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How Annoying!!!

38 replies

people who munch things really loudly near me and don’t offer what ever they are eating

What little things in life annoy you, but don’t seem to annoy anyone else?

One of mine would be misuse of apostrophes.

People that talk too loudly on buses!!!!!

Oh wait... that annoys everybody ;)

People who are too lazy to clean up after the dogs!

Peope who drop cigerette ends!

People who leave chewing gum on the floor, or even worse on the seat of a bus!

People who do not flush the toliet in public places!

I think that is about it!

“Peope who drop cigerette ends!”... I would be guilty of this offence!!

“People who are too lazy to clean up after the dogs!”

Oops... I guess that’s me...

Aaargh... that one gets me too... I always offer!!

RoxHard... hope you get a big fine! ;)

Tis awful round here for dog mess, but simple answer is I report them to the dog warden!! :)

People who eat with their mouths open. Oh, that is just so gross! Also, people who make a lot of noise chewing. I can’t sit at a table with people who are doing that.

People who use handicapped parking spots without getting approval from the state.

Homophobic or racist people who insist they aren’t homophobic/racist. You can’t work on a problem unless you admit there is one!

People who TALK throughout concerts! Oh, that is a BIG one for me! Grrrrr! Also, people who get so slobbering drunk/stoned at concerts that they fall all over other people.

Line cutters at Disneyland. Grrrrr!

People who think all Americans support that arse-hole George Bush and his war in Iraq.

People who let their dogs roam the neighborhood unsupervised. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cleaned up garbage cans knocked over by these neglected animals.

That’s it for now, I’m sure I’ll think of more!

Comment removed by author

People who eat with their knife and fork in the wrong hand. Fork in left, knife in right. Not hard!

People who open lolly packets during movies.

What’s a lolly packet?

Sorry, in the USA you call it candy, right?

LOL who says what is the right way of using knife and fork? this is like telling the right way to sleep is on your back or on your belly :D

it annoys me when people talk and eat noisy stuff at the cinemas *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* if you damn want to talk why don’t you rent the DVD??? >:|

People who smoke even if there is a huge non-smoking sign standing in front of their noses. (Well smoke annoys me normally, but specially in these cases because if I am waiting or sitting in a non-smoking place is because i don’t wanna be annoyed by smoke!!)

Loud people who talk loud in the streets, cafes, bus, whatever. Guess what, Spain has become a hell for me now that I am used to the relative silence of Wien :D

Unpolite people, is it that hard to say THANK YOU and PLEASE?

I guess there is more and I don’t know if all this annoys everybody or just me, but anyway, here it is :)

I use my knife and fork that way! ;) even worse when I set the table..... lol!

@Judith and Ally: grrrrr!!!! Are you guys left handed? The cutlery thing probably annoys me more because my husband does it too!

All I can say is that the rules of ettiquette were written long before we were born. Many of which seem to either have been forgotten or are ignored in this day and age.


coat hangers and purfume adverts

Yes I am a leftie! ;)

For me: Fork in left hand, knife in right. That’s how I’ve always done it :)

Very Good! :)

People who don’t use the signal to indicate a change of lane or a turn when driving.

Talking through a movie, (THE THEATRE IS NOT YOUR LIVING ROOM—WE CAN HEAR YOU!), or eating popcorn loudly or people who can’t get a babysitter and bring thier squalling infant or toddler and don’t leave when the child starts disrupting the movie.

People who carry on loud cell phone conversations in public (and then regard everyone around them as though they’re eaves droppers in on a private moment).

I drive a bus.

There’s TOO MUCH to list

-queue jumpers
-people who pee in the street
-nightclub bouncers
-people who think u are their slave/look down on u cos u work in a shop!
-pay as you go fones running out of credit
-tax of any sort esp council tax- what for????

What’s a charver??

charver, never heard the word before, but after a quick web search i think it is a northern english slang term for what we call in scotland “neds”..... the north american equivalent is probably “rednecks”, not sure what they are called in other parts of the world.

oh, and my pet hates.....
people who are impolite....
queue jumpers
people who have a story for every situation, even though most of their stories are improbable or unbelievable.
selfish people
arrogant people
americans who vote george bush.


Hey love hypocrites... they’re just complicated ppl! I can’t handle ppl not speaking/living their truth!!

Sorry, you were right about the word charver, some people call them townies. They’re the ones in the tracksuits with the burberry caps, gold chains etc etc

Thanks for clearing that up. :)

Danish Drivers!

I hate “so called” friends ignoring you, unless they want to tell you something.

1. People who do not pay attention when you are talking to them.

2. People who ask stupid questions or questions they should already now the answer of (sometimes caused by point 1)

3. Traffic jams

Well, I’m gay and I hate hysterical guys. They think just about body and nice faces. Don’t care the people as a human being...

And sometimes, when I’m in a hurry and I need to do an important call. I look for a public telephone, but always someone is using it. But you hear he/she talk about really silly things... And he/she talk a lot, even seeing you are waiting... Move on!!!

1. neds/townies/rednecks...etc
2. bad manners
3. bad personal hygiene
4. q jumpers
5. rain combined with wind...the worst weather ever.
6. rude bus drivers....that’s fucking irritating
7. Patronising people.
8. People who ram their personality down your throat the first time you meet them.....especially in work situations......

that’s about it for now. oam

1. People who mind my own business!
2. Hyprocate
3. Terrorism


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