Suspecions about the 'demo' of Joyride in RoxBytes
RoxHard said on September 2, 2004 01:02:
Has anyone else heard the supposed “demo” version of Joyride in RoxBytes? It’s obviously just a slowed-down version of the album version. You can tell from the start of the intro that it’s just a slowed-down version. Has anyone else noticed this?
There is no offense meant here to the creator(s) of the website. It is a very good site and all of the songs there (with the exception of Joyride) are unquestionable demos and very different from the album versions.
I just think it’s a shame that you have a demo there which isn’t a demo at all.
I mean, I could be wrong on everything here. Maybe the original version of Joyride was a slowed-down version, and maybe it accidentally became speeded-up during the mixing process and Clarence thought it sounded better that way so it wasused as the album version. I just thought we’d be able to clear this up here.
Jud (moderator) said on September 2, 2004 05:54:
LOL - the fact that Marie is missing IS a big difference :D
Ferdan said on September 2, 2004 10:53:
The only bit that’s from the album version is the first 3 seconds of the intro (I guess their demo source didn’t have a complete version so they just pasted the 3 seconds from the album version)
the rest is the demo, and it sounds and is a completely different version... the difference is huge!
Anomymous said on September 2, 2004 10:54:
It is the original demo. Even before Anders girlfriend stole a bunch of demos from the studio or whatever and they went onto bootlegs, Per said in an interview that the demo of Joyride sounds very much like the finished album version. And it does. Great sounding demo, I really like Pers vocals on the chorus, he belts it out.
Sanglof said on September 2, 2004 14:42:
If you listen the Joyride-demo from Roxbytes, you can hear that the first 2 seconds or so ARE indeed from the album version. But then it changes to the demo! Strange but true!
coyboyusa said on September 2, 2004 20:03:
odd i dunno there are poarts of it i can imitate by recording off the karaoke plugin for winamp then tooing with goldwave.....if it is the demo its suspiciously cut n dry i want my demo for watercolours in the rain! lol
Starrox said on September 2, 2004 03:34:
Sorry, but... *LOL* Maybe you should listen to the album version of Joyride and then compare it to this demo again! It’s definitely not just a slowed down version, e.g. the guitars are different, the “Roxette”-part is missing and more importantly - Marie!