any flames and hope that they burn out.

LOL No i don’t dance flamenco, I hate it :D

Btw, I don’t think you have to be spanish to understand bullfighting, you have to be sadist! :O (note, I HATE that too)

I don’t want this so far intelligent conversation to degenerate, so I am ignoring the fire in the corner and holding my fire extinguisher!

I want to go back to Ljus’ comment at the top of this page: yes you’re right, the album is not as personal as I hoped. As I’ve said a few times, I was hoping for DSR II, meaning that I wished for an album where every song is like reading Marie’s diary. I really wanted to try to understand Marie’s pain, struggle and fear but there’s really only 3 songs on the album that deal with that. I actually don’t like it that Micke wrote half the album. It was interesting to hear his opinion but I would have preferred those songs as B-sides or even if he made an album and sang them himself. It seems weird to hear Marie singing HIS feelings and talking about being scared of losing herself!! So in that way I was really disappointed in The Change. I guess we have the documentary to hear about her feelings, but it’s not the same as putting on a CD and being carried away into Marie’s world for an hour. Like you said, maybe in the future she will release something with some more personal songs. I imagine the really deep stuff would have been written in Swedish, if she did write something.

Oh, and you asked if she took singing lessons...she studied music for 3 years and I believe she was studying to be a singing teacher at one point, so yes she has been professionally trained.

@sparvoga: Great! Today even you and me have the same opinion! ;-)

@tjej: Well, the GT2004 tour would only be possible to do in Sweden (and maybe Denmark and Norway). The reason: They sing in Swedish. As simple as that. Don’t you think other countries have “their GT”? Sweden is not unique to have a group like GT. The unique thing is maybe that Per also became famous internationally with another band.
The statement “Swedish summer” is not only a thing you use in Halmstad. That is also used in the rest of the country. It usually mean a rainy summer, hihi! ;-)
I do know that Halmstad is known to be some kind of “the summer city no.1 in Sweden”, but the years I lived there I didn’t think it was so much different from the rest. A bit more tourists maybe, but that’s always the case with the cities close to the sea.

Well, you can do a lot with technique today, but I still think you are able to hear it if you know how the person sing live. And Marie has a really great voice live, so I don’t think there’s a point to use technique to fiddle with that.

I don’t have any problem with different opinions, I only have a problem with people who attack things and people in a really negative way. But I think it’s nice to hear different views and to find out what others are thinking. I’m not one to say you have to like everything Marie/Rox/Per/GT do. I’m a huge fan of Marie but I really dislike some of her songs, eg. April Snow, and most of Den Sjunde Vågen. Some people would say you’re not a real fan if you don’t love everything, but I think it’s mindless to just love whatever crap Marie or Per produce!

Interesting discussion!

Hmmm... I might be in a small minority here, but I honestly tend to like just about everything I’ve heard from Per and Marie (especially compared to most of what is out there...). For me, the different projects serve very different purposes... Roxette and Gyllene Tider are fun, I listen to them to escape, to quickly get to my “happy place,” when I want to feel energized and excited. Marie and Per’s solo music tends to be more relaxing (exception: “TWATG” goes into the Rox/GT camp!), I listen to it when I’m in a more thoughtful or contemplative mood, and I find myself returning to these CDs over and over again. But it’s all good - there are, of course, songs I don’t like very much, and some things I like better than others (I like “Mazarin” better than “DSR,” but “DSR” better than “Scener” and “Scener” better than “IETSV,” which in turn I listen to more often than “Puls,” for example).

