whats the value of this items
ATLTK said on August 20, 2004 22:53:
whats the value of this items
Strul 7”
flaf france mc single
tcoth mexico promo
soy una mujer mexico promo
un año de rock book complete with the come back before you leave promo
vip fan book
join the joyide fan book
posterbook all 3 from germany
patolucas said on August 21, 2004 04:30:
hi Ted!
I think around u$s 30 each one.Maybe a little more.
Good Luck!Get ’hem all!!
ATLTK said on August 21, 2004 10:09:
I have them
hmm what does the others think here about the value
ally77 said on August 21, 2004 15:37:
Maybe the value will increase in around another 30 years but now, not a lot!
ATLTK said on August 22, 2004 16:51:
the prices use to be around 800 for syrul 500 for soy una mujer etc at record shops or am i wrong?
Susi said on August 23, 2004 06:03:
Well, these things don’t really HAVE any value.. it’s just old paper and plastic... ;)
Of course, for a collector they might be worth money... it’s in the eye of the beholder...
per_mson said on August 24, 2004 14:08:
I agree with Susi. Take a stamp or a coin collector. The stamp is pure paper and the coin is usually made of metals that are not that valuable. Sure, a gold coin is worth what the market price for gold is at the moment, but for a collector it might be worth much more. Same thing with records. If a lot of people want the same thing and there are very few copies, then of course the price goes up... and the other way round. So Ted, saying that for instance that the Strul 7” is worth 800 SEK is up to you to claim. If you sell it and get that, well, fine... if you don’t... yeah, then noone else thought it was worth 800 SEK. As easy as that!
If one only collect to see how much money everything is worth one shouldn’t collect more. That’s waste of time in my opinion. I’m a collector, but I don’t care a bit what my records are worth or not worth. If I get a new record that is really easy to get that I didn’t have before that one is equally funny to own as one that might not be easy to get.
ATLTK said on August 25, 2004 12:34:
per: i´m with you but I alwys make up a list with “can be worth or i´ve paid prices” thats why
per_mson said on August 25, 2004 22:45:
@ted: Aha, ok! I always forget what I paid after I got something... I guess since it will never be for sale again! ;-)
Ferdan said on August 21, 2004 01:32:
11357 indonesian rupiahs or 5730 zambian kwachas