The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
The Daily Roxette discussions forum has been closed. The forum is only available as a read-only archive.


What the fuck is this topic about?

I was just trying...
don’t be mad for this.

guess what?
It works!! :)

So, this topic is just to say nothing. Ok,I like it! :D

Well, let´s say something... Something such as ... “Roxette is the best”.

Hi, niala!

Cheers, Roxlight! (Roxette is the best!)

without doubt!Obviously they are THE BEST!

Yes!!! they are the best!!! :-D

hi to roxette fans

maybe we should like feed each other with roxette news or something

that would be great, but there is no news on Roxette world... maybe we should make up some news...


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