I guess in the end I don’t want Per’s music to sound like Marie’s and I don’t want Marie’s to sound like Per’s. And I really don’t want either to sound like Roxette or GT... this gives me three or four different styles to enjoy between two brilliant musicians, for a countless number of moods. But I can easily understand how someone could like Per and not Marie or vice versa, given that they are quite different styles. As has been said a million times before, it’s the combined talents of Per and Marie that make Roxette so special, thank God somebody had the vision to see past the differences in their styles and bring these two remarkable artists together.

sparv... don’t be disappointed !!! oh thank god she’s alive!!! that counts!

also, i can imagine that if you experience such a situation like hers, its difficult to find words at all... it’s not a primarily mental thing (like her feeling depressed during the Joyride-years and then putting out an album who deals with it), but a harsh fight between life and death. Maybe this time it was not about expressing herself through words and music, but doing music, working on songs (with her husband) to keep alive and survive. I mean, look at the pictures she draw. I sent the 2nd chance cover to a friend of mine who doesn’t like Roxette and never really connected to Marie F or her music, but she was so shocked and touched by that drawing and said she really wishes Marie all the best and hope she gets cured. So maybe the drawings this time are the key to her heart and mind this time... her way of expressing things and feelings that cannot be put into words or music...

also, I dont think that because you haven’t written a song you can’t make it to one of your own! sa skimrande was not written by Marie, but she connects with it and through it she makes other people connect with her and the music... also, we don’t know how the songs happen to come into place... maybe they co-wrote much of it, but Marie wanted her husband to get the attention and credit he deserved... for example if the song really was about Marie’s mother (something we have to be very careful to jump into conclusion) and Marie talked to her husband about it and he writes a song from her perspective for her... i think that’s almost as personal...

though I prefer if artists write songs themselves...

just saying...

but please no disappointment :))))))))))))))!!!!!! (i know what you meant though)

Ah yes thank God, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Allah Vishnu, Angels, Archangels, The Universe and anyone else there is to thank that she is alive!!!!!!

I would have been happy if she released an album of brushing her teeth! But I guess the disappointment comes from the fact that the album was promoted as being very personal, and it wasn’t as much as expected. April Snow has nothing to do with anything and we get to hear a lot of Micke’s feelings but as I said, only 3 songs from Marie. I do do DO hope that she has a Swedish album coming behind this one!!! But if not, like I said I’m happy to have her back even if her next album is acid jazz rap with backing vocals by Marilyn Manson. Actually that could be interesting....

I have to agree with tjej, at least on some points. (I haven’t listen to The Change, so I cannot comment on the voice topic, (though I always liked Per’s voice better)).

I really don’t beleive that a tour like the GT25 tour would have been possible in any other country. (And that is not just because they sing in swedish - thank’s for the sensible comment...). Gyllene Tider sold 500.000 tickets, that’s more than one ticket per 20 inhabitants. In a country like Germany this would mean selling 5 million tickets , or for Spain it would add up to 2.5 million tickets. Do you really think this will ever happen or has ever happened?

The key to Gyllene Tider’s succes is that they reach such a broad audience. No matter what music you listen to during the rest of the year, in the summer you sing along to Gyllene Tider songs - age 12 or age 65. There is something special about Swedes and the “swedish summer” and Gyllene are strongly connected to it. (Try selling out a GT-winter-tour...). I don’t know if you have to be born here to understand it, but you must definitely have lived here at least one summer to get it. (I cannot see anything racist in this statement. And by the way, this is a forum to discuss music, not a place to insult people by calling them a racist. Think first, write then!!!!)

In my opinion it is pointless to campare Marie and Gyllene Tider. OK, I guess Gyllene Tider would not win a prize for “advanced chords” or “innovative arrangements” (Marie probably wouldn’t either...). But that is not the point. Music is more than that, it is also about touching people, reaching people and about how many you reach. Gyllene Tider’s music does just that and so did the Mazarin-album. And I understand why. If you don’t, that may be due to your personal taste or because of you not being swedish or whatever.


