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Alcohol, how does it effect you?

41 replies

How does Alcohol affect you… you know on a day to day basis. Anyone here experienced being an alcoholic, or living with some like that, or perhaps just knowing someone whose life revolved around getting another drink…

I took the dog out before bed earlier, (see what am exciting life I lead) and almost wanted to warn the kids hanging outside the corner shop who where binge drinking how they might be running there life…. There has been a lot on the news about it in the UK this past couple of months, trying to warn young people away from consuming too much alcohol.

I have never been a big drinker, perhaps last year I started to drink a little more than usual because I was stuck in a depressing job, but before it took hold on me, I quit. I like the odd Vodka now and again but have never been so drunk I did not know where I was or what I was doing.

Strange topic but an old friend and neighbour died yesterday at the age of 33. He was an alcoholic depended on drink for around the past 4 years since he was made redundant. He fell down the stairs at home and was killed. Seems such a sad end to a young life….

My grandfather was a recovering alcoholic (*was*, because he passed away in 2000 after living without my grandmother for 5 years, and he missed her too much).

My mom’s oldest brother is a recovering alcoholic. He started drinking after returning from Vietnam (in which he’d been declared dead not once, but TWICE on different occassions).

My mom’s oldest sister is a recovering alcoholic. And I’m not sure why, but that doesn’t phase me much. Personally, I think she NEEDS the booze. She’s so uptight, she makes a cup of coffee nervous.

As for me, the alcoholic gene was passed to me directly. So I drink when I’m on vacation (if I travel out to Wendover, Nevada), Christmas, New Year’s, and maybe one other time. My job requires me to be sober (no one likes a drunk bus driver ;o)), so I don’t drink much. I got slobbering drunk once, just to see what the hullaballoo was about, and I wasn’t to impressed.

don’t drink so much alcohol in general, a glass of wine or a bottle of eristoff fire or Halmstad Cider from time to time, when watching a film or something.. and a Radler (beer with lemonade) sometimes when I meet a friend. The should be it.

I used to drink a lot more when I was younger, bout 8-10 years younger ;) When I went out with my friends we always drank sangria or some cocktail and got a bit “drunk” (happy or however you wanna call it). Used to like vodka with ice.. tried it again some 2 years ago and I thought I’d die :D

Then when I got the driving license AND a car I stopped drinking “that” much. A beer in the beginning of the night and then water or orange juice... I thought that I’d have to be aware twice when driving back home: for myself and for the drunks that would be driving in the same road as me.

I used to think it was kinda funny to be a bit drunk/dizzy/happy.. but now I find it pathetic when I see people like that on the street. I guess I have realised (thanks to my car that doesn’t let me drink ;)) that I can have as much fun without those alcohol degrees in my blood.

Been totally drunk once, end of high school dinner.. didn’t drink THAT much but mixed too much.. next day was horrible, throwing up and all.. FIRST AND LAST TIME.

I think the last time I drank a lot (note that what might be a lot for me might be nothing for you ;)) was in Sthlm pride 2001... or was it April 2003 with Eva D? In any case, it is amazing how Swedes swallow alcohol!! I think I’d be dead if I drank as much as I saw some of my friends drink in one night AND feel almost nothing (I guess it has its dangerous side too).

But I have seen close what alcohol can do to a person.. how impossible or hard it is to make the person see and how depended the person is to that alcohol shot hour after hour.

I dont drink alcohol, generally.
I got drunk once or twice, and never vomited :P

If there’s a party and nothing to drink but alcohol, I stop drinking when I start feeling dizzy or when I beging opening my mouth more than I should ............

Ferdan: That would be... all the time now? ;o)

well maybe im the first one thats going to say, that i actually drink a lot. Scottish people generally drink a lot anyway. I worked in a pub when i was a student and so i used to go out to nightclubs 3 or 4 times a week and be pretty drunk, then when i left Uni in 98 i started working and i couldnt really go out during the week anymore cos i would be too tired, after working for 4 yrs i would only have a drink once or twice a month. However i left my job in 2002 and have been living in korea where i have a pretty easy lifestyle, and my first year here last year i drank a lot again, this year i have been drinking a lot less though. I am one of these people who can really handle their alcohol in general, i can drink beer all night and still be aware of what i am doing, it is when i drink spirits that i get really drunk, so i only drink them occasionally. I dont think I would ever be addicted to alcohol though. for example i havent had a drink in 2 weeks and that is not a problem for me, i dont miss it at all. My father on the other hand is an alcoholic, he stopped drinking for many years but now he has started again, and he drinks about 2 bottles of wine every night unless he is working.
Alcohol is fine, as long as you can handle it and drink it sensibly, i enjoy a drink and i enjoy even getting really drunk sometimes, but i would never call myself and alcoholic because i dont need it.

just curious... may I ask how come you live in Korea now? :)

I used to love a drink on the weekend and christmas me, Cant now as im to ill to drink alcohol, i do miss it now and again.

I quite like alcohol, but I appreciate Ally’s sentiment that you can drink way too much. I’m a student in Sweden at the moment and a lot of drinking goes on (not particualr to Sweden, more to students!)

It gets boring after a while though, but I won’t be able to drink in my final year so I suppose I am making the most of it now.

Personally now I don’t care if I never drink again.... I don’t require alcohol to enjoy life.... plus it’s so expensive!

