2nd single off F5F - dates?
sweepi said on August 18, 2004 16:55:
Well, I mean an upcoming single to the double A-sided “En Sten Vid En Sjö I En Skog / Tuffa Tider “. :) And tevensso’s answer just grew my curiosity, if so it is (100%?) certain at this point that there is to be a follow up single, yes? :)
arnie said on August 18, 2004 14:19:
you mean the 3rd single, right?
there were 2 singles released as double a-side
colinvdbel (moderator) said on August 18, 2004 14:49:
thats still one single..with a double a-side ;)
Zargo said on August 19, 2004 13:39:
I wasn’t expecting it... thought it was a little too crowd-pleasing.
Jud (moderator) said on August 19, 2004 20:25:
it was a reply to Mi, I was not sure if she had seen the front page as she wrote “rumours say” :P
sweepi said on August 17, 2004 17:35:
Any date(s) yet in perspective for an upcoming (if there is to be one of course) 2nd single off “Finn Fem Fel” ?...