LOL as long as she doesn’t look like MM... then I’d be scared! :P

anbo i think people in this discussion are only comparing in the sense what makes them different and how they enjoy gyllene or per or marie differently... i think you’re right that it doesnt make sense to say he is better than her or vice versa, but i find it interesting how people on this forum relate to rox, marie, per or gyllene... it’s a fine line to discuss something like that cause its much about personal taste and therefore very easy to get angry, frustrated, insulted... personally, i really enjoy this discussion... you saying that you like per’s voice better... the way you said it... that’s fine. so, we’re sharing thoughts and impressions... also the way you explained the phenomena... thats interesting and i think its a good point (the analogy with the 5 mill Germans going to a concert!)... maybe sparv. wanted to get away from the bashing threads about marie and per and i think most of this discussion has been civilised... and thats cool...

To the people who didn’t like sparvogamarie’s comment on food and music it was an analogy! She wasn’t litreally comparing food with Marie and Per’s music, just better explaining what she meant.

As far as Marie’s voice goes I’ve just finished listening to ’The Change’ for the first time (I got it today YAY YAY!) and I can tell you there is no vocal fixing going on there she sounds great, not perfect but her voice is edgy, raw and emotion filled! I still believe that Marie was and still is one of the best singers in the world!

As far as the album goes I was also a little disappointed that Micke wrote so many of the songs but they went through this whole thing together so I guess to an extent the songs are still very much personal it shows how deep Micke’s love for Marie is I think and that is special. Micke is also a rather good writer I thought he was only a one trick pony but I’m pleasantly surprised with the diversity. However I have to say I would still have loved a whole album written by Marie :)

I love this album, I think it would surprise so many people that think of Marie as Roxette and just doing light weight pop music, this has revealed a whole new side to Marie and I for one and thrilled to be a part of it.

Hotblooded: Thankyou, ANALOGY is exactly the word for the comparision between McDonalds and Per. Obviously most ppl understood that and got the meaning, but there’s always a few slow ones in every group, eh?

Ljus: you said it perfectly. It’s nice to discuss the differences and make comparisons without the usual fighting that breaks out. Per and Marie are in a band together, so it’s inevitable that we’re going to compare them. I could also sit here and compare Marie to Britney or Madonna if I wanted to, this is an open forum! This particular topic is about comparing the different styles of Marie, Per and GT and discussing what we like or dislike about them. If Anbo or anyone else don’t like that, there are 1000 other threads they can look at. I’ve never understood people who post in a thread to tell everyone to stop talking about that subject!

Anbo: The number of tickets GT sold is not the point, the point was that Tjej said non-swedes couldn’t really understand the music. That’s got absolutely nothing to do with the tour. I have a real problem with someone who says a different race or culture can’t understand something. I did not call Tjej a racist, I said I find her VIEWS bigoted and racist. BIG difference there, and I stand by my comment because I believe her views are narrow minded. YES Sweden has their own culture, I LIVE here so I know that, but you can’t tell people they have to be Swedish to understand the music, it’s exactly the same as telling a black person they can’t understand white music.

Jud: You don’t want Marie to look like Marilyn Manson? Well actually their new album covers are very similar!!! In Mega they put the promo posters of The Change next to MM’s new album, both covers are self portraits and both drawn themselves as monsters. It’s quite weird that they have done the same thing!

“Swedes” is not a race, so saying that someone must be Swedish to enjoy this and that is not racist at all.

I disagree. One culture saying that another culture doesn’t understand something is racist in my view. Or at least bigoted, if you would prefer that word. In the end racism is one group saying they are better than another group - what’s the difference?

Anyway this topic is not about racism and as I said I’m ignoring the stupid comments. BACK TO MARIE...or Per, but I’d rather Marie :)
Hotblooded: great that you finally got the album, I can’t imagine how you waited so long! Cool that you liked it first time, I was one of the ones that had to listen a few times to get used to the different styles. And some songs you really have to listen to the lyrics, such as Mother, though that song is weird because it seems so personal to Marie but is written by Micke! I’m always wondering if he wrote it for her or if it’s written about his own mother. I guess it must be for Marie if it’s on her album.

