HELP? Relics Of Success BOOTLEG...
ally77 said on September 22, 2004 14:06:
Can anyone scan me a picture of the RELICS OF SUCCESS BOOTLEG CD? or if not give me any of the information that is printed on the CD itself... much appreciated!
If anyone can scan and send a picture please do to [email protected]
ally77 said on September 22, 2004 21:09:
Hello!, that is a great site, really useful... thanx!
I am still looking for perhaps a scan of the CD, I did have it myself some time ago, but forgot the detail on the actual CD, and I think a friend has just been sold a cheap CDR copy.. just wanna check it out! so if you can scan the disc I would much appreciate it!
sandyam said on October 13, 2004 15:24:
I have been having scanner problems lately.
Those will be fixed next week.
Probably you have already found someone else to help you out.
Well, I will post a picture of the disc anyway just in case you do still need it...
I am really sorry for not being able to help you out directly like I promised...
Vixzter said on October 13, 2004 16:04:
i got scanner probs too,the problem being i havent got a scanner ;) otherwise i’d scan it, could take a picture if u want?
ally77 said on October 13, 2004 19:08:
No worries... thanx to both of you, but we got it sorted in the end... :)
sandyam said on September 22, 2004 20:25:
just take a look at this site:
It shows images of loads of bootlegs and live cd’s.
Is this all you need?
I have the cd. If you are looking for more specific information, just let me know.
Kind regards,