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Some great George Bush quotes!

23 replies

I swaer, even if he doesn’t know it - this guy is a great comedian!

“Mars is essentially in the same orbit...Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 8/11/94

“I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 5/22/98

“One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is ’to be prepared’.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 12/6/93

“Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 11/30/96

I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr.

“A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr.

“Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 5/20/96

“We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 9/22/97

For NASA, space is still a high priority.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 9/5/93

“We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr.

“I have been asked who caused the riots and the killing in LA, my answer has been direct & simple: Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame.”
...George W. Bush, Jr.

“The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation’s history. I mean in this century’s history. But we all lived in this century. I didn’t live in this century.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 9/15/95

“Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr., 9/18/95

“The American people would not want to know of any misquotes that George Bush may or may not make.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr.

“We’re all capable of mistakes, but I do not care to enlighten you on the mistakes we may or may not have made.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr.

“It isn’t pollution that’s harming the environment. It’s the impurities in our air and water that are doing it.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr.

[It’s] time for the human race to enter the solar system.”
...Governor George W. Bush, Jr.


LOL, didn’t we know already about this “drama”?

yeah this man must be one of the stupidest leaders the world has ever amazes me that people still vote for him.

stop stop!!! you wanna kill me of laughter? :P

wait, this is not funny, this is SAD

And my fellow Dumb-Asses voted him in!!!!!

I voted for Mickey Mouse again

hahahaha omg! and he is the president of America? OMG! THIS IS SOOOOOO funny :D:D:D

I am gona mail to my friends :D Thanks for sharing :D


The most recent ones haven’t lost the spark of the amazing comedian he is, take a look:

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”—Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

LOL!! When I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 I also wondered if this guy knows what he is saying. He was so funny and that he was so funny is so sad.

Well, WATCH Bush trying to define “sovereignity”

i think there is nothing worse than the images of the 11/9, when he is at the school and he is told about the plain crashes, he looks with that dumb face and what? he goes on reading the damn book !!!!!!

ferdan, just watched that clip, that is bush at his best....thanks for making me laugh....funny how u can even hear people in the audience laughing at his response....why dont the people that vote for him see how stupid he is?

its a scary thing that the polls are so can 50% of the american public still consider voting for that clown

double post

I am curious what the outcome of the elections will be. I am afraid a big part of the americans is gonna showe that they are very stupid (by voting for Bush).
The fact that that the polls give him over 45% (and some give him even more than 50%), shows that this percentage of the Americans is seriously ill.

I saw the movie Fahrenheit 9/11 and if only half of it is true, then already Bush is an animal.
Voting for Bush is voting for a walking disaster-area.

I don’t know how Kerry is, but I find it very hard to believe he can be worse than Bush (Lower than absolute zero is imposssible).

I am still thinking the guy will come up with some great news right before the elections, maybe the disappeared Bin Laden will make a guest appearance last minute. I also think they will “miss-count” some votes - again.

Upon no comment ..............

Bush is an idiot! Bush is a liar whose only interest is generating money for coroporate America...even if it means killing Americans and killing innocent civillians in Iraq...all to get one of the worlds largest oil supply.

America was never in any danger. There are no weapons of mass destruction...There is no connection with terrorism and Iraq. Bush is a liar and so his administration.

Why is there no plane wreckage at the Pentagon during the 9/11 attack?

All I saw on the news was a hole in the building...but no plane wreckage.

I believe Kerry can still win this election.

@ ncurren...It’s amazing how Kerry was ahead on the polls but now all of a sudden Bush is ahead since the convention...American media is controlled...most Americans never voted for Bush for President and most Americans still don’t want Bush for President.

9/11 attack was a lie...America wasn’t attacked by what the media has told people. There’s a shadow government that controls everything, to be rich...and to take away the rights of Americans...but few people believe what I would say...or are in denial.

Do a google search on “Skull and Bones”

Royalball, yeah i am travelling just now and i work with a lot of americans....the vast majority of them hate Bush just as much as i do....and even in this discussion, there must be quite a few americans that visit this site, and not one has jumped to the defense of Bush. But this is probably cos roxette fans are sensible???
But there are still many americans who support bush....the rednecks, the people who grow up in one place and never leave, who dont think that there are any other civilised countries outside the US, who think that every country that refused to back the war are traitors (Freedom Fries....what a joke).

I sometimes go on this american chatroom Paltalk...the social issues section is full of bush supporters and haters of islam, its quite sad really, but sometimes its fun to wind them up.
As for the conspiracy theories about 9/11....ive heard them before, but im not really convinced either way, i’m not really sure what happened. The problem i have with the conspiracy theories is that if the US govt were to orchestrate these attacks, would they not set their enemies up? Why didnt they set up Iraqi citizens rather than Saudi citizens, then their whole war in Iraq which was probably planned as soon as bush was elected would have been easier to justify.
Oh and another cool site to look at is
if u want to look at some bush cartoons

haters of islam...whats so bad about them, when a religious group that represents about what half the peopel in the world sits quiet while their own committ genocide in africa, murder children in russia and plot to get nuclear arms, i’d hate them too,

Coy: Stick a sock in it

Christians also *nowadays* commit genocide in africa, what was your point? Ban religion? I’d agree with that!!

CoyBoy u r simply sick and a disgrace to American Soil and human beings. It is people like you who are dangerous to the world. U r a retard and sounds a lot like a nazzi.

The ones who “hate” people of other religions are not only religionless but also sick. That includes all those extremist “SO-CALLED” Muslims/Christians/Hindus/Jews who hate people from other religions and all those who do the same.

No religion tells u to go out and kill people or to commit crime. If so was the case then the followers would have rejected the teachings of their inherited religions. We as human beings have enough brains but ehh wait... there are exceptions like you out there too soo... :P

I can go on and tell you what Christians, jews and people from other religions are doing these days but that would be pointless. I don’t mix terrorism with Religion. A terrorist is a terrorist. The one who kills and harm others in anyway is an animal let alone a ’religious person’.

And oh if u think that Muslims are sitting and doing nothing then u r wrong. Go and surf internet and read some newspaper and THEN come and start posting here.

Coyboy u are defenitely a nazzi!!!


And yet another flame, we cannot keep it a constructive discussion, can we? this is not the place to insult eachother. Thanks

PS: Nazi, not nazzi


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