Ok I’ll be fair and talk about Per too. I’ve been listening to FFF and it’s a really cool album! Can’t stop bopping along to it! I mean, sure Per writes similar stuff over and over but at least it’s good stuff! FFF and The Change actually compliment each other very well by being total opposites. Depending on your mood you can be serious with Marie or just have fun with Per!

I said that Swedes live in another context, so they interpret certain music differently, which in its turn leads to a different understanding of this music. Once again, I did not talk about ALL music, nor that ALL Swedes would like ALL Swedish music, nor that Not-Swedes cannot like ANY Swedish music. Why do you alwys have to generalise everything?? Some music is simply more typical Swedish, other is more European, other music is global... Not every country is the same thank God.

Exemple: Blues. Do you think a person never being near slavery can truely understand how people felt when this music emerged? I do not think so.
But this is just me being of another opinion than some of you.

Again: I do not judge voices by how they sound on CDs...

PS: Can someone please explain to me why I am a flamer? Just because I have another opinion than the majority here. It feels like all of you think: “If you come to our church, you have to pray to our God!” Is there no place for critisicm? Or is this a case of “do not speak badly of the sick”?

Personally, I don’t understand why all the people out there are attackink tjej... It’s just an opinion. And I think MARIE can be so popular almost just in Sweden (or Scandinavian countries) where people like non-radio friendly music.

>Marie’s voice is a mess. Ruined by too many years of >drinking, smoking and sleeping too little. Without >technology she could kiss any career goodby.

well I remember we were having a normal discussion about different positive and negative aspects... to be critical is one thing, but to bash someone is another... it’s so destructive... how should people who like her voice react to such a stupid statement?

ignoring would be best

but that’s hard

@tjej: I have always thought Marie sounded better live then she did on record that doesn’t mean ’perfect’ but simply that I prefer her ’live’ voice then on the records but then that’s just my opinion ;)

@Sparv: Yeah I don’t know how I waited sooo long! But I’m so glad I got it in fact I’m off to listen to it again now :) Lucky you in Sweden who gets to watch the doco on Nov 24th!

Ljus is 100% right, there is a difference between critcising and attacking, and that’s why this has been an interesting topic because everyone has been disagreeing and criticising the music in a positive way.

Another thing you’re right about Ljus - it’s hard to ignore some things..... Tjej can say what she likes, but the original comment was: “@Judith: Not being Swedish might decrease your understanding of it... It takes some effort to understand the Swedish soul. Maybe effort is the wrong word. Empathy.”

Maybe different people interpret that differently but I read that as telling Jud she doesn’t understand because she’s not Swedish. And I think of that as a bigoted thing to say, maybe racist isn’t quite the right word (then again Jud is Spanish so she is a different race, so not the wrong word if you look at it that way!) I find it a little offensive to be told certain ppl don’t understand the Swedish soul, and I know some others felt insulted too. I’m disappointed that the moderators edit and archive every little thing but when someone makes an offensive comment it’s actually defended by a moderator!

*sigh* Do you think we will get this topic back to Marie and Per anytime soon? OK this time I’m gonna change the subject back to Marie’s voice. Marie can get pretty out of tune at times, but for me I prefer something a little “raw” than something perfect. Most of my fave singers have unusual voices, like Alanis Morrisette who sings all over the place in terms of range and tune, and can sound quite weird at times. Or Melissa Etheridge who has a really deep husky voice. Not everyone sings like Celine Dion and it would get boring if they did. I wouldn’t say Marie’s voice sounds damaged, she doesn’t have that husky cracking sound of a ruined voice. I do wish she would stay away from high notes though, someone please tell her she’s not Mariah Carey!!! Even thought I ADORE Marie, I probably wouldn’t say she has the best voice in the world, her voice is GREAT but for me personally I’d give the best voice prize to Celine because she has a bigger range and stronger vocals. But I’m not a fan of Marie for her voice alone, it’s the person and the music that I love.

well voices are a matter of taste....i think marie sounds much better than Mariah, Celine and Whitney put together....but that is not based on their technical voice qualities like you said above, but purely the rawness and emotion in her voice. Listen to Celine Dion, and sure she is talented, but i think with singers like her they show off their vocal ability too much and there isnt enough raw feeling in there...well for me anyway.