Don’t drink very often at all.
Last christmas I bought some WkDs though, as they were on offer.
But before that, I last drank in Sweden, July 2003, had some cactus lager I think it was, and the customary Halmstad Cider. :D
:Cheers Fliss and Klair: hehehehe.

in my case, I only drink when I go out...
it turns the night into a different colour...
no drugs at all, but alcohol.... yes... beer

@ally, i quit my job at IBM after working there for 4 years...i absolutely hated it working in an office, and it was an extremely stressful job with long hours, it really drove me crazy.
I still had student debts to pay off and wanted to travel, and i read about teaching in korea...and i ended up here. Its a pretty easy lifestyle and the money is good, so ive managed to pay off most of my debts. i am coming back to scotland in february and i will have done 2 one year contracts, that is enough for me, its time to come home. I’m still deciding what to do when i go home, but i think i will go back to Uni for a year or 2 as if i dont i’ll only get another job like i did before and i couldnt stand that. I’m thinking about social work or something like that, but we’ll see.

@ ncurran, sounds really good, wish I had done something more intresting....

@ncurran, good move with the teaching. Don’t go for social work. Its a real ’damned if you do....’ profession. I say University is a good option. Good luck, oam

I just LOVE vodka... and beer... and champagne with Rivotril®... the sparkle of life... :ol

I love beer :-)
The best in it that you don’t have a hangover the next day, at least I don’t, no matter how much I drink of it. How does it effect me? Well, have to pee a lot :-)

I never drink alcohol.

i have a hangover today...bloody booze

I’ll stop drinking after this weekend, had a stressful 48 hours, long story, so tomorrow hook me up to a vodka drip and I am sorted....

I usually don’t get my hangovers in the morning - I get them while I’m in bed at night!!

Just say I come home from the pub at 2am, I’ll be in bed by 2:45-3:00, I stumble around in bed for about 3 hours (very uncomfortably!!), then I fall asleep - and I wake up at 3pm the next day fresh as a daizy!! It’s nice to not wake up with a hangover - but how I hate those 2-3 hours in bed feeling the hangover kick in!!

I don’t think I’m THAT bad of a drunk, I’ve never smashed any car-windows or anything... but I get a little LOUD!!

i hardly ever drink.... the only things i will drink tho is archers and lemonade, vodka mudshake and halmstad cider hahah. oooh and cocktails!!!

Vodka mudshake are sooooo nice, ice cool with some ice.... yummy, think I am on my 5th this evening..... :) but am making on for lost time!

aT THSI moment in time, it effects my head, my legs and i have double vision.... but i am not sotping hweere.... give m,e more.... :)

^^ excuse that she is pissed, only been driking for several hours... and she wants more... I don’t know what the frig I am typing cause I cannot see the screen so excuse mistakes... :)

Now I will NEVER drink again....

bad hangover ally...? Unlucky, sympathy!

I spotted a vodka mudshake the other day ally.. strawberry milkshake flavour!
I had the iced coffee one once, but it was too sweet. :(

Eck... I hate coffee to begin with, yet oalone in Alcahol. ALCOHOL! I’m sorry about the bad typing, Its just not my day. So, Judith if you happen to see the word sh*t in one of my replies today, you can be pleased to know that I probably meant Shhhh!!

Got a bit of a hangover, you see (and yes, it is 3am!!)

I was not hungover, some reason it takes too much to get me drunk, my eyes where just puffy...

God to read this scares me as I feel I drink a lot more now that I did back then....

Don’t drink much vodka now (ignore the comments about London....)!!!!!!!!!!

More of a beer person and that Swedish cider is so yummy... blueberry favour!

it makes me forget about *him*

Usually I don’t drink often, but when i go out with friends I like to drink some beers, (2 or 3). I love smirnoff ice as well!!
I think I only got drunk once , and sure I won’t do it again. People looks so silly when they are drunk :P
But, when I drink some beers and if i have something worring me I can forget for a while. The efect of the alcohol in me?? Makes me laugh a lot!!! and makes me speak a lot as well:P

vodka mudshakes are evil!

i spent a week being very ill because of 1 or 2 ( 6 actualy!) of them!

I hate those mudshakes!

I had a friend (who has moved away) who drank heavily and LOVED it. He was always talking about how he planned to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting on Monday night, after a wild weekend of partying....

“My name is PJ, and I’m and alcoholic. You should have been at my place last Friday night! I got a keg, and Bigger and Tony came over, and we partied like hell, with Stevie Ray Vaughn playing in the background. Next morning we got up, twisted a couple of smokes, and floated the keg by noon. Bigger went to the liquor store for some vodka and tequila, and we ordered a pizza for lunch. THEN, Good Time Debbie and her friends Rachael and Maggie came over, and we got snookered all afternoon – it was FANTASTIC. Good Time Debbie always lets everybody watch her shower, after she’s drunk, so we did that... Oh good god almighty damn... and then we put Stevie Ray back on, for background music, and sucked down cocktails while we grilled steaks....”

And so on. PJ is probably dead now, but he had a hell of a lot of fun getting there.

RIP to PJ!

Makes me sleepy, boring and bored!! LOL :D

Maybe that’s why I don’t like it especially. Just my top cocktails!! :D

Anyone who went to london will say that it just makes me happy and fun!!!

But I guess sometimes, it makes me feel bad as well. Depends on the circumstances. Normally jus happy though!!

make me alot more socialble

My grandfather (on my dad side) was alcoholic. At the end he drank not only wine and those things, but pure alcohol as well.

I don’t drink very much, a beer from time to time in the summer.

I like a beer now and then.
And on some occassions I prefer a red wine.

If i drink alcohol , I tend to be talking a bit more.


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