If I had to name just one quality I love about Marie’s voice... it’s her warmth. Imo she’s in a class of her own... Rich

her voice fits the stuff she sings perfectly

I don’t like all these “perfect” voices, I guess that’s why I love Marie, Melissa or Eva’s. They aren’t perfect (even though I was totally amazed by Melissa when I saw her live, oh man!!), in the way that they might not reach those very high tones or sometimes be out of tune or whatever, but it is the way they put the feelings in what they sing what captures me, all those “prefect” voices sound cold to me, as if the only thing they care is about singing the right note but forget about what they are singing about. It is the warmth in M, M, E’s voices I love and enjoy listening to, for me playing one of their albums in the living room, sitting on the sofa and closing my eyes is like being in heaven. Or lay on the bed with the walkman on and just let my soul go. Sometimes they make me cry (of sadness or of joy or just because it is just too beautiful to stand it) sometimes they make me smile, sometimes they make me get angry, it’s all about feelings :) :P~

Of course they don’t always sing fine, even an opera singer has to train the voice before a concert and there are days when they are better than others. Nobody is (always) perfect ;)

Ok it’s been a long day, been here at work for 10 hours :O

ncurran: You are exactly right. Celine Dion has what I would call a perfect voice, but perfect isn’t necessarily a good thing because missed notes and vocal cracks make it real and interesting. I do think she sings with feeling especially songs like A New Day which are personal to her, but she doesn’t write her own music so she’s not on the same level with singers who write their stuff, especially really personal songs. I like to hear a song and say “Oh she wrote that about her ex-boyfriend” or “this song is about Marie’s daughter” or whatever. So to bring it back to the comparison between Marie and Per, the reason I prefer Marie is that her songs are real and most of Per’s are about imaginary situations, except perhaps for I Was So Lucky.

and listen to your heart ;)

hehe voice discussion again ;)

technically speaking, celine’s voice is not perfect, I think, since it sounds too much in the throat and back of her mouth (to me it sounds as if she has swallowed a potato - :) ... but it’s also a matter of taste of course... even with opera singers you get so-called experts ;) who argue for one or the other voice and different techniques...

what annoys me though a little is people believing that being a good singer means to hit high notes...

with Marie... what I’ve been wondering most is ’Sa skimrande’ live... it’s a really long way to go before the synth. sets in... so I wonder if technically the synth. responds to where Marie after that minute or so lands with her voice or if she has perfect pitch (as it seems) which would support my statement that her intonation (accuracy of pitch) is very good... anyone knows about it?!?

alanis, who i like very much, is quite bad in this respect. if you listen to uninvited on the Unplugged cd you can clearly hear it...

anyway, i just find it funny to talk about it...

e.g. on The Change you can hear at least two cuts where they didn’t do a good job in the studio and you can hear how they put two takes together... :)!

I have no idea what happens with the synth in Så Skimrande, but all I can say is that I heard her sing it live 18 times on the Äntligen tour, and she sang it perfectly every time. I think when Marie stands still and concentrates she has perfect pitch. Her voice only seems to miss notes when she is dancing or being distracted by the audience or whatever, but that’ s probably true for most singers because it’s hard to hit notes while you’re moving. I’m not any kind of professional but it seems to me that Marie needs to really control her breathing to hit notes and when she’s moving a lot she gets out of breath easily (could be the smoking!) That’s why I would LOVE to see her singing in a small club or something where she’s just sitting....ooh maybe one day :)

my oh my how i would love an intimate gig with Marie

i once had the chance to go to a promotional concert (6 songs) of Tori Amos in Vienna. it was just her and the grand piano and 70 people sitting a few metres away... although it only lasted about half an hour it was one of the most magical moments in my life (especially since she presented material noone had heard before)

oooohhh small club gig :) how cool wud that be!

Oh! “Så skimrande...” in the CD/DVD Äntligen tour is just... PERFECT. It’s so deep, so emotional. You know, I’m one of those guys who judges a song mainly through the music. If I don’t like the music, I don’t care about the lyrics. But there are exceptions. And *this* particular version of “Så skimrande...” is one of the best examples. I love both the music and the lyrics in that song, but I think the way Marie sang it is unique. It makes me shiver. It’s not that her voice is perfect, it’s not that the instruments fit perfect... it’s the way she *expresses* herself with that song. It’s the connection with the public (oh! I’d have loved to be there!) She wakes up feelings inside you... I don’t know how to express the idea better than this.

I never really liked Skimrande so much until I heard it live....oh my god, when she does that “ahh, naaa na naaa naaa” it sends shivers right down your spine. I actually find that song really hard to listen to now because I remember that tour and I long for those days!

I ended up crying with this song at all shows.. and I still do when I listen to it (cd or dvd).. it was so impressive, everybody shut up, looking and listening to Marie, Marie’s voice all around.. oooohhh!!!

First of all: thx for the interesting discussion!

I’ll begin from the last: voices. I started to listen to Roxette because I liked the combination of Marie and Per’s voices and I do think by now they are best each other’s vocal partners. Espesially it concerns Per. Don’t know why, he always chooses high female voices to sing with when he doesn’t sing with Marie. Her voice is deeper and fits Per’s better than for example Helena’s.
Have to say that Marie is really a great vocalist, she can perfectly use this her *instrument*. There are lots of voices of better quality, but Marie when she sings, doesn’t want to show what wide range etc she’s got. She shows her emotions, her soul which are reflected in the movements and intonations of her voice.
Also Marie’s voice isn’t the same as years ago, it’s a normal thing. It lowered with ages - partly because it happens to all the people and partly... don’t flame me... of her way of living when she was young. But her voice still sounds great and amazing, I’m waiting to hear her new disk, snippets are promising to me. Good fact cause I love Per’s writing most. Yes, it’s all about tastes, and I can’t find any rational explanation why I like it. It touches some string inside me. The same with Per’s voice. I understand he hasn’t that which is called the real VOICE but my soul loves its vibrations.
Ughhhhh Here I’d like to stop, the post is rather long. And the topic is wide, I’ve got a lot of thoughts on it and it will take some time and place to formulate and write down them all.

btw, just in case somebody forgot about that, Marie’s been going through a hard treatment during these past 2 years and her voice has surely been afected by that. I remember Anastacia could only sing high notes after her operation and treatment. So knowing all this, then listening to the album I am WOW! Marie rules :D

I can’t wait for the docu, she’s supposed to perform some songs live (and it looks like that on those pics on her site).. I DO hope A table in the sun is in !!!

Good point Jud! Her illness probably did take something from her voice. Though it’s hard to tell with The Change, because a lot of it was recorded at her home studio so it doesn’t have the same quality as a professional studio. Her voice wobbles a lot in 2:nd Chance, but then again it’s an emotional song. Also she’s trying to get up high in that song, and high has never been one of Marie’s strongest abilities vocally. But I hate high anyway, sometimes I wanna smack Mariah lol!

LOL Mariah gets on my nerves!!! i try to avoid listening to her voice but sometimes you are somewhere where they just play it.. and jeez!! feels like my head is going to explode or something, you know like in Mars Attack? ;)

LOL hope there’s no Mariah fans here or the flames might start burning.... Mariah has a pretty good voice and she does write her own stuff which I give her credit for. But she’s lacking something, I don’t know what it is. Oh I know...SHE’S NOT MARIE!!!!

I didn’t say her voice sucks ;) Just said that I cannot stand it :P Maybe it’s too good for my fine ears ;)

does anyone have the english translation of skimrande?

text&music by Evert Taube

Så skimrande var aldrig havet
och stranden aldrig så befriande,
fälten, ängarna och träden, aldrig så vackra
och blommorna aldrig så ljuvligt doftande
som när du gick vid min sida
mot solnedgången, aftonen den underbara,
då dina lockar dolde mig för världen,
medan du dränkte alla mina sorger,
älskling, i din första kyss.

So glimmering never was the sea,
and the beach never so relieving,
the fields, meadows and trees never so beautiful,
and the flowers never so lovely fragrant,
as when you walked by my side
towards the sunset, the evening so wonderful,
then your curls hid me from the world,
while you drowned all my sorrows,
darling, in your first kiss.

This song has a special meaning for me because it was sounding the first time Connie and I kissed :) (and it wasn’t planned, we had a mix-CD with some Marie + Eva songs sounding.. and ah well :P)
(and I have curly hair :D)

girl7twenty7, welcome to the show! :) looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts...

For me when I first saw Roxette in Sydney in 1991 I will never forget the feelings I left with hearing Marie’s voice live! It was simply stunning one of the most powerful voices I had and have ever heard in my life, I remember having dreams about it for months afterwards wishing to hear it again!

For sure she is not as good as she was then but you know there is just a quality to Marie’s voice that really draws me too it and while she might not be the best singer technically she delievers her performances with heart and that is the main thing.

thanks judith....the lyrics are great too.
Nice story about you and Connie too :)

You’re right, Marie’s illness and treatment could affect her voice too... but really not that much I think.

@sparvogamarie Agree it’s hard to sing perfectly when you’re moving. I always wonder how it is possible to sing and to dance at the time. Once I experimented and tried to do it. I never smoked. But I couln’t control my breathe soon. If I trained the result would have been better but not perfect. Anyway I do think that good vocal performance and active moving on stage are kinda opposite things.

btw another spark for Mariah’s fans :) Her high voice irritates me so much too. Maybe it’s to dry or shrill.

You’re talking a lot about Så skimrande... here. It seems you’re very excited by it. Must be a good song...

I don’t think the illness/treatment has affected Marie’s voice much. At least I don’t hear it on The Change. It’s just that the whole record sounds a bit Low-Fi in general, instruments and all. The recording at Vinden can’t be the reason since IETSV was recorded there as well. Maybe they wanted to create kinda retro-sound?

*eidited coz i’m a knobber who can’t read * ;)

@girl7twenty7: i agree about the Mariah voice bit ;)

Sascha: good point, maybe the sound was supposed to sound like retro like you said, and since there’s a lot of jazz perhaps they wanted a old jazz record feel. Maybe they’ll explain on the docu? Ahh you know there’s so many things I would ask Marie if I had a chance!!

I consider myself a part of Per’s team, but I love Marie’s voice and some of her solo staff( Tro, Antligen, Sa Stlla Sa..., A Table In..., All About You...) What I adore is Per writing, Marie singing, Per backing up. Or sometimes Per writing, singing, marie backing up and that’s ROXETTE!!!

Oh I so wish there could be another Rox CD!

seriously, this isn’t the girls bathroom, we don’t need gangs or teams to survive. oam//

About MARIE’s voice: well, MARIE’s styles of songs are very different. For instance, Mariah or Celine, they sing almost only ballads. And MARIE sings totally different songs, like SLEEPING IN MY CAR & IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE on the concert. I guess, this could have affected HER voice a bit. But still I love it and in 2:ND CHANCE MARIE sounds perfect.

You have to listen to Celine’s French stuff. That’s not only ballads...

By the way, I never said that you cannot love a not-perfect voice.


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